Self-Confidence & Style / Self-Image / Styling Tips

How Your Clothes Affect Your Energy

How your clothes affect your energy

Is what you choose to wear helping you to live your biggest, best most juicy life? Or…is it holding you back? Keeping you small & hidden from the world? Keeping you safe, but at the same time feeling epically bored, unfulfilled & maybe just a little bit pissed off?


Imagine this…It’s a damp chilly Saturday morning & you’ve just woken up & had your first cup of coffee. You look inside your  fridge & it’s as empty & barren as the Arctic tundra. You have no choice but to get some groceries. It’s literally the last thing you want to do. You look down at the comfy gray sweat pants & tee shirt you slept in & think “Ya, I’ll just throw a jacket over this & call it done.” You get to the grocery store, turn the corner down the first aisle and…oh shit. Right in front of you is one of your coworkers. You can’t avoid her because the dreaded eye contact has already been made. As she approaches to chat you up, you can feel yourself shrinking inside. The entire duration of the conversation you’re self-consciously tugging on your jacket, adjusting the waistband on your sweats. You have no idea what’s even being said because all you can think is “Omg…get me outtaaaa here.”

Now imagine the same scenario, but instead…you took a few extra minutes to throw on that cute cozy sweater in your favorite color & the jeans that know the curve of your ass better than any partner ever has. You strut down that grocery store aisle like it’s your own personal runway. You. Are. Owning. It. Now how does that conversation with the coworker play out? More importantly, how do you feel? Like the amazing badass that you are? Yep, ya do.

Same situation, but totally different energy amirite? That’s because your style, confidence & self-image are 100% interconnected.

Believe me, I’ve lived out both of those scenarios more than once. And my friend, there’s no denying the power of a good outfit. A good outfit is a game changer. It makes you feel more confident, more empowered, more ready to kick ass & take names. What you choose to wear affects your entire vibe.

It’s crazy how something as seemingly mundane as what you decide to wear for the day has the power to kick off a series of psychological processes that affect your mood, your feelings, your emotions & your self-perception. Crazy or not, it’s a fact. There was actually a scientific study done several years ago that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the power that clothing has in regard to our self-image.

So why would you not take advantage of something that’s so easy to do & so good for you, especially because you have to do it every day anyway?

how your style affects your energy


If you want an accurate assessment of how what you’re throwing on your body every day is affecting you then you need to get really honest with yourself about how you’re dressing. And by how I mean not only what pieces of clothing you’re choosing to wear, but also how you’re going about putting your outfits together.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I choosing to wear most days of the week?
  • Do I have a default outfit that I fall back on when I don’t want to think about getting dressed? If so, what is it?
  • When I look in my closet/drawers do I love what’s in there or does it make me feel uninspired or maybe I’m ambivalent about it?
  • Do I put thought into what I’m putting on my body each day or do I just grab whatever’s easiest?

Your answers to these questions are important. They get right to the heart of the matter. Your answers will tell you exactly how your clothes are affecting your energy. Your clothing is an indicator of how you really feel about yourself. It’s an indicator of where you’re headed & what you’re calling into your life. Your clothing is a concrete visual of how you feel about yourself.

If you aren’t already, then it’s about damn time that you start being intentional about what you wear. Start choosing to dress as your most confident, mind blowing, badass self. This will completely change your inner narrative. You’re giving yourself actual visual evidence of your own badassery. And when you do that, you start to live your life accordingly.

The thing is, better more aligned style isn’t just about the clothes. It’s about who you are & who you’re evolving into. It creates a solid foundation on which you’ll be able to create the big juicy life you’ve been craving.

If you’re ready to start leveling up your outfits (and your life), but aren’t exactly sure where to start, I suggest beginning with my Discover Your Soul Style Quiz. Knowing exactly what your personal style is half the battle when it comes to getting dressed.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…

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Marsha Banks
2 years ago

It never fails, right? You just need to pop into the store to get one daggone thing, and there is the person you least want to see! I have been falling more and more into the before scenario because so few people know me in this town. But, I also know I feel like sh*t when I’m out and about because I didn’t give that sh*t to get dressed right. I gotta remember this post, Debbie, because I don’t deserve to feel like that anymore! Thanks for the reminder!

Suzy Turner
2 years ago

“Start choosing to dress as your most confident, mind blowing, badass self.”
YEESSSSSSSSSS I freaking love that, Debbie!!
huge hugs
Suzy xx

2 years ago

If anyone still wears sweatpants and a old tee after reading this post, they are beyond rescuing. Lol. The way you write it is hilarious abs I’m loving it!

2 years ago

This is a good reminder. I’m bad about wearing my cozy clothes all day, but I get more done in my working clothes. It makes a difference.

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