Let me start by saying my dogs are indeed thugs. And I love them regardless; maybe even more so because of their rebel ninja hearts. And yes, about a month ago, they did lift my camera remote from my desk, but I discovered the crime before any damage was done. But with that being said, they did not steal my remote this time. I was looking for it again after work. I figured it was already destroyed, but because I was afraid Bawb the bulldog would swallow it and hurt himself I wanted to find it. My husband, who after a hundred years with me, knows how my mind works, asked what I was wearing the last time I used it. I checked my Instagram and blog to see what outfit I had on the last time (see, social media has it’s uses) and after some foraging in the laundry there it was…in the pocket of my faux leather joggers. My husband is a genius, I tell ya. And since I had already ordered a new one, I’ll now have an extra to keep safe and sound in my camera bag…and obviously I won’t be keeping either of them on my computer desk. I profusely apologized to both of my wrongly accused babies and gave them lots of hugs and kisses. I’m sure they were just thinking, “Wow, mom’s strangely happy to see us after work today. Must have been a rough day. Wonder if she has some cheese…”
This is the outfit I wore during the day on New Year’s Eve when we went to Foxburg. It was crazy cold (not crazy cold like now, but cold enough) so the turtleneck layered under the floral print sweater was a necessity. The stripes brought some print mix to the party, while the boyfriend jeans and Bearpaws kept it casual and comfortable for a short road trip. Of course the evening outfit required some bling and fancier footwear which you can check out here if you’re so inclined.
Linking up with: Confident Twosday, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Tremendous Tuesday, Trend Spin Link Up, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me, Wednesday Blog Hop, Random Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said So, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday.
Sweater: Nordstrom (No longer available); Turtleneck: Old Navy; Jeans: GAP (similar); Boots: Bearpaw