Plain and simple is the theme for today. This is one of those outfits that looked better in my head. I’m entitled to an off day every once in awhile though. It’s okay with me if I’m only fabulous 98.9% of the time! And the other 1.1% is the reality of life. Since this blog is about how I dress in real life, reality is what you get even if it is one of the 1.1% days.
I love reading blogs and getting to know such cool people from all around the world. A lot of the blogs I follow, and truly enjoy, feature women with lives that just look so crazy fun and their outfits are always killer. I’m not delusional. I know that even they, in all of their gorgeous perfection, have off days. They just choose not to share them on their blog. And that’s cool with me, they’re beautiful and inspiring.
But for me, I don’t mind showing the not so great outfits every once in awhile. Do I do it all of the time? No. There are plenty of times that something I wore just doesn’t make the cut. Am I going to show you the sweats I laze around the house in on the weekends? No. I just feel better keepin’ it real for the most part though. I actually have some shots I did a few weeks ago of an outfit I absolutely love. I thought about using those in place of today’s outfit, but this one isn’t horrifying by any stretch and like I said, it’s reality. What do you guys think…do you only post your very best looks or are you okay with the occasional “eh” outfit?
Linking up with: Fashion Item Friday, Passion For Fashion Link Up, Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, and Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.