gray sweatshirt / JCPenney / leopard print slip-ons / Old Navy / Sears / Tilly's / white sheer blouse / white skinny jeans

In Neutral: Off White Skinny Jeans, Gray Sweatshirt, White Blouse And Leopard Slip-ons

     Plain and simple is the theme for today. This is one of those outfits that looked better in my head. I’m entitled to an off day every once in awhile though. It’s okay with me if I’m only fabulous 98.9% of the time! And the other 1.1% is the reality of life. Since this blog is about how I dress in real life, reality is what you get even if it is one of the 1.1% days.
     I love reading blogs and getting to know such cool people from all around the world. A lot of the blogs I follow, and truly enjoy, feature women with lives that just look so crazy fun and their outfits are always killer. I’m not delusional. I know that even they, in all of their gorgeous perfection, have off days. They just choose not to share them on their blog. And that’s cool with me, they’re beautiful and inspiring.
     But for me, I don’t mind showing the not so great outfits every once in awhile. Do I do it all of the time? No. There are plenty of times that something I wore just doesn’t make the cut. Am I going to show you the sweats I laze around the house in on the weekends? No. I just feel better keepin’ it real for the most part though. I actually have some shots I did a few weeks ago of an outfit I absolutely love. I thought about using those in place of today’s outfit, but this one isn’t horrifying by any stretch and like I said, it’s reality. What do you guys think…do you only post your very best looks or are you okay with the occasional “eh” outfit?

Linking up with: Fashion Item FridayPassion For Fashion Link UpStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, and Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

Jeans: Old Navy (Similar);  Sweatshirt: JCPenney (No longer available);  Blouse: Sears (No longer available);  Shoes: Tilly’s (No longer available)

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10 years ago

Debbie – this is great, if this is an off-day I’m going to hibernate and never come out again. I love those soft colours and your layering is just great.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  fashion-mommy
10 years ago

Haha! You’re too cute! Thank you for the kind words!

Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

You are the second lady this week that I have seen rocking a Monochrome White+Soft Gray Outfit and trying the cropped sweatshirt with a button-down underneath. I quite like it. Awesome job!

Have a Great Weekend Debbie!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Thanks Ada!

10 years ago

I love this shade, it’s so pretty.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Imogen
10 years ago

Thank you Imogen!

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I don’t share everything but I certainly have outfits that looked a whole lot better in my mirror than they do in photos which I’ve posted before. It is a learning experience. Like my husband likes to point out, ” You can’t always be right Suzanne” …WHAT? ; ) so it is good to try to learn from one’s mistakes.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Yep…and clothes are supposed to be fun…even with a not so great combo. 🙂

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Look at you Debbie! This is so pretty on you. It enhances your natural hair and skin tones beautifully! It feels great to be bake and now to see all I have missed here. Thanks for your loyalty to *FiF* and for your dear friendship. ♥, Renae

Renae of Simple Sequins
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

urgh (can’t type correctly tho), *back! lol

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Good to see you my friend! I’ve missed you too. 🙂

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Okay, we must be our own worst critics because I adore this outfit but I can see how you’d look at it and think it bland and pedestrian. My OOTD yesterday felt boring to me too but one of my blogger buddies put it in perspective for me: to us, our outfits feel ordinary but to our readers, they’re new and fun since they’ve not seen them before we post them. I, too, believe in publishing the real and not the contrived but since I take all my photos the weekend before, I have your exact opposite problem: I have… Read more »

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

That’s a good way of looking at it, never thought of it that way. Back in the fall I was doing all my shots on the weekend, but then I started doing them day by day. Both have their pros and cons.

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

looking great loving the tone on tone look. Like you I put it all up there even when I am not quite feeling it cuz that is just how I looked that day. it’s what makes blogging real to me

Linda Cassidy
Reply to  Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

yea on removing the word verification so much easier to comment

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

I agree. I removed the word verification at Sacramento’s request! 🙂

Lady parisienne
10 years ago

Great urban outfit, you look nice!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Lady parisienne
10 years ago

Thanks so much!

Love, Iris
10 years ago

Love this outfit on you! I love the preppy outfit your doing here! Look’s so fun and it goes so well with your beautiful hair! Love it!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Love, Iris
10 years ago

Thanks Iris!

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Great outfit Debbie, love the colour 🙂 Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop…

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Thanks Claire!

10 years ago

I’m not much of one to wear monochromatic-esque looks myself, but it definitely doesn’t look bad! And I could never do what you do of outfit posts every day. Purely because of laziness. I love getting dressed but taking the photos is not as much fun, haha!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Rachel
10 years ago

I’ve got it down to a science…I know where the best lighting is at certain times of day, where exactly to position the camera, etc so I get it done pretty quickly. The five days a week thing is kind of my OCD kicking in…ha!

Lena B, Actually
10 years ago

You look fab, as always!! Thanks for linking up for Passion For Fashion this week! ♥

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Lena B, Actually
10 years ago

Thanks Lena!

Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

I like this look especially with the slip ons. I post both all of my looks. I just try not to repeat any on the blog. 🙂


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

Thanks Mo! I try not to repeat as well and I try to post the good and the bad… 🙂

10 years ago

You look super in this! That is a pretty good off day outfit if you ask me! 🙂 Have a great Sunday! xx

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  SweetCandyDreamer
10 years ago

Thanks love!

10 years ago

Hehe, yep, I’ve posted some “Meh” outfits too. Like you, I post what I really wear. So hey, if I walked around in the outfit for everybody here to see, I might as well show y’all too :o)

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
10 years ago

I agree!

10 years ago

Love this outfit, the shoes are fab! Most importantly though I love your hair! Its amazing!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  ghostwritermummy
10 years ago

Awww…thank you so much!

10 years ago

LOVE the shoes with this outfit – yes girl! Leopard anything please!!
Nikki at

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Nikki
10 years ago

Absolutely yes to leopard anything!!

Andrea Couscousandcorkwedges
10 years ago

This is a perfectly styled casual look Debbie & its sad you weren’t feeling it as you look great! xx

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