Boho / boho outfit / JCPenney / Payless / Shein

Ivory Floral Maxi Dress & Ankle Tie Sandals: Hold A Sign

Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest.

On my way through town the other day, I noticed a group of about twenty kids on the sidewalk holding signs…


…They were elementary sized, wearing matching shirts and holding up signs on both sides of the street. I of course assumed they were holding a car wash at one of the nearby businesses to fund raise for a youth group of some kind. As I got closer and could actually read the signs, I realized that wasn’t the case.

These small humans (with a few adult chaperones) were holding signs that said things like: “You Are Special”, “You Are Important”, “Someone Loves You”, and “You Matter” among others. They were smiling and waving at every single car that passed. And how could you not smile and wave back at such an overwhelming display of kindness? It actually made me tear up a little bit. They were doing their little bit to try and make the world a better place. And I think that we can all agree that we need more of that right now.

The world is currently an uncertain and sometimes ugly place, and I believe that it’s more important than ever for each and every one of us to do our little bit to make it a better place. Whether it’s a smile and a kind word to a stranger, an unexpected compliment, holding the door for the person coming in behind you or simply using manners (remember those?), even the little things can make a difference.

The sad thing is, when I was the age those kids are, there was no need to stand along the road with signs telling people that someone loved them. People were simply nicer. They were kinder to one another and most people knew they were loved by someone, and the world wasn’t yet the terrifying mess that it is now. Don’t get me wrong, I realize that ugly things went on and that there were mean people in the world. For God’s sake I grew up in a house with one. What I’m saying is that overall, as a society, human beings were not quite as off the rails as they are today.

And I think we each have a responsibility to help get things back on the rails. It’s hard not to think, “I’m one person. How can what I do even matter?” I believe that it does matter. Even if it’s just a drop in a very big bucket and even if that bucket has holes in it, it does matter. So go ahead and smile at the person you pass on the sidewalk. Hold the door for the person coming out. Compliment the checkout girl at Walmart on her gorgeous hair color. Make sure the people that are important to you know that you love them. Stand on the side of the road and hold a sign if that’s what it takes damn it.


I’m loving this ivory floral maxi dress that I recently received c/o Shein. It’s lightweight so it’s perfect for the heat of summer, and by the same token that will make it a fabulous layering piece once cooler weather returns. And I can’t tell you how happy I was that it wasn’t too long for my 5’2″ elfin-sized self. That’s the main reason I often avoid maxi dresses; I’m simply too lazy to go to the seamstress to get them hemmed.

Although it’s pretty, I thought the dress needed a little something added to it. Initially I was going to go with a belt, but then I remembered this tie front swimsuit cover up that I wear as a long vest/duster. Since it too has a high-low hemline they were made for each other don’t you think? And speaking of the high-low hemline, I love that it shows off my super cute ankle tie sandals that I found at Payless. Bonus points for the sandals because the heel is the exact height of my robot boot so no limping was involved. I could almost walk like a normal person which was a pleasant change.


Layering, even in the summer, is the easiest way to add something to an outfit that needs a little pizzazz.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest.Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest. Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest.Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest. Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest.Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest. Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest.Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest. Ivory floral maxi dress, ankle tie sandals and long vest.

Dress: c/o Shein;  Vest/Cover-up: JCPenney (Similar);  Sandals: Payless

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What could possibly be better than a wood watch? How about $100 towards a Jord Wood Watch of your own! Simply click the link, enter your name and email address and you’ll be entered to win $100 towards the watch of your choice. One lucky person will win, but everyone who enters receives a code worth $25 once the contest ends!!

The giveaway will close June 25, 2017 at 11:59pm. Both the $100 and the $25 codes will expire on September 30, 2017.

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Cindy La
7 years ago

Lovely outfit — and a lovely post, too. I felt a sweet overflow of emotion when I read the part about the children holding up those affirmative signs, too! You’re so right about the state of incivility today, and it seems to be getting worse. I blame social media, in part, for fanning the flames of incivility and making it easier for people to insult one another, boast about themselves, and say rude things while hiding behind a computer monitor or a cell phone. But I find that the world seems friendlier — and I do too — when I… Read more »

Cheryl Tucker
7 years ago

This is a nice post! I agree it all starts one person at a time. On Saturday I was going in to the drug store and a lady pulled up and obviously wanted to get in before me. I slowed down to let her go in and she just let the door slam in my face. She was my age or older and I was shocked. Doesn’t our generation have better manners? I would never do that. But just because she behaved that way doesn’t mean I have to. I will try even harder to be considerate of others. One… Read more »

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

What a gorgeous maxi, Debbie!! Tis the season for maxis I think—the summer just brings them out in full force!
And here’s me with my sign—–Be Kind!!

Sheela Goh
7 years ago

What an absolutely beautiful thing, those children with the signs. And blessed be the one(s) who came up with the idea. There’s so much ugliness and malice floating around in the world, it’s become oppressive to just be human. There is an increasing lack of genuine interest in people, in life. In things that are alive. In things that matter. So many walk around acting entitled. Indifferent, callous, and jaded. It’s SO sad. I know I don’t do enough but I will try harder.

7 years ago

Love your thoughts in this post, Deb! There is so much power in a simple act of kindness. We can literally alter the course of another’s day, sometimes even their life, just by acknowledging them with a compliment or a conversation.

As for your fabulous look, what a great idea to add the long vest over the maxi! Works perfectly together (I actually thought it was one dress)! The soft hues look gorgeous with your coloring. Really pretty!


7 years ago

Such a gorgeous maxi dress! I love that you added a vest on top to make a peek a boo effect with the floral print

7 years ago

I hope you can get rid of that cast soon. Great look. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

Shelbee on the Edge
7 years ago

Debbie, I love this fabulous post! And your gorgeous dress! I just snagged those same sandals at Payless, too. They are unbelievably comfortable, too! I walked all day on them the first time I wore them with absolutely no issues. And I couldn’t agree more with your message. We grew up in a kinder world then the one we live in now. So how is it that we got here? I always say that I make a point to compliment one stranger every day…and I am just now realizing that I do that with so much ease that I often… Read more »

7 years ago

Those kids are amazing! It’s the small things that can really make someones day and make an impact! I love that you layered your coverup over the dress! This is such a chic look!

Doused In Pink

7 years ago

Such a perfect dress for summer! I just love seeing moments like this of kindness being spread.

7 years ago

Pretty, pretty dress, and of course I love the layers! Aww, that was so sweet to read about the children and the signs. Yes, you cannot help but smile at such sentiments.

Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!

Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots

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