Yes, I realize this outfit might be a hair off the beaten path for me. Typically I’m sporting some element that doesn’t quite belong and I never, ever dress like a teacher unless I have no choice in the matter. And this outfit is admittedly rather teacher-esque. The thing is, you gotta keep ’em guessing. When I wear something like this to work it confuses people. I like that. The unexpected is good. And I love that my unexpected is everyone else’s idea of expected; therefore the expected becomes the unexpected. How’s that for a riddle wrapped inside of an enigma?
To save myself from an acute case of neutral overload, the khaki shorts, nude wedges and white tank needed a bright spot. Hence, the lite-brite red sheer blouse. Lite-brite red…maybe that should be the next Pantone color of the year. Sometimes an all neutral palette is a good thing; no color required. But if you’re feeling froggy, then add a hit of just about any bright color to liven things up a bit.
Linking up with: Random Wednesdays, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, The Wednesday Pants, Bless Your Heart Link Up, Thursday Fashion Files, Throwback Thursday, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, What I Wore To Work, A Labour Of Fashion, Top Of The World Style Link Up.
Shorts: Victoria’s Secret (Old); Blouse: JCPenney (Old); Sandals: Old Navy (No longer available online)