Boho Style / casual style

Kimono As A Top & Black Ankle Boots: We Were One

Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts.

If you have stopped by the blog during the last week, you know how excited I was for the eclipse. Although I am in an area that had only 80% coverage, it was a truly amazing sight to behold. My daughter and I watched it from beginning to end. We already have plans for 2024 when we are directly in the path of totality. This year’s eclipse though, was more than a breathtaking natural spectacle…


…For a moment in time, it brought the majority of us back together again as a country, as one people. And we certainly needed that right now, probably more than any time in recent history.

The individual currently occupying the Oval Office has no qualms about dividing us. As a matter of fact, he seems to thrive on it. Speaking for myself, the more time goes on, the more our government becomes nothing more than a sleazy reality show but with life and death consequences, the harder and harder it gets for me to understand those who support him. The ugly and painful events that unfolded a few weeks ago were a golden moment to unite us all again, and I prayed that would happen. But as the world knows, it didn’t.

But the eclipse? It did what our leader was unable (and unwilling) to do. Will it last? I’m not being a pessimist, I’m being a realist. I doubt it. But…for the few hours that the eclipse was happening, we were all on the same page. Our collective attention was on one single beautiful event that we could all be a part of regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation. The camaraderie that happened where large groups were gathered was palpable. We were one.

To me, that proves that we still have it in us. We aren’t that far gone. We need to carry that feeling forward. We need to live our lives like every day is a total eclipse of the sun.


This is the first kimono that I ever owned. I bought it at JCPenney about four years ago. Since then my collection has grown substantially. I never really loved this print, so this kimono doesn’t get out much. The other day I decided to try something different with it, so I belted it and made it into a top. I’m really kind of loving how it turned out and plan on trying it with my other kimonos too. I did add a hidden safety pin since although my lace bralette is pretty, I didn’t necessarily feel the need to share it with the world.

The ankle boots are the black version of my brown Birkenstock ankle boots that I’m currently crushing on. Just like their brown counterpart, they have a removable Birk footbed and are perfectly soft and slouchy. I will repeat what I said previously though just FYI, many online reviewers say that they were unable to get their foot into the boot due to the angle of the shaft. I personally can slide my foot right in, but I did want you to be aware of that.


Get creative. Think of different ways to wear pieces in your wardrobe; they aren’t necessarily locked in to their intended use. For example, I have worn a vest as a scarf, a duster as a dress, and a dress as a duster/jacket. Today by simply adding a belt (and a safety pin) I turned a kimono into a top and I could just as easily turn one of my long kimonos into a dress the same way.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts. Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts.Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts. Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts.Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts. Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts.Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts. Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts.Kimono as a top, black ankle boots and denim shorts.

Kimono: JCPenney (Similar);  Shorts: Old Navy (Similar);  Boots: Birkenstock via

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Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Great perspective on how we were all one, Debbie!
And fabulous idea of pulling the kimono together to make it a top!! How is it I never thought of that?

7 years ago

I love the kimono belted! A new way to wear them and looks more finished somehow. Thanks for your thoughts. Totally agree.

7 years ago

I love what you wrote in this post and how you worded it. It is so true. What our president or the government cannot do, mother Nature can. Though I did not watch the eclipse, I loved watching each totality on TV live and they were beautiful. Michigan only experienced about 70% of it so it looked like one big black cloud.

This outfit is a little edgy and totally boho – like your style. You did a great job with that kimono which looks like a wrap top. I love when we wear clothes differently than their original purpose.

7 years ago

Well said Debbie! It was nice that the eclipse was something fun and exciting for everyone to enjoy together . In 2024 I would love to be in PA to really experience it in totality – so cool. Love that you belted the kimono, I’ve never tried it before but it’s such a good idea! Also thanks for the rec of Pipdig. I noticed awhile ago that you and Jennie both used Pipdig and I’ve poked around their site a bit. Your endorsement helps, it’s great to know you had a good experience. Hope you’re enjoying what’s left of Summer… Read more »

Cathy V.
7 years ago

Debbie – you nailed it with your content and your outfit in this post! I did love how the eclipse brought us all together. Although I didn’t have any special glasses to watch it, it was amazing knowing that people across this country were doing the exact same thing together at the same time. Pretty cool. I have a few kimonos myself but never thought to belt them and wear them as blouses. This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

7 years ago

Debbie, the only thing I want to say is this; I’m glad that I live in Canada…

This look is amazing and I love how you turned that kimono into a top. As always, you look amazing!

Suzy Turner
7 years ago

This outfit is so you, Debbie! I absolutely love it. The colours, the print, the boots… perfect! I wish we could’ve seen the eclipse but over here in Portugal there was little chance of that. But at least you got to see it, and at least the country were on one page… if just for a short moment in time <3 <3
Suzy xx
Suzy Turner at Yogadocious

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

Great idea, Debbie. That kimono makes a gorgeous top! Isn’t it wonderful that things like the eclipse can bring us all together and for a few moments we can forget the things that we so obsess over? Thanks for sharing your thoughts. – Amy

7 years ago

Glad to hear you got a good view of the eclipse Debbie, love this look. What a great way to dress up shorts 🙂 Thanks for stopping by the weekend blog hop.

7 years ago

Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party with your great look. I love that you styled the kimono as a blouse rather than the usual way as kimono.

Cristina - Memories of the Pacific
7 years ago

Wonderful idea! I love kimonos but I had never thought of wearing them as a top.

Thanks for joining us at Thursday Moda Linkup 🙂

7 years ago

We were really excited about the eclipse, too. The boys and I watched it together and it was a lot of fun just hanging out and sharing the experience together. We were in the path of totality and it was so cool. It did feel like we were all united for this event.

Great outside the box thinking with this kimono! I have tried mine knotted before as something different, and now I need to give this a try. Those booties do look really comfy.

Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!

Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots

7 years ago

Hi Debbie! First of all, I love the way you styled this kimono as a blouse. You have been inspiring me for a long time. 🙂 And secondly, I could not agree more about the experience of the eclipse. And like you, I find myself falling into despair that our current government will be able to “bring us together.” thanks for linking up, xo


Michelle Orsi
7 years ago

I can’t get enough of your colorful top! It puts a smile on my face!

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