Is it just me, or are there others out there who find the whole concept of Black Friday shopping on Thursday to be a problem…
…Here’s the thing, first of all, ummm…it’s Thursday. Thursday is not, has never been, nor will it ever be, Friday. So calling it a Black Friday sale is nonsensical. Second, and more importantly, Thursday is Thanksgiving. It’s freakin’ Thanksgiving people!! Seriously, what the hell? Time goes quickly enough (see Monday’s post) so why rush it? Let Thanksgiving have it’s moment of glory. Christmas gets a solid run of weeks so why can’t poor Thanksgiving just have a day?
Thanksgiving is supposed to be the mother of all family holidays. That is what it’s all about. Being together, being thankful, enjoying one another’s company. I just finished teaching a unit on the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving…trust me, they did not hold that first feast to celebrate mass consumerism. Look, I don’t come from people who are much of a family. They don’t act like a family, they don’t treat one another like family and quite honestly the vast majority of them are absurd and truly unlikable humans. (I’m not being harsh, I am simply speaking the truth. It’s my reality and I’m cool with it.)
But with that being said Thanksgiving is kind of a big deal to me. My immediate family, the family that I made; my tribe, we actually want to be together on Thanksgiving. We want to eat, drink and be merry. We want to hang out and chill. And by hanging out and chilling I don’t mean standing outside freezing our tails off in line with a rabid horde eagerly awaiting the poor sales associate at Target to throw open the doors. I mean lounging around in a turkey induced semi-comatose state chatting about whatever nonsense catches our fancy inside a warm cozy house.
Keep in mind friends that I’m not passing judgement here. If shopping on Thanksgiving is your thang, then have at it. I’m just saying that like many things in the world, I don’t get it. But at least let’s call it what it is. It’s not Black Friday. It’s not “Pre-Black Friday”. It’s Thursday. It’s Thanksgiving.
I ain’t gonna lie, the pictures tell the story…this is definitely a casual outfit, buuttt…the kitten heel pumps and knit hoodie (as opposed to a sweatshirt) throw in a little twist. It’s comfortable and casual yet still pulled together enough to wear out in the world and still look good. Now, had I swapped out the pumps for Adidas it would have been perfect for grocery shopping and errands. But with the pumps, it became work appropriate.
This particular knit hoodie I don’t wear often. In fact I’ve only worn it twice and I’m considering relegating it to the “lounging around the house” section of my wardrobe. Why? Although I love that it’s a hoodie in sweater form and it’s blush pink which I adore, I just cannot with the wrinkles. Look closely, okay, honestly you don’t really even have to look all that closely; the wrinkles are apparent. No matter what I do, they simply do not disappear. And it bugs the crap out of me. So, as much as I like it, I see it spending much of the rest of it’s lifespan chillin’ on my couch.
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times…your choice of footwear can literally make all the difference in an outfit.
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Sweater: Forever 21 (Similar); Joggers: Similar; Shoes: Rialto Shoes (Similar)