cami / camisole / casual outfit / casual style / coat / GAP / JCPenney / jeans / style tips / t-shirt / tee shirt / Winter outfit / Winter style

Lace Cami & White Tee Shirt: The Irrelevance Of Beauty

Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl.

I love Instagram, really I do. I’m not necessarily a fan of the new algorithm, but hey, it is what it is. Lately though, I along with several other Instagrammers have noticed an uptick in a rather irritating trend…


I have an app that tracks my Instagram stats because as I said Friday, while I make it a point not to obsess, I do like to keep track of what’s going on in regard to my numbers. For whatever reason, recently there has been a high number of individuals (as in several a day) who follow an account and then if you happen to follow back they unfollow directly thereafter.

I only follow an account if I truly like it; something about it interests and or engages me. Hence, if I follow, or in this case, follow back it is because I like what I see. Do you know what I don’t like? Blatant rudeness and disrespect. I do not tolerate it in my real life so I’m most certainly not going to tolerate it in my online life. I do not take sh*t from people that I know so taking it from people that I have never met just ain’t happenin’. I don’t care how beautiful or inspiring you or your feed is, if you’re an a**hole then the beauty is irrelevant and all that is left is ugly.

Remember last year’s post when I tracked down and called out a blog troll? Well, along a similar vein, that’s how I’ve started dealing with accounts that play this nasty game (and some will do it repeatedly). When it happens, I very briefly call them out in the comments of their most recent post. And then I block the account. Done and done. Do they in all likelihood delete the comment? Sure. Did it make them stop and think for a hot second? Maybe, maybe not. The thing is, people need to be held accountable for their behavior. Even if that accountability is a brief delete-able comment from a complete stranger.

Am I being petty? Perhaps. But guess what? I don’t care. Now more than ever it is so very important that we all make an effort to be better to people; to treat others with kindness, or at the very least with respect. And that includes our interactions in the cyber world.


I know, some might think that this outfit is all about the leopard coat. And yep, it is pretty fabulous. But what I’m loving as of late is the look of a lace cami layered over a basic tee shirt. It’s my new favorite cool girl layering trick. Not that it’s particularly new, but it’s new to me. And I really like the look of it. It’s a similar riff to layering a slip dress over a tee, which I’m also loving. It’s all casual here paired with denim, but it works just as well with a skirt or a pair of dress pants. This particular lace cami is from AE and it’s currently on clearance for under $12. It’s soft, comfortable and perfect for layering so check it out if you’re thinking this is something you might want to try.


Layer a lace cami over a basic tee. Try it, you might like it…


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl.Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl. Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl. Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl.Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl. Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl. Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl.Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl. Lace cami, white tee shirt and leopard coat. How to layer like a cool girl.

Cami: American Eagle;  Cardigan: Boohoo (Similar);  Jeans: GAP (Similar);  Coat: JCPenney (Similar)

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8 years ago

I am totally uneducated when it comes to social media. I find it all overwhelming. IG seems very shallow to me but is so hugely popular it can’t be ignored.

I rarely look at my numbers but like you I only follow people that I truly want to follow.


8 years ago

I recently started my own blog and yours is one of the first I looked at. I like your individual style and I really enjoy your intelligent commentary! Keep up the good work!

Nancy Baten
8 years ago

I don t even own a lace cami! Damn, I don t want to buy anything in Januari. You Don t make it any easier😂😂 But I have a gold glitter one! It s a great idea to wear it over a tee, I will try it!

8 years ago

That is my biggest pet peeve with Instagram too! Love the cami layered over your tee! Such a great look!

Doused In Pink

Amy Christensen
8 years ago

I never thought I would get into the lace cami trend as a top, but layering it over a tee, that I could do! While I try to do some stuff on IG, my time is full, so I spend more time on the blog and Facebook, so I haven’t had those same issues. It would be nice if people would all just chill and do stuff because they enjoy it, not because they want to get more likes or what ever. I get that the numbers are important, but that shouldn’t be what it is about. And people should… Read more »

8 years ago

I have noticed this a lot on Instagram lately. I have not followed anyone in a while over there cos as soon as I follow them they delete me. Really bugs me too. You have snow, I think we are getting some soon. Love your jacket Debbie, it looks warm and cosy 🙂 Thanks for linknig up.

8 years ago

This is a super cute look and one I should try. I never thought a cami would look this cool over a tee. Kudos!! I am not big on Instagram , so numbers mean zero to me. Enjoy your cooler temps.

8 years ago

I’m glad that I’m not the only one with this pet peeve. A lace cami over a tee is a great idea and a fabulous way to add coverage if the cami is on the skimpy side.


8 years ago

I need to get my hands on that leopard coat!

8 years ago

I like the lace cami over the tee! And that coat is just fabulous!

And yes, the whole follow/unfollow business is really annoying. Especially when it happens more than ones. My understanding is that many use an app based on hashtags, etc. and never even really see whom they are following/unfollowing. And the app automatically unfollows everyone a few days later. A local blogger whom I was in contact with actually did this to me. I’m sure it was an app and not intentionally, but it left a really bad taste in my mouth…

8 years ago

Great styling idea to put a Tee under a cami!

8 years ago

This is my first visit to your blog and I like your style. I would be freezing in the snow (I live in Florida) but you look great!

8 years ago

You are so right: now is the time to open our hearts and minds to others and reach out in times of need. Those times may occur more than usual in the next four years. And that cami totally works the way you wear it! I never liked that combination but after seeing how you rock it, I’m going to give it a try. Thanks for your knack of demonstrating how to really nail some very young, sexy and unusual looks for women of a certain age.

8 years ago

Some people are truly rude. I definitely like your one who will call it 😉 I have yet to try this trend, but I definitely like the way you styled yours!
Thank you for linking up with Weekend Wear


8 years ago

I really like this layering style and have never thought to give it a try. It looks wonderful on you! And of course the leopard coat is fantastic.

I am also not a fan of the stupid new algorithm. The whole follow and delete thing is annoying, too. Chances are if I don’t interact with you in the blog world I am not going to be following you on IG because there are so many jerk accounts out there.

Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday, Debbie!

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