JCPenney / layered necklaces / moto jacket / pumps / skirt / style tips / sweatshirt / target / Uncategorized / Walmart

Lace Pencil Skirt & Moto Jacket: Free Writing


pink skirt overlayIt’s another one of those days that I have every once in a great while…


…one of those days when I have about 1,001 stories to tell, but nothing to say. Does that make sense? Believe me, I have opinions, thoughts and ideas on, oh, just about everything. The thing is, for me, sometimes writing is like trying to put an outfit together. You know how occasionally you look in your closet and have nothing to wear even though there’s a mall’s worth of clothing inside? My brain is like that closet. Sometimes I look inside and see all of these cool ideas, but none of them seems like something I feel like writing about. I’m not one of those fabulously organized bloggers who does days or weeks worth of posts ahead of time. The outfits you see on the blog I’ve typically worn within the last week or so, but more often than not I’ve worn it within the last couple of days. Again, my writing is like my outfits; I go with what I’m feeling or what’s on my mind at the moment I sit down at the computer. Kind of a free-writing thing. I get in the groove and I go with it. And sometimes I’m not feelin’ the groove. Hey, it happens.


Now the outfit I can talk about. You all know by now that my wardrobe choices aren’t necessarily what one would think of when they think “teacher outfit”. I’ve got no problem with full-on professional; a lot of ladies do it beautifully while adding their own personal twist to it. I on the other hand, don’t feel like “me” if I’m in total pencil skirt/blazer/pump mode. I can do it mind you (here’s the proof), and pretty well in my opinion, but with that being said it’s not at the top of my list of sartorial choices. Today one of my friends said, “Well don’t you look fancy?” My response? “Don’t get ahead of yourself…yes, I’m wearing a lace pencil skirt and pumps, buuuttt…I’m also wearing a sweatshirt. That I may or may not have worn to bed in the past.” True story. Both what I said and the fact I have indeed slept in this sweatshirt. Maybe not something to brag about, but hey, I’m all for versatility. Besides, isn’t pajama fashion trending right now? Makes me sorta cutting edge doesn’t it? Full disclosure: As I type this, I’m wearing said sweatshirt with sweats and Bearpaw boots as slippers. Just keepin’ it real.


No, not everyone is going to be comfortable wearing something they’ve slept in to work. And trust me, most of the things I regularly sleep in I wouldn’t wear to work. But, the point is, think outside of the box sometimes when you’re putting an outfit together. I tend to view a lot of the clothes in my closet as “work clothes” and “non-work clothes”. I have to remind myself to mix things up. That means that occasionally on the weekend I’ll grab a blazer instead of a hoodie and on a workday I’ll grab a sweatshirt instead of a button down blouse to pair with a lace pencil skirt. Gotta keep things interesting my friends.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

pink lace pencil skirt, moto jacket, sweateshirt

lace pencil skirt, moto jacket, sweatshirt lace pencil skirt, moto jacket, sweatshirt

I now interrupt your outfit viewing with the following “gratuitous bulldog collage”…

Bulldog collage

C’mon…you know you love it! How can you not love a bulldog? Especially in collage form. The outfit didn’t make the cut for the blog, but how could I not share one of the most epic bulldog photo bombs ever?

lace pencil skirt, moto jacket, sweatshirt lace pencil skirt, moto jacket, sweatshirt lace pencil skirt, moto jacket, sweatshirt lace pencil skirt, moto jacket, sweatshirt lace pencil skirt, moto jacket, sweatshirt

Skirt: Target (Similar);  Sweatshirt: JCPenney (Similar);  Moto Jacket: JCPenney (Similar); Clutch: Walmart (Similar)

design (44).jpg


Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card

Co-hosts: TonieGirl // To Be Bright // – a lifestyle blog // Jenns Blah Blah Blog // The Mommyhood Mentor® // Krystal’s Kitsch // Sand, Sun, & Messy Buns // High Latitude Style // Peyton’s Momma //Threads For Thomas // Tailored and True //  LeHoarder // Fashion Fairy Dust // Cityrocka’s Accessories and Celebrity Gossip Blog

Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!

Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 3/7 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.

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8 years ago

Love the edgy lace and leather pairing…and your dog is too cute!

8 years ago

Awww…I love doggie pics : )

I’m like you, the writing either comes or it doesn’t. I’m terrible at planning ahead.

I love the bright bold colour of the skirt.


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Your sentiment about “work clothes” and “non work clothes” is so true! I think that with dressy items and casual items and I’m working hard to mix things up!!
Love the lace & leather (of course, since that was my theme yesterday)! And how cute is your bulldog? He should be a constant accessory!! jodie

8 years ago

Well mixed up! Love the outfit with the doggy, as well.

8 years ago

I love this pencil skirt look! Sexy & out of the box!

8 years ago

Love the pretty lace skirt styled with the edgy jacket! So fun to see the doggy collage too!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

Great looks Debbie, love the leather and lace look 🙂

I need some of your flat shoes <3 then!!

Aww so sweet to see your dog, my dog gets in all my outfit posts lol.

Thanks for linking up …

8 years ago

Perfect tips!Irene

8 years ago

Yeah I always get hit with that writer’s block at all times haha! You look great in this edgy look btw – Have a lovely weekend ahead!


Cheryl Tucker
8 years ago

Leather and lace; you can never go wrong with that combination. I love the color of the skirt with the black jacket. Awesome! Peace! Cheryl

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
8 years ago

That skirt adds just the right amount of pop to that outfit. And, ohh your pooch is such a cutie, what great candid shots of the two of you!


Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Totally get the divide between work and non work clothes! Mind you, I don’t think I’ll be mixing my colourful leggings I wear in the Pilates studio in any of my outfit posts anytime soon! But there should be more cross-polllination I think between areas of our wardrobes. Fire up the creative juices.
Love the doggie pics! So, so adorable!

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

I am completely head over heels in lust with your clutch!!!!

8 years ago

Love that skirt and styling!

Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

Love the mix of lace & the moto jacket!

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


Mummy's Got Style
8 years ago

Stunning and your dog is so cute! Love the pictures. Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday x

8 years ago

I totally get you about how the words don’t always come when you sit down to write a post. The dog pics are fabulous! Thanks for sharing your flair with the My Refined Style Fashion Over 40 Linkup! See you next month.


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