Monday night my kitchen looked liked it had been used as a set in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre…
…minus the backwoods inbred brothers of course. A quick heads up, if you’re squeamish you might want to skip to the outfit portion of the post. The dogs had just come in from their after dinner frolic in the backyard and all four were milling around in the kitchen when I noticed some bloody footprints on the floor. I didn’t initially panic because just like human children they get the occasional cut or scrape when they’re out doing dog things. The more they moved around though, the more blood there was. After some observational deduction I narrowed it down to Charley, our sheltie, and I yelled for my husband and daughter to corral the other three. I’m lifting her paws and not seeing anything when my daughter squeals, “Oh my God, look at all of that blood under her!” Underneath my baby is a puddle about six inches in diameter. I kid you not, there was an insane amount of blood puddling on the floor. I lifted her front left leg and it was literally dripping at this point. My husband grabbed a dish towel and wrapped it around her little foot while I tried to call the vet. Of course it was 8 o’clock at night and I got the service. Normally the nearest after hours emergency vet is about an hour away, but the dog gods were smiling down on me because a clinic about ten minutes away had a vet on call.
By the time we got her there the bleeding had stopped substantially. Unfortunately, due to her long hair and the amount of blood on her leg the vet had to shave some of the hair which caused it to start all over again. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the pad but right above it on her little dog ankle/knee. She had somehow gotten a puncture wound and it just so happened to be right where there was a batch of blood vessels. We were so fortunate because the vet said if it had been even a few millimeters over she would have severed her tendon. After about 15 minutes she got the bleeding to stop again and was able to stitch it up.
Charley is already back to her normal self, but is bandaged from her toes up to mid-leg. Now here’s the amusing part; it’s actually sad, but I have to find the humor in it so I don’t feel as guilty. Awhile back I shared the story about my dog who was actually taking prescription human Xanax. Ya, well this is the same dog. Now imagine if you will, trying to put one of those cone collars on a dog that is so high strung that human Xanax did not calm her down. Ya, that was big fun at 7 in the morning before work. She doesn’t need it while were home, but she is so anxious when we’re gone that she will destroy anything she can get a hold of. Hence, the cone. It certainly beats the alternative of another bloodbath if she tears the stitches. Fun times friends, fun times.
Yes, the rumors are true. I really do own belts. And wear them from time to time. I’m not talking belts on jeans, I do that all of the time. I’m talking belting tunics, dresses, sweaters and such. Yes, I’m aware they add a little something extra. And yes, I’m aware they are useful for reining in volume on a petite frame. But on the scale of things that make me feel uncomfortable and constrained belts rank pretty damn close to tights and bras. It’s like wearing a bra. But on the outside. And around my waist. Not a fan. But today I decided to live on the edge and belt this lace slip dress instead of leaving it flowy like the last time I wore it. Since it’s a braided belt I could adjust it perfectly so it wasn’t as tortuous as it could have been, but still, I prefer flowy. Too much volume on a tiny girl be damned. And how about this delicious crochet cardigan? It has these stealth sequins that you can’t see, but when the light hits them right it sparkles. It’s like I’m shooting out little rays of magical sparkling sunshine fueled by my entirely not sarcastic sparkling personality.
Try something different every once in awhile. Even if it’s outside of your comfort zone. How about because it’s outside of your comfort zone? Who knows, you might love the results. Will I belt every loose flowy thing I own? Um, no. But will I try to be more open-minded when it comes to wearing waist bras? Yes, yes I will.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Dress: Shop Hearts; Cardigan: Shoptiques (Similar); Boots: Lulu’s (Same)
Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card
Co-hosts: Avec Amber // Coupons and Freebies Mom // Stylish Adventures with AL // Jenns Blah Blah Blog // The Mommyhood Mentor® // Dorky’s Deals // Lauryncakes // TheBoxQueen // A Labour of Life // Fashion Fairy Dust
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 4/26 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.
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