The mother/daughter bond is a complex and unique thing. Typically it is the relationship formed as a result of giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, but other times it simply comes from the heart…
…I always refer to my daughter as, well, my daughter. But in the eyes of the law, she is my stepdaughter. Fortunately, I view her through my eyes. And my heart. Not the law. Now here is where I’m going to throw you a curve ball. Although she is not my child by birth, she is my son’s sister by blood. And I did birth him. Confused yet? Allow me to remedy that for you.
My husband and I were married for a number of years when we hit a rough patch and took a break. Not a break a la Ross and Rachel, but a break as in a divorce. We were apart for several years and during that time he had my daughter with someone else. Since my son was super excited to be at the hospital when his sister arrived, I took him and I was blessed with the chance to hold her the day she was born. She stole my heart that day. Weird maybe, but hey, that’s how we roll. Over the next couple of years whenever it was drop off/pick up time for our son, I always made sure to grab her out of the car seat and give her snuggles and kisses.
Divorced or not, my husband and I always knew in our souls that the only place we really belonged was with each other. As fate would have it, we decided that the situation had to be remedied, and we got back together when our daughter was about two years old. While introducing a child into a new family environment can sometimes be messy, ours was pretty much seamless due to the fact I had always been a part of her world and she knew I was her big brother’s mommy. She has been my daughter ever since. She is home with us 50% of the time plus we pay tuition so that she can attend the school district where I teach. Quite honestly, she could not be more my daughter if I had indeed given birth to her. She loves fashion, makeup and shopping; for her 12th birthday she got ombre tips in her hair. She’s smart, funny, beautiful and has the kindest heart. The really strange thing? We resemble one another, especially through the eyes. People tell us quite often how much we look alike. I actually had a receptionist at the doctor’s office argue with me once that there was no way she wasn’t my daughter. Was she born my daughter? No. Is she my daughter? Yes. One million percent yes. Am I her mom? Again, one million percent yes. Being a mother is the result of birth, being a mom is the result of being there and giving all of the love in your heart.
Our theme for today’s Ageless Style Link Up is Mother’s Day/Floral Print. Originally I was planning on wearing my floral print blazer, but my daughter wanted to wear her floral top so I switched out the blazer for my cream colored kimono. The pattern in my lace tank top is actually floral so I’m still rockin’ the floral print, just in a more subtle way. And you might note another not so subtle difference when you peruse all of the beautiful looks from my lovely link up compadres…they are all wearing dresses; I on the other hand, being the little rebel that I am, went the uber-distressed denim route. Why? Not to be a rebel just for the sake of being a rebel. I’m just keeping it real my friends. Do I dress up for Mother’s Day? No. No, I don’t. I love that other women do, but me? I’m casual all the way. I thought about dressing it up for the link up, but then I decided to share a different way to go. I kind of figured I’d be the odd woman out on this one, but that’s okay. I enjoy being the weirdo in the group. And besides, I can’t be the only woman in the world who doesn’t dress up for Mother’s Day, right? Hey, I’m representin’ for all the casual babes out there.
Always stay true to your own style. Whether it means adding a quirky piece that is 100% you to a standard work look or going completely rogue and wearing jeans when everyone else is in a dress, be yourself and no one else. Assuming of course it isn’t to a function where a certain level of attire is expected…showing up to a wedding in distressed denim probably isn’t in anyone’s best interest. I once had a relative show up to my grandfather’s funeral wearing leopard print bike shorts and a macrame bikini top. I ain’t playin’…that’s a true story my friends! That would be one of those times where adding a single quirky piece (not a macrame bikini top) would have probably been the more tasteful alternative. Needless to say, definitely no bueno. The point is, you feel your most beautiful when you feel like yourself. Our clothing is an extension of who we are, so when you wear what you love you’re going to be the most comfortable…and the most beautiful.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
And speaking of link ups…the first Tuesday of every month I, along with Alice @ Happiness at Mid-Life, Ana @ Mrs. American Made, Carrie @ A Lovely Little Wardrobe, Jennie @ A Pocketful of Polka Dots, Nicole @ High Latitude Style, Shelly @ The Queen In Between, Tania @ 50 Is Not Old and Yvonne @ Funky Forty will be hosting the Ageless Style Link Up. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us for some fun, fashion and ageless style!! Be sure to link up below today. This month’s theme is Mother’s Day/Floral Print, but any and all outfit posts are welcome!
Top: JCPenney; Jeans: GAP via Poshmark (Similar); Kimono: Poshmark (Similar); Boots: Lulu’s (Same, different retailer)
Welcome to the first ever Ageless Style Link Up! But first, let me introduce your hosts:
- Have fun and make some new friends! Please visit at least 2 other links.
- Please link to your actual post and not your blog’s homepage.
- Please link back to the Ageless Style Link Up in your linked post.