Boho / boots / bracelets / Forever 21 / Happiness Boutique / JCPenney / Shein / skirt / statement necklace / style tips / sweater

Lace Trimmed Sweater & Black Pencil Skirt: Buck Running Amuck

lace trimmed sweater, black pencil skirt, lace up boots

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a good wildlife story for ya…


…but this one was worth the wait. For those of you who don’t live amongst the flora and fauna, it’s that time of year when the deer are all twitterpated and looking for love. What? You didn’t know that? Living in an area where we actually have a day off of school for the first day of buck season I know these things. And trust me, the beasts are acting like crazy fools this time of the year.

Even though it’s pretty backwoods around here, where I actually live is residential; evenly spaced blocks with houses next to each other with patches of woods here and there. My neighborhood is actually built on an old World War II military base that is smack dab in the middle of farm country. In any case, deer are so commonplace around here they hang out on street corners. Currently there’s a six point buck; a real beefy boy, completely running amuck in the ‘hood. My husband and I have encountered him in 3 different places over the last couple of weeks all within about a two mile radius. Well, the poor guy is running around all alone with no lady friends in tow. The last time we saw him was about a half block from our house. I had to stop so he could trot across the road…into the trailer park. Talk about lookin’ for love in all the wrong places…

Last week my husband was on the way to work at about 5:30 a.m. and saw him standing right at the edge of the road about a mile from our house. Of course he stopped his truck to let him cross. Did he cross? Nooo. The buck just stood there and stared at the truck, so after about a minute of waiting my husband started to very slowly go past him. What did the buck do? He started kicking his feet like a bull getting ready to charge. And he charged the truck. Apparently dude is so frustrated with the lack of suitable love connections that he decided to pick a fight. With a freakin’ truck. I don’t know what his problem is, there’s definitely no shortage of doe around here. But my boy definitely needs to hook up if he’s feeling the need to brawl with passing pick up trucks.


Do you know what my favorite thing about this outfit is? No, not the delicious lace trimmed sweater. It’s the fact that it’s what I  like to call “business boho”. The pencil skirt and sweater? Business. The lace trim and lace up boots? Boho. Therefore, business boho. And there are few things I love more than pairing things that just should not go together. The last time I styled the sweater with jeans so this time I decided to dress it up a little with the pencil skirt. The thing is, the sweater is so gorgeous you could pretty much pair it with a burlap sack and it would be gorgeous.


Even though it may seem intimidating at first, try pairing opposing elements in an outfit to add a jolt of visual interest. Start small at first. For example, maybe try a fringe or studded clutch paired with a more classic outfit.



Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

lace trimmed sweater, lace up boots, black pencil skirt lace trimmed sweater, lace up boots, black pencil skirt statement necklace, layered bracelets lace trimmed sweater, lace up boots, black pencil skirt lace trimmed sweater, lace up boots, black pencil skirt lace trimmed sweater, lace up boots, black pencil skirt lace trimmed sweater, lace up boots, black pencil skirt

Sweater: c/o Shein;  Boots: JCPenney;  Skirt: Forever 21;  Necklace: Happiness Boutique



Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card or Cash (via Paypal) – winner’s choice

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8 years ago

The deer around here this time of year are crazy! Loving your lace!

8 years ago

Amusing story. Perhaps the buck sensed (correctly) that your husband is competition for all the cute girl-animals in the neighborhood… 🙂

8 years ago

Cute sweater, love that you can wear it with a skirt for work!


8 years ago

Ha! I hope your husband escaped without getting hit.

Love the lace up boots!


8 years ago

We have deer in our neighborhood too. Hope the truck is in good shape.

That sweater is gorgeous I agree. I now need to try a Business Boho outfit. I love that term.

8 years ago

Love your boots Debbie, I had this style before but need some again now 🙂

Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop..

8 years ago

That story is hilarious! Crazy deer! I love your business boho look! Your sweater is gorgeous and those boots are fab!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

I like your story about the buck. Nice outfit and beautiful necklace too. Your hair colour is very pretty. 🙂

Dawn Lucy
8 years ago

Business boho! Love it! I adore that lace trimmed sweater, Debbie. And your deer story reminds me of our treehouse in the woods … I miss it and the deer … sometimes … But it sure is nice to have a short commute to work and take out 2 blocks away! 😉

Have a great weekend!

Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!
Dawn Lucy

8 years ago

Love this sweater! What a crazy deer!
Stylin In St. Louis

Megan Ballard
8 years ago

Your deer story literally had me laughing out loud. Too funny. I love the skirt and lace trim top. You look great. Thanks for linking up for Style Saturday. xo~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

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