bomber jacket / boots / Brickyard Buffalo / Charlotte Russe / JCPenney / jeans / sweater

Lace Trimmed Sweater & Floral Bomber: What’s Up Doc?

lace trimmed sweater, floral bomber, otk boots

Whenever I have a doctor’s appointment, I always feel like my outfit has to be totally on point…


…Even if I’m dead ass sick, I try to kick it up a notch. Okay, okay, maybe not if I’m actually dead ass sick, but for a regular visit? Ya, I definitely put in the effort. Why is that you might be wondering? I mean c’mon…I’m only going to the doctor. Well, my doctor isn’t your run of the mill family physician. She’s just a few years younger than me, loves fashion and knows that I have a blog. Therefore, we probably spend more time talking about clothes, hair and makeup then we do medical stuff.

For example, she rolls into the exam room the other day with freshly colored and straightened hair. The color was amazeballs; it was dark, almost black (but in a super good way, not in that fake Elvira way) with burgundy ombre. Add to that a dark glitter mani, printed leggings with boots and of course the always stylish white doctor coat and you can see why I have to be on my game. Sure, we discussed my test results and medication adjustments and whatnot, but we also had to cover whether or not she should call her hair stylist because so much of her color faded after only one wash. Seriously, it kinda makes going to the doctor not so bad.


Lately I’ve been all over lace trimmed sweaters. This particular lace trimmed sweater came home with me from a recent killer sale at JCPenney. I love the fact that it looks like I have a little lacy number layered underneath without the work of layering. It’s kind of like a dickie for the bottom of your shirt. Since it was pretty chilly out the lightweight floral print bomber was perfect for over top. And yes, that’s another pair of otk boots. They’re actually taupe although they photographed straight up gray. They’re no longer available in the taupe color, but the black is pretty sweet too. I think the boots added just a touch of bad ass to the sweet pink/lace/floral combo I had going on up top.


Add an opposing element to an outfit to balance it out. For example, the boots balanced the sweetness of the lace and floral print.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more style ideas…

lace trimmed sweater, floral bomber, otk boots lace trimmed sweater, floral bomber, otk boots lace trimmed sweater, floral bomber, otk boots lace trimmed sweater, floral bomber, otk boots lace trimmed sweater, floral bomber, otk boots lace trimmed sweater, floral bomber, otk boots

Sweater: JCPenney;  Jacket: Brickyard Buffalo;  Boots: Charlotte Russe;  Jeans: JCPenney


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8 years ago

Wish my doctor was that cool! Really love your floral jacket, and you are rocking those boots!

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Your doc sounds quite a gal! Mine is still stuck in bow tie land! Still if they know their stuff, I don’t care. Those boots are fabulous with the bomber. Love the play between the fierceness of the boots with the sweetness of the bomber and the lace. I like the darker florals in a bomber and this blue is gorgeous on you.

8 years ago

Your doctor sounds very stylish by how you described her. You know I love that sweater and hey more blush pink. In love with the taupe OTK boots. I need them.

8 years ago

Lucky you with the coolest doc in town. I love the lace peeking out, it so appears like a layered look.Lovely boots and jacket is super cute. Have a great week Debbie.

8 years ago

I wish my Dr. were more like that. I hate going to see her.

Love those boots!


8 years ago

Love the lace trim! Cute boots, too!

8 years ago

I love your hair! It looks fabulous. And that lace is so pretty. When I go to the doctor, it’s an old bald guy so my experience isn’t as much fun as yours.

8 years ago

I have to say, I’ve been looking more at lace trimmed sweater since hanging out at your blog 🙂 It’s such a cute detail that I’ve overlooked for sure.


Lorna Mai
8 years ago

Love the whole look Debbie. The mix of colours, the floral pattern, the textures, even all the various hemlines. you look great.

8 years ago

I love these contrasts, Debbie, it’s a great look for you. My doctor is in her 50’s and very cool, too. We can really talk. xox


8 years ago

I like to try and dress up when I feel horrid and can’t manage to get a day off of work. Somehow, it’s like good outfit juju permeates into the immune system and makes sick days more bearable! Sounds like your Doc is lots of fun! Send her my way when you’re done with ‘er!

: signe :
: the daily savant :

8 years ago

That sounds like one amazing doctor (and well you one amazing patient) combo right there. Lovely hair Debbie, I love it.
Rachel xo
Thanks for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired me”
Garay Treasures

8 years ago

So funny Deb, I dont have any female docs to discuss fashion with! Love your haircut, all of the layers, and I love the OTK boots with the feminine colors. I am asking Santa for another pair. You look fabulous!
Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
jess xx

8 years ago

Love this girly look. The floral jacket is the perfect finishing touch. Loved your story from today. 🙂

8 years ago

Those boots are really nice on you!
We Shop in Heels

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