If you have a blog, have you ever thought about why you blog…
…is it simply an enjoyable hobby or perhaps a way to pick up a bit of spare income? Is it a creative outlet to share your thoughts and ideas with the world? Originally, I started FFD purely for fun; it was a cool idea. I have always loved clothes and fashion. Ever since I was a wee one, I have believed wholeheartedly in the magical powers of the perfect outfit (not to be confused with the magical powers of the blanket scarf). I didn’t realize at the time how much actual work was involved, but it’s work I enjoy.
As the blog grew so did my understanding of what it was really all about. Not only do I love clothes, but I love helping other people feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin. Some people believe that clothing is inconsequential. It’s simply something you throw on so others aren’t subjected to looking at your private bits all day. It’s a matter of practicality. I truly believe it’s so much more than that. Feeling good in what you’re wearing gives you a confidence boost and puts a smile on your face. It’s your very own personal way of subtly, or maybe not so subtly, telling the world who you are that day. And the beauty of it is, you can be someone entirely different tomorrow.
My goal in regard to FFD has always been to inspire people to wear what makes them happy and to maybe take a risk or two in their style choices. You never know what you might find if you try stepping out of your comfort zone. I mentioned last week that there is a surprising number of people in my real life who read my blog from time to time or follow my page on Facebook. In the last week or so there have been four occasions when someone has approached me either for advice or to show me something new they were trying style-wise because they saw that I had mentioned it on the blog. That made me feel really happy. Not in an “Ooo…look at me, people are reading my blog” self-serving kind of way, but in a “Wow, something I said had an impact on someone else’s self-confidence” kind of way. That’s why I do what I do.
This lace trimmed sweater has already made several appearances on the blog; once with jeans and once with a pencil skirt. Why so many times? Um, because it’s fabulous! It’s casual meets dressy without all of the work, and I’m all for anything easy. Until recently I didn’t own a pair of straight up dark wash skinny jeans. Crazy, I know, but I have them now. Although I have to be honest, Old Navy’s sizing is particularly all over the place this year. Their jeans notoriously run large with the exception of the Rockstar Skinny Jeans. The pair I had from a year or so ago was a hair tighter than I like so this year I went up a size…depending on the wash (I got black, dark wash and faded) they varied from pretty close to perfect to pretty damn huge. These fit well when I put them on, but really stretched out during the day. The next time I’m at the real mall I’m going to try them on in another size smaller (which puts me back in the size of the old pair that’s too tight) and see how they fit.
The leopard wedge boots are a big hit no matter what I pair them with. This is another pair of boots that seems to be universally appealing. Everyone from grown women to middle school boys love them. I suppose that’s a good thing… Between the lace trimmed sweater and the wild boots, what could’ve been a boring sweater/jeans combo became something a little more fun.
All it takes is a small detail to make an every day outfit interesting. Whether it be a textural detail, a print or simply a unique piece of jewelry sometimes the little things make all the difference.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Sweater: c/o Shein; Jeans: Old Navy; Boots: BCBGeneration (Similar)
Prize: $500 Amazon Gift Card or Cash (via Paypal) – winner’s choice
Co-hosts: Purple Patch DIY ♥ FASHION TALES ♥ Krystal’s Kitsch ♥ Jenns Blah Blah Blog ♥ True Story Book Blog ♥ A Better Me ♥ The Bariatric Beauty ♥ SWEET HAUTE ♥ Blog by Donna ♥ Lauryncakes ♥ Fashion Fairy Dust ♥ Becoming Fab ♥ High Latitude Style ♥ SmartySaver ♥ Taffeta & Tulips ♥ Finger Click Saver ♥ Style On The Side
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 1/20 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.
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