booties / clutch / JCPenney / Shein / sheinside / skinny jeans / style tips / sweater

Lace Trimmed Sweater & Skinny Jeans: A Nip In The Air

lace trimmed sweater, distressed skinny jeans, black booties

Just in the last couple of days, especially in the morning and evening, there’s been a slight nip in the air…


You know the one I’m talkin’ about; okay, those of you who live where the seasons change know the one I’m talkin’ about. It’s that little bit of chill that says, “Hey you! Ya, you. Summer’s been and gone so you best get your a$$ to the attic and start digging out your sweaters.” Oh come on, I’m not the only one that hears voices in the wind am I?

Fall is hands down my favorite season except for the fact Winter is hot on it’s heels. Fall would be the best season ever if it was followed by Summer, but I suppose that wouldn’t make much sense now would it? I love the smell of the air, the cooler temperatures, the leaves…all of it, the whole shebang. Oddly enough, I’m not a huge pumpkin spice latte girl. Don’t be hatin’ on me now…I didn’t say I don’t like them, I do. It’s just not something I get crazy pumped about. I’ll have one or two and then I’m back to my sugar free vanilla.


Seriously friends, how cute is this lace trimmed sweater? I’ll be honest, I didn’t dig it out of the attic. I received it complements of Shein and I have been dying to wear it. I’m a sucker for lace peeking out from under things and this sweater has lace for days. I love the contrast between the fancy lace and the casual heather gray of the sweater. That’s another bonus, gray is my favorite of the neutrals, heather gray in particular. You can never be sure of the softness factor when ordering sweaters online. No worries with this one; it’s soft and comfortable and perfect for Fall temperatures. I went up a size just to be safe and it’s perfect because I like things to fit me just a little bit loose. I’d recommend your regular size if you’re looking for a more form-fitting fit. The distressed skinny jeans also provide a nice contrast to the lace. I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty pleased the jeans still fit because I haven’t worn them in awhile. The clutch, booties and jewelry all had a touch of gold in them so they tied it all together. On a side note, I’ve been a clutch collecting maniac lately. The other day my my fringe clutch was laying on the table and my husband asked, “Where are all these little purse things coming from?” Um, the mail lady brings them….I don’t know….


It goes without saying that if you’re wearing leggings cover your butt, not to mention your other girly bits. But sometimes when you’re not feeling uber confident about your butt in skinny jeans a little coverage might be in order. A sweater, top, or jacket the length of the one I have on here is just enough of a distraction. Not as long as a tunic, but not full disclosure either.

LINK UPS:  Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

lace trimmed sweater, distressed skinny jeans, black booties

lace trimmed sweater, distressed skinny jeans, black booties lace trimmed sweater, distressed skinny jeans, black booties lace trimmed sweater, distressed skinny jeans, black booties lace trimmed sweater, distressed skinny jeans, black booties lace trimmed sweater, distressed skinny jeans, black booties

Sweater: c/o Shein;  Jeans: JCPenney (Similar);  Booties: JCPenney (Similar);  Clutch: JCPenney

Disclosure: Sweater was provided c/o Shein. The opinions expressed herein are my own and not indicative of the opinions or positions of Shein.

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9 years ago

What a gorgeous sweater, necklace, booties and clutch. I seriously want EVERYTHING you are wearing today, Debbie.

Happy Monday my friend!

Susan (une femme)
9 years ago

Cute sweater!

9 years ago

Is the mail lady and your packages like the stork with babies? ;p

I adore this look on you – very Debbie with the juxtaposition of tough and femme. And how lucky are you that you fit in Sheinside clothing? During my last closet cull, I sadly had to get rid of all my Shein clothes for lack of proper fit on me. Le sigh…

9 years ago

I love the sweater .. the cute details on the sleeve won me over.


9 years ago

Your sweater is so pretty and looks so cozy! The layer of lace is such a cute detail!

Doused In Pink

Jaymie Ashcraft
9 years ago

I love your sweater!!

Kirsten Wick
9 years ago

How pretty is this sweater Debbie! I love this look on you and the colour looks so pretty with your gorgeous hair. Love, Kirsten xx

9 years ago

I know that this post is all about the sweater, but for real… can we discuss your booties?
: signe :
: the daily savant :
Emerson & Oliver Dia Bracelet GIVEAWAY

9 years ago

What a pretty sweater! Love the lace detail

9 years ago

loving your layers! so happy it’s finally fall. (:

♥ |

Sandy a la Mode
9 years ago

i have a similar sweater and need to start wearing it!!

Sandy a la Mode

9 years ago

What a gorgeous sweater, I love fall myself. I also love how bright and nice these photos turned out, what is your photography secret here.
Thanks for linking up to “Bloggers WHo Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo
Garay Treasures

9 years ago

Love it Deb!! haah girly bits, I am saying bits more and more as I watch a heck of alot of BBC TV. I love the lace on the sleeves and at the bottom, great addition to the sweater. Pretty look!!

Thank you for linking up with Turning heads tuesday
jess xx

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

love the sweater and love that it can cover just a bit what we sometimes want covered, and love the smile

Shellie Bowdoin
9 years ago

Hey Debbie, I always like the look of a sweater with something peeking out from underneath and the lace accents on this one are fabulous. I have chosen you as one of my features from the My Refined Style linkup! I will be including you in my Octber 12 post if that’s OK with you. You looked great in this post.

I am thrilled that you joined the My Refined Style Fashion Over 40 Linkup…I hope you will be back many times in the future!


9 years ago

I love the lace!! So pretty with the gray. Thanks for sharing with us on My Refined Style!

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