duster / flats / Forever 21 / JCPenney / layered necklaces / leggings / moto jacket / style tips / t-shirt / tee / tee shirt

Ghillie Flats & Floral Print Duster: The Last Work Day Of The Year

lace up flats, floral print duster, moto jacket

It is officially the second most favorite school day of the year for teachers everywhere…


…no, I’m not talking about the day after state testing ends. I’m talking about the last day before Christmas break! No more work until 2016. Now that has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Don’t get me wrong, you guys know that I absolutely adore my kids. But ya know what I adore more? Sleeping in. Buried under a pile of dogs. Ya, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. Even better, my husband takes a week’s vacation at the same time, our daughter is off school and our son and his boyfriend are coming home to spend the night Christmas Eve. Good times my friends, good times.

And let’s not forget about that vast expanse of time that I will use to get so much done absolutely waste thinking that I have all the time in the world. Round about 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 3rd I’ll panic when I realize I have to get up at 5 o’clock the next morning. I’ll start tearing through closets like a rabid raccoon that happened upon a crack stash for about 34 seconds before giving up and saying, “to hell with it” and laying back down on the couch. The closets will be fine until summer vacation…Yep, that’s how I roll.


I’ll admit it. I can be fairly easily swayed by advertising and social media. I’ve been drooling over ghillie flats like these since they first started showing up in my Instagram feed months ago. I scored the pair I’m wearing at Old Navy (who, by the way have been killing it this season on all fronts), but unfortunately they sold out super crazy quick. I tried to get a pair in mustard suede, but alas, none in my size. They’ve turned out to be a surprisingly versatile shoe. The work equally well with leggings, skinny jeans and skirts. They’ve been in pretty heavy rotation since I got them. I know a lot of ladies are anti-flat, but the lace up detail on these makes them pretty fierce for a flat.

My love of all things duster/tunic continues with this floral duster. I’ve worn it quite a bit, but somehow it’s just making it’s blog debut today. Of course I went with a striped tee instead of white because a day without print mixing is like a day without sunshine in my world.


Give flats a chance! Yes, heels do flatter the body and make just about any outfit look dressier, but the right flats can do the same thing. Look for pretty  or offbeat prints or special details like studs or laces. A pointy toe flat is more flattering, especially if you’re petite. Although I’ve been known to rock a round toe ballet flat now and again, and I didn’t end up on any worst dressed lists that I’m aware of.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

ghillie lace up flats, floral print duster, moto jacket

ghillie lace up flats, floral print duster, moto jacket

ghillie lace up flats, floral print duster, moto jacket ghillie lace up flats, floral print duster, moto jacket ghillie flats, floral dusterghillie lace up flats, floral print duster, moto jacket

Shoes: Old Navy (Similar); Duster: Forever 21 (Similar); Moto Jacket: JCPenney (Similar)


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8 years ago

Cheers to Christmas break! I love your floral and stripe combination 🙂

8 years ago

Who would have thought at this time of the year you’d be wearing shoes without socks?

I’m thinking this weather is a rather awesome Christmas gift. I wish it could be like this every year.

Happy Christmas my friend! Enjoy your family and pile of dogs : ) I can think of nothing better.


8 years ago

The flats are really cute. And nobody craves time off from work more than me!

We’re having weird warmth here in NY, too. On the plus side, it enabled me to go into NYC yesterday to pick up and ride my new motorcycle home. There was rain but better that than snow!

Merry Christmas, buddy.

8 years ago

Love this outfit…those lace-up shoes are absolutely adorable! Enjoy vacation and Merry Christmas:)


8 years ago

Such a lovely post, and I love the floral inspiration here. Glad I stumbled upon your blog 😉

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Gah, it’s more like Autumn than Winter! Great score with those Ghillies. You’ve done brilliantly with Old Navy this year – so much good stuff. I love that floral duster on you – a great buy.
I tried a pointy toe Ghillie but they didn’t work for me so I was chuffed to bits when I found my round toed ones – I love my Ghillies! Nothing wrong with a stylist flat!

Merry Christmas, Debbie and enjoy your break

Dawn Lucy
8 years ago

So cute in those flats! Teachers NEED flat comfortable shoes, right? Love the stripes and florals together. Hope you and your family are having a wonderful holiday! I love my students too, but let’s try not to even think of those little buggers until Jan 3rd! 😉

Merry Christmas!

Dawn Lucy

Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. This outfit is awesome.

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

Oh that floral duster with striped tee and leather jacket are the absolute cat’s pajamas. Picture perfect. And whilst I am on the side of comfort for the most part, I simply can’t do flats. I’ve been wearing heels for so long that the few times I’ve attempted flats (7 months preggers), I fell. Yes, I fell. Vertigo kicked in like a mule and I fell flat, on my tummy, no less. Since then, I’ve never tried them again. I went from that to giving birth in my regular 4.5″ heels with nary an incident GRIN xoxo

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