Boho / boots / duster / Forever 21 / Grace and Lace / JCPenney / leggings / style tips / vest

Lace Vest & Floral Duster: Defying The Laws Of Physics

lace vest, floral duster, leggings

Normally I don’t write an entire post about an article of clothing, but when said article of clothing seemingly defies the laws of physics what choice did I have?…


…Not only the laws of physics, but it also defies all logic and reason. This vest. It’s like a damn Rubik’s Cube. I absolutely cannot get my brain around it. Today, I along with four other women, educated women mind you, could not figure it out. It’s like a riddle wrapped in an enigma. You see, you can flip it upside down (not inside out…upside down) and the lace back becomes a beautiful lace flyaway collar. Now that part I get. The puzzle is the pockets. The pockets are right side up…both ways. What. The. Hell. So insanely cool, yet so utterly frustrating. I have to apologize. I wanted to do shots with it both ways, but I didn’t have time because I was on a super tight schedule. I promise, the next time I wear it I’ll do step by step shots for you. You won’t have to wait too long because I may or may not have also ordered it in gray because, well, it just might be the best invention since the Internet. How can you not want multiples of a piece of clothing that is not only versatile, but also provides hours of mind bending entertainment too? For now, check out the shots at Grace and Lace where I picked it up. And ya, if you solve the puzzle, let me know.


This is one of those “so comfortable, maybe I shouldn’t have worn it to work” outfits. But, yes, I wore it anyways. The lace vest and floral duster were plenty long enough to go with leggings and provide the prerequisite butt coverage. I’ve worn the duster on several occasions because it makes a great layering piece and the same goes for the vest. It’s a lightweight rayon knit that will work beautifully all year long. Since it was on the warmer side today I didn’t need bulky layers so three lighter layers were just right for the temperature. I had an activity I’m helping with after school so I was going to be working longer than usual meaning comfort was key, hence the leggings.


Layers work no matter what the temperature. The key is thickness and sleeve length. For cold weather go with heavier knits with lighter layers under and/or over. In between temperatures call for slightly lighter layers, but with long sleeves, and if the heat is on go for breezier lightweight materials and short or no sleeves.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

lace vest, floral duster, leggings layered necklaceslace vest, floral duster, leggings lace vest, floral duster, leggings lace vest, floral duster, leggings lace vest, floral duster, leggings lace vest, floral duster, leggings lace vest, floral duster, leggings

Lace vest: Grace and Lace;  Duster: Forever 21 (Similar);  Boots: JCPenney

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9 years ago

Loving your layers here, and the back of that vest is so pretty!

9 years ago

That does sound like a magical vest!

Loving this whole outfit. All the colours and layers…and the boots!

If you wouldn’t mind I think I’d like to borrow your hair : ) It looks perfect!


9 years ago

The detail on that vest is so pretty! Love the color and the layers!

Doused In Pink

Linda A Cassidy
9 years ago

You look amazing ( and every time I see these boots I click the link but I am not supposed to be buying at the moment.

Heather B.
Heather B.
9 years ago

You’re not the only one to wonder about the pockets on this vest… I have the flip vest in grey and couldn’t resist showing my husband the first time I wore it. I don’t think he was as impressed as I was though… The rust color looks amazing on you and I’m so tempted to place yet another order from G&L. I could live solely in their clothes;)

Andrea Nine
9 years ago

What a gorgeous vest and fantastic color on you!!!! You know how to layer lady…so pretty!! Love it!!

9 years ago

What a terrific colour and it !looks so stunning on you! Your hair is a real statement signature!

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
9 years ago

SUCH pretty colors in this outfit and I love the back of your vest. Those boots make a great statement, too!


9 years ago

I am so intrigued about the way this vest works. Need more photos!

: signe :
: the daily savant :
Customized T-shirt GIVEAWAY

9 years ago

This is a beautiful piece of genius! The pockets work because either way you wear it the bottom side hem is still the bottom side hem. It’s just a bit more angled when the lace is around your neck. If that doesn’t make sense, think of it as a rocker…no matter which end is in the up/raised position, the middle of the curve is still “down” even though the other end is also down.

9 years ago

It looks lovely on you despite all the troubles you were having with it. I remember I once had a shoot with a dress that was driving me insane similarly to your situation. I could not figure it out for the life of me and finally I think I had put it on wrong but managed to hide them somehow lol…

The colour definitely suits you and it makes your hair pop even more 🙂 Would love if you link up to

9 years ago

Loving this look Debbie, they are great boots 🙂

Thanks for linking up..

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

Love the layers in this outfit and the color or the cardigan vest is so pretty!

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


9 years ago

Gorgeous layered look! I am in love with the color of your vest and and am amazed at the versatility. And those boots! Oh, my. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday, Debbie!

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