brown tank top / distressed skinny jeans / Forever 21 / leopard print slip-ons / pendant necklace / target / Tilly's JCPenney

Last Day Of School And The Apocalypse: Black Sleeveless Blazer, Brown Tank Top And Distressed Skinny Jeans

     Well, today was finally the last day of school. It was an inservice day (teacher’s only) so at least the kids were spared the torture of making up a snow day. Do you know what’s more difficult than making a room full of kids pay attention on the last day of school? Making a room full of teachers pay attention on a double bonus extra last day of school. It would be similar to sitting your kids down in front of the tree on Christmas morning and telling them that before they can open their presents they have to learn calculus.
     And now on to the Apocalypse. I’ve mentioned before I’m a huge fan of Apocalypse/end of the world movies and fiction. A strange obsession yes, but hey, what can I say? Typically in any apocalyptic story a group of people who ordinarily wouldn’t give each other the time of day get thrown together and have to survive. Well, I’m sitting there with my friends in the auditorium filled with everyone in the school district (that’s really not as grand as it sounds…we’re a tiny school district) and I come up with a new game to amuse us…pick the three people in this room you’d want to survive the Apocalypse with you. Yes, I’m a weirdo, but that’s part of my charm. This actually kept us amused for quite awhile. Because really, you have to put a lot of serious consideration into who you’d want to be stuck with after the collapse of civilization! The best part is we got into a serious discussion over who to choose, so the afternoon wasn’t nearly as painful as it could have been. You know your friends love you when they willingly play along with your crazy!
     When I first got this sleeveless blazer (really, wouldn’t that kind of be a vest?) I knew it had all kinds of possibilities. And I’m really kind of likin’ it over a tank top. And I also liked the mix of black and brown. Why was there ever such an aversion over pairing those two colors anyway? My little owl pendant tied the two together perfectly.  I think the blazer/vest will look equally as cool with a tank top and shorts…stay tuned, that outfit will show up one of these days I’m sure.
     Don’t forget to enter the Francesca’s giveaway! And while you’re at it, check out some of the fabulous ladies I’m co-hosting with. The winner will be chosen Friday, June 13th and the contest is open only to residents of the continental United States.

Linking up with:  Stylish TuesdayStyle Sessions Fashion Link Up and Trend Spin Link Up.

Blazer: Target;  Tank: Forever 21;  Jeans: JCPenney (Old);  Sneakers: Tilly;s (No longer available)

$230 Francesca’s Collection Giveaway!

The Giveaway goes live on Monday, June 9 at 12:00 am PST and ends Sunday, June 15 at 12:00 pm PST. Winner will be announced Monday, June 16

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Lovin’ the owl pendant; have the same one in silver. You rock that vest!

Induffinitely Me
10 years ago

LOVE LOVE LOVE the owl necklace and your shoes!!! Your look is fabulous!!!

If you don’t mind my asking, what kind of camera do you use? And does someone take the pics for you?

Thanks for linking up with Stylish Tuesday!!


Induffinitely Me
10 years ago

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Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Hi hon, Love the leopard slip ons, I will have to wear mine soon. From Sam Edlelman. I also like the black vest with your jeans. Looks fab!
from the link up
please stop by

10 years ago

You have the arms for a vest, *ahem* I mean sleeveless blazer. And yes, it’s gonna look so cool with shorts too. Cutoffs maybe?

10 years ago

That’s one versatile vest/blazer Debbie. I’m also looking for a great sleeveless one as I know it’s great over a tank top….and the owl necklace put the added edge to the look!


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