casual style

Layered Tops & Boyfriend Jeans: The Vernal Equinox

Layered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coat.

Well my friends, this week is it. Actually Tuesday to be exact…


…The vernal equinox. The first official calendar day of Spring. The beginning of the end of seemingly unending days of bone chilling temperatures, snow and my least favorite thing about Winter, long hours of darkness.

A time of new beginnings. Blooming flowers. Budding trees. Birds chirping in the morning (from their nests…inside my partially enclosed patio…but that’s a story for another day). Everything feels fresher and looks more vivid.

As my lovely friend Paula so eloquently stated in a recent comment on my Instagram, “Soon enough we’ll be complaining about boob sweat.” True dat. But quite honestly, I’ll take boob sweat any day of the week over having frozen snot on the end of my nose. Just sayin’.

We often have one more good snow pummeling after the first day of Spring, but since every day this week is forecasted to be in the 40’s to 50’s I’m hopeful that the worst is in the past. A girl can dream right?


Yes, I just had this coat on in Friday’s super fabulous velvet suit post. Like I said when I first posted it on Instagram, I’d wear it everyday if I could. It’s such a yummy shade of pink, it’s soft, it’s warm…heaven in coat form.

Alas, I’m not here to wax poetic about the coat. Instead, let’s talk about the print mix action I’ve got going on here. I love layers for the visual interest they add to a look and layer whenever possible. It’s especially fun when the layers involve mixing prints. Stripes paired with florals is one of my favorites, so while this striped sweatshirt/top would have been cute enough on it’s own, the addition of the sheer floral top was an easy way to make it more interesting.

Since it was a casual day, I kept the bottom simple with boyfriend jeans and my Birkenstock Sarnia boots. For a more dressed up look, the tops would work just as well with a black skirt or pants or even white skinny jeans would do the trick.


Layers work all year round. In the cooler months they are necessary for warmth, but they always add visual interest to an outfit regardless of the season. For a little extra fun, mix the prints in your layers like I did here. For cohesiveness, keep either the color palette or they type of prints similar so that they play well together.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Layered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coatLayered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coatLayered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coat Layered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coatLayered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coat Layered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coatLayered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coat Layered tops, boyfriend jeans and pink faux fur coat

Striped Top: Similar;  Floral Top: JCPenney (Similar);  Jeans: GAP (Similar);  Coat: JCPenney (Similar);  Boots: Birkenstock via 6p.m.

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
6 years ago

I admit that I’m looking forward to the warmer weather, but truly I love each season for it’s different characteristics!! Until I”m sick of them…ha ha!!
And how fun to layer these shirts. I don’t think about it unless the underneath one is showing all over, but this is brilliant!!
I’m totally going to have to copy you sometime soon!!!

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Love these two tops layered! Now I’m gonna have to get some floral tops! Thanks! ha ha!

6 years ago

I wish boyfriend jeans would look this good on me!

Amy Christensen
6 years ago

Very cute layers, Debbie. You always inspire me to try something different. Thank you! – Amy

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

I love stripes and floral! That coat of yours though….oh my heart!!!

Bojana Krienke
6 years ago

Boob sweat please. Bring it on, I say. 😂😂😂 Layers are great and that coat is devine. I can’t decide which I love more the stripped top or the pink coat.

Claire Justine
6 years ago

Great look Debbie, love your coat, such a great colour 🙂

Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday Blog Hop.

Michelle Orsi
6 years ago

Obsessed with your pink fur coat! So chic

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