This is an outfit I wore a few weeks back. I had to use some older shots because I’m still playing with my new flash and the lighting and what not so that I can take my pictures inside. Since I didn’t get home until almost 5 o’clock it was too dark outside already for pictures…ridiculous I say. In any case, the trial shots I did inside today are nothing you’d want to see. Trust me on that. Flash done incorrectly is nobody’s friend. By the time I got things the way I wanted them, I was in my pajamas and fuzzy slippers…and again, no one needs to see that.
In my never ending quest to be comfortable while at the same time looking good I got sucked into the wearing of Uggs…or in my case, Fuggs. That would be faux Uggs for anyone who doesn’t regularly make up words. I know, many people would argue that while Fuggs may be comfortable they certainly don’t look good. But I think they’re cute in that homely puppy that’s cute because it’s cuddly kind of way. They are one of those things I always swore I’d never be caught dead in. Much like skinny jeans, wedge sneakers, and faux leather. Change is good my friends, change is good. Even if it involves wearing ugly footwear and man-made animal skin.
Linking up with: Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Trend Spin Link Up: Layers, and Love It, Link It.