Even though I do make an effort to see the good in people, sometimes it’s not so easy…
…It seems like there is a daily barrage of the nastiness that humans are capable of inflicting on the world, whether it be via the news or in real life encounters. The important thing to keep in mind though, is that there are still truly good souls in the world.
I was perusing the news and of course right now my news feed is filled with stories of Hurricane Florence. Oftentimes it’s a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a terrorist attack or major accident that shows us the true goodness that still lives in humanity. Of course there is no shortage of heroic first responders and volunteers who are regular every day people just like us out there in boats risking their lives to save others and that is a truly beautiful thing.
What really caught my attention though is the number of stories involving people putting their own safety at risk to save not just humans, but dogs and cats. I know, some of you might find that to be ridiculous…it’s only a dog (cat) after all, why risk your life? Me though? I get it. I am a huge dog lover, and I have literally stood in the middle of the road to stop traffic in order to save a dog that wasn’t even mine. Crazy? I don’t think so.
The first story that I came across involved a local reporter from New Bern, NC. She was live streaming on Facebook when she saw a woman attempting to rescue an injured Rottweiler. The woman was struggling so the reporter stopped her story to assist her in the rescue. As it turned out, the dog was the woman’s child’s therapy dog.
This story about a regular woman who ended up rescuing eighteen dogs was a real heart warmer. She had gotten out of her car because she was blocked off by flooding and heard whimpering and barking coming from a nearby house. She fetched additional help, and for the next ninety minutes they worked to rescue all of the dogs and get them to dry ground.
It’s stories like these that restore my faith in humanity. Of course most anyone would attempt to save another human being, but to risk it all for a house full of dogs is in my opinion, a true indicator of a good heart. Like the woman above said, “Dogs can’t rescue themselves.” So true, and it makes the world an exponentially better place knowing that there are people out there like her to do the rescuing for them.
Believe it or not, until the Nordstrom’s annual sale this Summer I did not own a pair of red pumps. How is that even possible? This pair is absolute perfection; the just right shade of red, suede, block heels and a super cushiony footbed. I wore them for the first time for a full day of work and they didn’t bother my feet all…not even my ornery right foot.
What is it about leopard print that it just begs to be paired with a bright color? Red and bright pink are two of my favorites to pair with it. So when the temperatures cooled enough to wear this sweet little leopard print top from Target, I knew my new red pumps were perfect for it. If you happen to be crushing on the top know this…Target refers to it as a t-shirt, but it’s actually more of a semi-sheer chiffon. I don’t love it any less, but it’s most definitely not what I would describe as a t-shirt.
I’ve had these cropped menswear trousers from GAP for probably a gazillion years. They’re still holding up well and hopefully they continue to do so because I’ve never found a pair that I like quite as much. They are my standby’s that I bust out when I feel like looking a bit more professional than usual.
A solid pair of red pumps is at least in my opinion, a good investment. I’m glad that I held out for the perfect pair, but my wardrobe was lacking before they arrived. They are one of those basics that actually is not so basic. They are surprisingly versatile, and can make all the difference in an outfit.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Top: Target; Pumps: Nordstrom; Pants: GAP (Similar)