JCPenney / lace tunic / leggings / moto boots / open front cardigan / target / Viva la Jewels

Let’s Try It Again: Open Front Cardigan, Lace Tunic & Leggings

Yesterday I was fully dressed and ready to go in this fab outfit and at the last minute school was cancelled. No, I’m not completely insane. I didn’t go outside in a major snowstorm to take outfit photos. I actually took these Saturday before the storm. Smart girl. Word on the street is there’s another storm coming this weekend. Can I just express my excitement ahead of time? Hey, here’s some good news…45 days until Spring! 45 days doesn’t sound so bad does it? I’m pretty sure I can make it that long. Until then, I’ll dream of wearing skirts with no tights (tights are the devil) and shoes with no socks and being able to leave the house without bundling up in ten layers and starting the car an hour before I leave. Yes…better days are coming.

I have out of nowhere developed this strange and unexpected love for leggings. I’ve never been a fan. Probably because sooo…many people seem to think they are pants which they’re not. Honestly, I don’t need to see your girl parts. I’ve got my own thank you very much. In any case, I’ve been wearing them under dresses and skirts and have started collecting tops that are long enough to cover my butt. Maybe it’s because I’ve acquired a couple of pairs that are fleece lined and they are like little electric blankets for your legs. Maybe my brain’s starting to short out with age…who knows. All I can tell you is you’ll be seeing a lot more leggings around here; but don’t worry, my girly bits will be safely under wraps.

I purchased this gorgeous lace tunic from Viva la Jewels last month. It’s so pretty and soft that I want to wear it all of the time. It’s also light enough to wear into the Spring, but that makes it perfect for layering now which I did with my open front cardigan. I’ve had this cardi for well over a year, but for some reason I don’t think it’s ever made la blog before this. The tunic meets the butt/girly bits covering criteria so I wore my new blue leggings underneath. The leg warmers inside the boots were pure functionality…it’s freakin’ cold outside!

Linking up with: Confident Twosday, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Tremendous Tuesday, Trend Spin Link Up, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Tardis Tuesday At My Closet Catalogue, Random Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said So.

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Tunic: Viva la Jewels;  Sweater: JCPenney (Old);  Boots: Target;  Leggings: JCPenney

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9 years ago

Hooray for snow days! I was kind of sad because there was a snow day at home, and here in Germany, school was canceled (since kids stay up to watch the Superbowl and there is a huge time difference… really… it makes me sick), but I still had to go to work! Lame! Anyway, it looks like I need to get myself some of these fleece-lined electric heater leggings! I could have used those when our heat went out at Christmas! : signe : the daily savant : Dragonfly Ring Giveaway Czech Glass Earrings Giveaway 9th & Elm $50 Voucher… Read more »

9 years ago

My school was cancelled last minute too yesterday. Anything fleece line this year is great…and I love that sweater!

9 years ago

As a big fan of colored tights, I embraced leggings from the start — but, like you, weren’t happy to see women wearing them as pants. I even blogged about that. Since then, I’ve concluded that the battle is lost. Many women, including middle-aged ones, obviously want to reveal the intimate curves of their hips and lady-parts. You can’t walk through a public space without seeing a dozen examples.

Philosophical question — If Debbie wears a pretty outfit but there’s nobody around to see her, was the outfit really cute?

Red Reticule
9 years ago

I love your cozy, colorful card paired with those leggings. Great casual look and the added statement necklace rounds up the outfit wonderfully.

Red Reticule
Red Reticule | Facebook
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9 years ago

I’ve got the same necklace — love the look, girl!

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

So cute and love the cardi! I need to give leggings another try … with a loooong top of course! (I see high school girls wearing leggings as pants all the time … not sure if they’re clueless … or know very well what they’re doing!)
Dawn Lucy

Maricel Edwards
9 years ago

Okay, lady, you better link up this look with me today! That brilliant blue caught my eye in my feed and when I clicked, I said to myself, “Self, of course it’s Debbie!” 😀 I wish we had snow days in SoCal. I had so many cold weather outfits photographed and this week, it’ll be a high in the 80s. Arghhhhh!!!

9 years ago

What a colorful, beautiful, cozy cardigan. That necklace is super perfect for it. And you know I love that lace tunic. Looking fantastic, Debbie. Send some of the pretty white stuff, my way. 😉

9 years ago

What a beautiful look on a snow day and you look great in leggings!

Kacie's Kloset
9 years ago

Sounds (and looks) so cold! I hate to rub it in but…I wore a skirt with no tights yesterday! Haha! lol. Jk! We’ve actually not had much of a winter so I’d like a little bit of cold weather so I can break out my winter coats. I don;t know how you look so good while taking pictures in the snow?! I’d be frozen!

9 years ago

Love the outfit! You’re stunning

See you on my blog!!
Lucía |

9 years ago

I love the splashes of TARDIS blue and the whole look is very pretty.
I’m SO with you on the leggings thing!!! Too much detail on leggings as trousers with short top!!! X

Linda A Cassidy
9 years ago

your cardi is so very similar to the one I got at Lookbook so of course I love it, I need that necklace though. Loving the leggings and boots. Great look and hope you enjoyed your day off

Suz @ 2 cats & chloe
9 years ago

That is such a fun sweater! I love all the colors together! I also LOVE your boots with boot socks! Super cute! Thanks for joining the Celebrate Southern Linkup with J and me! Cheers!

9 years ago

Love the colour scheme in this outfit! Looks so cosy for the snow too 🙂

Away From The Blue

Whitney 'Nic' James
9 years ago

Such a fun look! I love that cardigan – it’s perfect! All the details are just fabulous!


9 years ago

The bold colors are just great!

Your hair looks so nice, curled it right? If you say no, it does that on its own, I may not like you anymore. :o) Just kidding! I would not begrudge a woman nice hair if it “fixed itself” or if she had to spend hours coaxing it into submission.

Oh, and I am so with you on the girly bits needing to be covered!


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