brown ankle boots / chambray shirt / GAP / GAP broken in khakis / layered necklaces / navy blue blazer / olive green khaki pants / Sears / Stylemint / target / white t-shirt / white tee shirt

Light At The End Of The Tunnel: Blue Blazer, Chambray And Khakis

     Look closely at these photos…really closely. See anything different? The mythical bare ankle. Yes, my friends. I might be wearing booties, but no warm woolly socks. Hallelujah! I walked out my door this morning, it was 40 degrees, there was a mysterious glowing orb in the sky, and the birds were singing. Could it be that maybe, just maybe, warmth will eventually return? Yes indeed, I think it just might. Ya, I know. By Monday the high is 20 degrees again, but I’ll take what I can get for the next few days and enjoy it while it lasts. Who knows? Tomorrow I just might hop on the crazy train and wear actual shoes to work. I know, I’m a wild, wild girl.
     Today I was still layered up, but these were lighter layers. My thin Stylemint tee, a light chambray shirt, and my navy blue blazer…not quite summer weight layers, but we’re gettin’ there. I considered pumps, but I thought the ankle boots worked better. And they didn’t irritate me nearly as much since I didn’t have to wear little heating pads inside of them.

Linking up with: Spotlight Weekly Link UpTres-chic Fashion Link UpWhat I Wore To Work, and Three-fer Thursday.

Blazer: Sears (Old);  Chambray blouse: Target (No longer available);  Tee: Stylemint (No longer available); Pants: GAP;  Boots: Aldo via Amazon (No longer available)

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Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

These pants are so flattering only you and I love it rolled up showing off those ankles!! Perspective is so funny…40s would be so cold for us.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

I know, right? And if it was July here 40 would be frigid!
Debbie 🙂

Mica T
10 years ago

Love your layering! Glad that it’s getting warmer for you!

Away From Blue

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Mica T
10 years ago

Thanks Mica!
Debbie 🙂

xoxo Kellz*
10 years ago

Love a jean shirt u look simple yet chic!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  xoxo Kellz*
10 years ago

Thank you and thanks for stopping by!
Debbie 🙂

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Love those pants and boots. How brave of you to go without socks! I spent at least 3 weeks this winter sick with the flu and I have never gone without socks and yet here I am…sick again. Blah! I hate you winter.

Today we have a rainfall warning…with possible flooding due to all the snow, then thunderstorms later on and finally in another 3 days more snow.

And yet, and yet, this morning I heard a bird just before I got out of bed. He was probably chirping “WTF? I came back too soon!”


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

No kidding…those poor birds are probably freakin’ out. Last night the weatherman actually said “Yes, I’m tracking yet another polar vortex that will affect our area.” Seriously?
Debbie 🙂

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

My goodness Debbie, I have some new boots like those but mine are from F21. I had to hunt them down in the store and they weren’t on display but, I found them. I had seen them online but wanted them for Christmas badly. Ta-dah! Found them. I have an outfit now in my head thanks to this ensemble you have here today. THANK YOU!!! ♥

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Glad I could help you out! And aren’t you the determined boot stalker? Happy you got what you wanted! 🙂
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

Hope you manage to make the most of the warmish weather! Ha. Spring will be soon!!!

Love the outfit =)

Corinne x

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Corinne
10 years ago

Can’t be soon enough Corinne! Ha!
Debbie 🙂

Chelsey Patti
10 years ago

Someone said above, simple yet chic and they hit it right on the head! I love this layered look on you!!! I try to do layered looks but they usually end up looking bulky on me. This one = perfection!!! Well done!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Chelsey Patti
10 years ago

Thanks Chelsey! I have to be careful about looking bulky too…
Debbie 🙂

Debbie Stinedurf
10 years ago

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10 years ago

Another super cute look! Ax

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