Today it was all about comfort. And warmth. Ya, it was really mostly all about warmth. The temperature was below 0 again, and I swear to God my school district bought our heating system from a company named Polar Vortex Heating and Air Systems. No, not really. But you get the idea. And in light of the fact yesterday’s dress might have looked fabulous, but did little in the way of protecting me from the elements in my classroom, I decided to err on the side of caution and go with layers and cozy pants. Perhaps not the most exciting ensemble ever, but it did the trick.
I picked up this tee when I got my white jeans from Old Navy. They’ve really been kicking it up a notch in the graphic tee/sweatshirt/sweater department lately. A lot of their graphics used to be a bit “meh” but the things they’ve been producing in the last few months have been pretty cool so I’ve been stocking up. And can I just be honest here about the black ankle boots, or really any of my extensive collection of ankle boots actually. I love them. Really, I do. But I am so over them. I’m done. I want to wear shoes again…or dare I say it, sandals. I’m bored with all of my boots and I miss my shoes; like an old friend I haven’t seen for years. Wow. Did that sound pathetic, or what?! I really need a dose of sunshine and a warm breeze.
Linking up with: Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty Link Party and Random Wednesday At Because Shanna Said So.