Forever 21 / Francesca's / Old Navy / sandals / t-shirt / tee shirt / TJ Maxx / Uncategorized / vest / White jeans

Long Crochet Vest & White Jeans: Adventures In Housecleaning

long crochet vest, white jeans, gladiator sandals

At the end of every school year people ask me what plans I have for the summer. That often turns into a weirdly awkward conversation because typically my response is, “Um, nothing.” That’s cool with me, but sometimes I think people find it odd.Like maybe I should have some exotic grand vacation planned; you know jetting off to the south of France or maybe cruising the islands on our yacht. (Next summer we actually do have something planned, you know, once our private jet has been remodeled, but that’s a story for another day.) As I’ve said before, we’re pretty much homebodies although we do take occasional day trips and whatnot. Believe it or not, the most daring thing I do in the summer (and the rest of the year actually) is vacuum the floor. You’re not seeing how that is an adventure? Well, that’s because you haven’t tried to vacuum at my house.

You see, I have a min pin with OCD and a sheltie with a severe anxiety disorder; both of them have been for real diagnosed.  No, I’m not making this up. The only way the min pin will travel through the kitchen is backwards along the walls and the sheltie is so anxious that Xanax didn’t help. Xanax, people. Real Xanax did not calm her furry butt down. And yes, we laugh about it all because really, what choice do we have? Needless to say, turning on a sweeper (or a lawn mower, blender, ringing cell phone…you get the idea) incites a four-legged riot. Those two go bat-crap crazy and the bulldog and pugabull try to eat them to shut them up. Honestly, I can see their point. In any case, vacuuming requires just as much planning and forethought as packing for a two week trip to Mexico.

I found this long crochet vest at Francesca’s awhile back. I’ve been waiting for the just right outfit to wear it with and this was it. One of my favorite casual, wear all of the time items is a gray tee. I honestly get more wear out of my gray tees than my white ones. I haven’t worn my white jeans for quite awhile, the last time was way back in December, so I thought they’d be a good choice with the tee. And the long crochet vest was the third piece to make it all just a little more interesting and add some texture to the mix. The jeans and tee would’ve been fine on their own, but I was in the mood for a little extra somethin’ and like I said I was just itching for an excuse to wear the vest. Um ya, like I needed an excuse.

Linking up with: The Wednesday Pants, Random Wednesdays, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, Thursday Fashion Files, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, Summer Style Link Up, A Labour of Fashion, Top Of The World Style Link Up, Thursday Favorites Link Up, Throwback Thursday.

long crochet vest, white jeans, gladiator sandals long crochet vest, white jeans, gladiator sandals long crochet vest, white jeans, gladiator sandals long crochet vest, white jeans, gladiator sandals long crochet vest, white jeans, gladiator sandals

Vest: Francesca’s;  Jeans: Old Navy;  Tee: Forever 21 (Old);  Sandals: TJ Maxx (Old)



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9 years ago

Loving this pretty vest, especially the back of it 🙂

9 years ago

Such a pretty vest! Those sandals are fab!

Doused In Pink

9 years ago

This is such a cute look! Love how you layered everything!

Alena &

9 years ago

I love that easy-breezy white crochet vest. It is gorgeous and it adds to the lightness of this almost colorless outfit. One of your best outfits ever, Debbie. =)

Antionette Blake
9 years ago

Can you believe that I have not pulled out my white jeans yet?

Grace Liang
9 years ago

Lol! Love your funny story! This look is so laid-back but chic! Love it! 🙂


Tina Bradley
9 years ago

What a lovely vest! You look fabulous, Debbie! Hugs to your doggies–you sound like one fab pet parent. 🙂 T.

Linda A Cassidy
9 years ago

Great look and I just realized I have only worn my white jeans once since winter ( why is it that I wonder…) My new furbaby is not afraid of the vacuum ( a first for me) but she does think the broom is a ” cat toy” that I just move around for her pleasure… kind of defeats the whole purpose..

9 years ago


Beautiful look ! 😀


Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

That’s how we are about our summer too, we are pretty low key and travel during my son’s fall break. Everyone ask what we are doing and I say work…not so fun. I love your vest, it is so much fun!

Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you Thursday.


Monika Faulkner
9 years ago

Your crochet vest has me in boho heaven, dearest Debbie!! It’s truly the perfect “third piece” for the summer…when you want to add interest to your outfits without adding any extra warm!! And those gladiator sandals are MAJOR!! XOXO

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