During the course of the last several years I’ve noticed a rather disturbing trend. No, not the return of fanny packs. That’s a post for another day. I’m talking about the decline in simple common courtesy. While it’s true I was raised by wolves, the wolves at least taught me manners. Simple things like “please”, “thank you”, and holding doors for people in public places. Why is being polite now optional for such a large segment of society? This might sound like some old lady rant, but really it isn’t. You don’t have to be a certain age to appreciate politeness. My daughter is ten and she comments on people being rude when we’re in public. I might not be the friendliest person ever, but I’ll at least hold a door for you and say thank you with a smile when you do the same for me. Good manners, like covering up your lady parts in clothes that are clean, just make the world a slightly better place in which to live don’t you think?
I think I’ve had these cargo pants for at least a century. I bought them in three colors at the time; brown, red and camo. See, I was rocking camo before camo was cool. I’m cutting edge I tell ya. I recently dug them all out of storage because well, because I was looking for something other than boyfriend shorts to wear! The tank is one of those fabulous Forever 21 tanks I’ve been going on about seen here and here. The other day I ordered more in a bunch more colors so you’ll be seeing them around all summer. I also haven’t worn these sandals in a really long time so I thought I’d give them another go round too. That’s one of the good things about blogging, it makes you rethink things you already have in your closet.
One last thing…I think you should take a minute to check out Amber at Induffinitely Me and Claire at Clairejustineoxox. Both of these lovelies featured me on their blogs this week, for which I’m eternally grateful and flattered. So come on, show them some love!
Linking up with: Creative Mondays Blog Hop, Mix It Mondays and Monday Bloom.