I picked these two chains up recently at Claire’s and I thought they’d look cool together. I really like the look of silver and gold mixed. The rings that I wear every day are a mixture of white gold and yellow gold, so obviously I don’t have an issue with mixing my metals. Today was all about comfort, and I figured I’d go with something a little less girly than yesterday.
Today was one of those days where I had an outfit picked out, but then I just didn’t feel good in it…nor did the next outfit feel right, or the next one…Needless to say this was the fourth combination and I had to go with it whether I wanted to or not because I was out of time. That’s why I went for comfort. When I’m having one of my occasional “feeling icky” days I always err on the side of being comfortable. That way if I don’t look exactly fabulous at least I feel okay in what I’m wearing.
Linking up with: What I Wore To Work, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, Working Girl With Style, Three-fer Thursday, and Tres-chic Fashion Link Up.