Boho / boho dress / boho outfit / casual outfit / Forever 21 / kimono / Payless / sandals / style tips / summer outfit / Townhouse Boutique

Mixed Print Sundress & Kimono: The Great Escape Pt. 2

mixed print sundress, kimono, black sandals

I hate to do this to you, but you’re getting dog stories two posts in a row. You know how my stories go; I write about whatever is currently hopping around in my head or going on in my world. It just so happens that my dogs are currently causing havoc and mayhem so they get top billing…


Friday I told you about my Macie, my little adventuresome runaway. As I mentioned then, our yard is entirely enclosed with a gate at the driveway. A dog escape is indeed (and thankfully) a rare thing. The only times there have ever been minor breakouts by the dogs is after particularly windy storms when unbeknownst to us the gate has been blown free. That’s what happened on Thursday, the smaller man door portion of the gate had blown loose, although it appeared latched and Macie took full advantage.

Friday I was home all day with the exception of about 40 minutes. I got home shortly before my husband was due home from work and let the furry kids out. I left the back door open as usual and they were running in and out doing dog things. Shortly after, the sheltie starts doing her “daddy’s home” bark and I continued to fold laundry…until I hear my husband yelling outside that is. As I got to the back door he was coming in and said, “The gate was open…Bawb was out by the road, Charley and Jaida were in the driveway and Macie is gone…” My response was, “You’ve got to be F**KING kidding me!!” I started for the gate and in a loud whisper my husband says, “I think she’s over there,” as he pointed to the neighbor on the other side of the fence, “I think I hear her (the neighbor) talking to Macie.” My response to this information? “Awww…F**K.” Why another “F” bomb upon hearing my dog is most likely safe? Long story short; there is a reason the fence continues down the entire length of our driveway to the road. These people are the absolute epitome of the neighbors from hell. I’ve never mentioned them because, well, you seriously wouldn’t believe the stories I told you. Suffice it to say it has involved lawyers in the past…and police…and insurance companies…and dog catchers. I ain’t even playin’ friends.

So I run around the fence (the above interaction between the hubs and I only took all of a hot second in real life) and yep. There’s my dog. In the clutches of the evil one. You know that another ten or twenty “F” bombs went off in my head. I stopped about ten feet away and called Macie. The neighbor said, “Oh, is this your baby?” I said yes and thanked her very much for stopping Macie from going further, then promptly trotted back around the fence with my dog. Here’s the beauty of it…we have had problems with these people for over 15 years. Their house is literally about three feet away from the fence. And yet, this she-beast rarely recognizes me when she sees me. How is that even freakin’ possible? I don’t even have to see her; I know her by the sound of her voice. Once I went back through the gate and she saw through the tiny gaps in the fence that it was us and our dog, she immediately commenced yapping at her husband. I fully expected a visit from the dog catcher, but fortunately we dodged that bullet. Anyhow, the cause of the second dog escape? During that brief 40 minutes that I was gone, the gas company came to read the meter. Apparently latching the gate upon leaving isn’t something at the top of the meter reader dude’s priority list. Now I’m totally OCD about the gate. I check it repeatedly. Seriously, like I needed something else to be OCD about.


This is one of my new additions to my sundress collection. Actually, I guess it isn’t really a collection since I’m in the process of beefing it up. I have several really cute sundresses, but they are all of the dressier variety. I was looking more for something that I could throw on and go. This mixed print sundress fit the bill. I love the mixed sort of Moroccan print and the colors are gorgeous. I also think the fancy strap situation going on in the back is pretty fabulous. I added the kimono since I was going grocery shopping and it tends to get chilly in the refrigerated aisles. I didn’t belt it because I was going strictly for comfort, but it would look super cute with a belt as well. On a sidenote…a belt might be a good idea if it’s a breezy day. How do I know? There was almost a wardrobe malfunction of a grand scale in the Walmart parking lot. A strong breeze and this sucker inflates like a parachute. Need I say more? I wore a choker as opposed to a lariat since I learned my lesson the last time I wore a lariat necklace while grocery shopping.


Summer dressing, at least for me, is all about comfort and ease. Sundresses are a definite shortcut to both. A loose fitting cut and lightweight material are key. Bonus points if you can dress it up for a night out with heels and some bling.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

mixed print sundress, kimono, black sandals mixed print sundress, kimono, black sandalsmixed print sundress, kimono, black sandals mixed print sundress, kimono, black sandalsmixed print sundress, kimono, black sandals

This is my little runaway pug-a-bull…

mixed print sundress, kimono, black sandals mixed print sundress, kimono, black sandals

Dress: Townhouse Boutique (Similar);  Kimono: Forever 21 (Similar);  Sandals: Payless (Similar)

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8 years ago

Oh JEEZ that Macie needs a sitdown and talking to! She’s scaring you way too much lately!

Great sundress!

Suzy Turner
8 years ago

Oh wow… poor you having to go through that again! And with the neighbours from hell… that must’ve been hell!
Poor pooch 🙁
That’s it now though… I’m sure she won’t ever get out again lol!
Suzy xx

Suzy Turner
Reply to  debbies
8 years ago

Oh LOL!! I didn’t even think about that!! Poor thing 😉
Suzy xx

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Ugh…having neighbors like that makes life challenging! And Macie is quite the cutie—although her behaviour? Ha ha!!
As for the dress—it’s perfect (although I didn’t realize you wanted to be Marilyn Monroe at Walmart!) When it’s so hot outside, who wants clothing sticking to you?

8 years ago

Hi Debbies, you know what you are looking gorgeous in this beautiful outfit and I can image bad neighbors experience because that makes life so much stressful. But its always good to ignore negative people in your life and enjoy every moment and you know your happiness will make them unhappy lol, so chill girl and let haters suffer 😉

Mary Murnane
8 years ago

Those layered necklaces are such a fun element to this perfect summer look. I am loving the back details of this dress, so cute!


8 years ago

Lovely combination! Love your style!

8 years ago

Wow that is one crazy story! We have weird neighbors too, but more like we just don’t talk to them and they never mow their backyard kind of thing nothing too serious thankfully. Glad it worked out in the end!

8 years ago

Oh no Debbie, our dogs can really stress us out can’t they!! Aww bless!!

Beautiful dress, Love the style of it…. Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday blog hop..

Anna Marcus
8 years ago

Such a lovely dress, suits you really well

Michelle Orsi
8 years ago

Very pretty dress. This color is great on you

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