Boho / boots / layered necklaces / Riff Raff / style tips / target

Mixed Print Tunic Dress & Blue Ankle Boots: Awkward…

mixed print tunic dress, blue suede ankle boots

It was 70 degrees when I took these photos. And I was in the park. Do you know what that means?…


…That means there were people. Lots of people. I mean, like everywhere. I’ve mentioned it before, but I have this weird issue…I get all awkward if there are people around when I’m taking blog photos. I can’t explain it. This blog is out there for all of the world to see, but I’m all strangely shy if anyone is in my vicinity when I’m trying to get the shots. I go from my confident stylish little self to feeling like I’m in that dream we’ve all had when you show up at work and realize you forgot to get dressed. What the hell is that all about?

And how’s this for feeling wildly awkwardly uncomfortable? Every once in a while, depending on the weather and/or how much daylight there will be when I get home from work, I’ll run over to the park during my lunch break to take my photos since the park is just a couple of blocks from work. A few weeks ago while I was getting my tripod out of the backseat, I hear “Heeyyyy…whatcha doin’?” Phrased just like that. I knew the voice. I took a deep breath, turned around and said, “Heeeyyy Dr. —–!” Yep. It was my superintendent and the district business manager. They roll up and stop beside me and when he sees all the equipment he gets this puzzled look on his face and says, “What are you doing?” I told him I was taking pictures for my blog. “Blog? Seriously? What kind of blog?” “Ummm…my fashion blog.” See, I told you. Awkward. He’s a super funny guy, and that got him going; so we went back and forth about it for a couple of minutes and then off they went to lunch. Ya, what are the odds my boss is cutting through the park while I’m taking outfit shots. Apparently pretty good since it happened.


I so love this mixed print tunic dress. And so does everyone else; it’s always a favorite on Instagram. The last time I wore it, it was definitely colder so it was winterized with leggings and boots. 70 degrees called for nothing more than my blue ankle boots and some self-tanner and I was good to go. I haven’t done it yet, but it would also be super fab over a pair of cropped skinny jeans don’t you think?


Few things are easier to style than a dress. Especially when it already has some print mixing done for you. Just thrown on some jewelry and go. Because of the printed bodice, I accessorized with a couple of shorter delicate necklaces. A longer pendant would have gotten lost in the print and been pointless. Typically the busier (or blingier) my top is, the lighter I go on necklaces. In some cases, like a sequin top for example, it’s best to go with bigger earrings if you need jewelry so that it isn’t competing with the top.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

mixed print tunic dress, blue suede ankle bootsIMG_9748 mixed print tunic dress, blue suede ankle boots mixed print tunic dress, blue suede ankle boots mixed print tunic dress, blue suede ankle boots mixed print tunic dress, blue suede ankle boots mixed print tunic dress, blue suede ankle boots mixed print tunic dress, blue suede ankle boots

Dress: Riff Raff (Similar);  Boots: Target (Similar)

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9 years ago

Ahhh I can’t believe your boss saw you…to funny! Such a gorgeous dress 🙂

9 years ago

Ha ha! I’m like you. Can’t stand it when people are around and I’m trying to take photos. I will hike through piles of dog poop, mosquitos and wild bush just to be alone for photos.

Love the boho.


Darlene Fadem
9 years ago

I’ve only went out in public a couple of times to take pictures. I felt VERY uncomfortable! I like the safety of my house…
Love this look!

9 years ago

I’m the same way, exactly to same! But this did give me a laugh, I can only imagine what those two men thought afterwards ( they kind of don’t get the whole fashion blogging thing). With that being said, I’m way impressed you take your own photos (like Suzanne) that does take guts to set up a tripod in a park. You go girl! And, your photos always look fantastic and you appear so natural in front of the lens. Yes, I still love this dress, actually think I like it even better this time around. Can’t wait to see… Read more »

9 years ago

Ah, yes .. I understand completely .. which is why my photo’s are in the same spot in my back yard .. BORING!! I know, … someday I’ll get a bit braver and head out to a nice location. I’ve done it once before, but it was nerve wracking.

Cute outfit .. your dress looks so comfortable and is perfect for spring.


Jodie filogomo
9 years ago

It is quite ironic, eh? You should have had your boss pose with you—now that’d been funny!!
Great springtime look!!

Bettye Rainwater
9 years ago

I’m super impressed that you’re tripod selfie-ing! I can never get the focus point right when I do it so I keep begging for people to photograph me…which gets old for me and I’m sure REALLY old for THEM…really fast! But you do a great job 🙂


Bettye Rainwater
Reply to  debbies
9 years ago

Yup 🙂

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
9 years ago

That dress is beautiful and has some great spring colors in it. My favorite part of how you styled it is those blue boots! ahh, so perfect!


Amy Ann
Amy Ann
9 years ago

I totally get awkward if there are a lot of people around too! Loving this floral dress, especially with those great blue boots.

Amy Ann
Straight A Style

Sheela Goh
9 years ago

Hahahaha I think you have the cooliest boss, Debbie 🙂 I can only imagine the bewildered expression on his face, even more so when you explained the type of blog you have. And how cool is it that we both wrote about confidence on the very same day???? It’s called twinning, I tell you. Is it also called twinning because I adore your vest? And your cute pixie boots (yes, I went there)? I don’t personally wear short dresses because I hate my legs but you look really charming in yours. And by charming I mean lovely and pretty and… Read more »

Sheela Goh
Reply to  debbies
9 years ago

Yeah, that’s how I tend to wear the shorter lengths, as tunics 🙂 xoxo

9 years ago

So true! I don’t mind the people in my neighborhood, but in unfamiliar territory, I like a lot less people. Ha! So no Trump.what are the odds ur boss!
Love the boho look but with those sweet blue boots and back detail.

9 years ago

If you think you feel awkward posing for blog pictures in a park…

Andrea Jueong
Andrea Jueong
9 years ago
9 years ago

This is a odd one Debbie..I mean the person that would be most awkward would be my husband (my photographer) I would happily leap about like a ninny for all to see. He would rather die than anyone even glance in our direction. Strange isn’t it?
I would be ready with answers to the “What are you doing?” questions.
He would run for cover…or hike through dog muck and Midge to avoid them, like Suzanne!

A great story…and a beautiful look.
P.S Your hair is always on point! Do you curl it with a flat iron?

9 years ago

Love this tunic dress! I know the feeling of taking blog photos in public! I am getting better, but when people walk by I always feel like they think I am obsessed with myself! Just taking photos for my blog….lol!
Stylin In St. Louis

Elements of Ellis
9 years ago

I hate when people see my take pictures too! It’s totally awkward and weird! I’m ok if they just pass by but I’ve had people stop to watch and that’s when it get extra awkward. lol. But you look amazing in these pictures!

9 years ago

My connection is super poor so I cant read it all but you look takeaway girl!!! I love that floral dress, so perfect for summer and you killed the styling. Fabulous.

9 years ago

I am laughing out loud Debbie! If it was me I would have said I’m taking nature shots. I too am exactly the same when taking photos, I have to try and wait till the coast is clear. Dress looks gorgeous x

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

So totally can relate but I don’t have a remote that works. I use a timer so I am constantly runnin back to the tripod. You do look so natural.

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Super pretty and gorgeous pics!

Dawn Lucy

Ana Luiza
9 years ago

Perfectly boho and ready for spring!
– Ana Luiza
Northwest Blonde

8 years ago

Oh my gosh! I can so relate! Debbie, the story cracks me up. Lately, me and Remota (yes, I’ve named my remote!) have been getting asked if I’d like the passerby to take the pics. I’m like, No, that’s ok!

Oh the measures we go to right?!

Lovely, lovely tunic dress. Seriously a girl after my own heart! Thanks for coming over and linking up Debbie!

Love, Ann from K de la K

8 years ago

This look is perfectly boho. I love the mix of patterns

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