casual / casual outfit / Converse / Firmoo / graphic t-shirt / graphic tee / Nordstrom / skirt / sneakers / style tips / target

Moon Graphic Tee & Firmoo Glasses: Stress As A Positive

moon graphic tee, denim skirt, Converse, Firmoo glasses

Stress is one of those distasteful although unavoidable aspects of the human experience. There are some instances when stress can be a positive; a motivator to change things. And occasionally stress is the result of a situation that is actually good, for example a wedding or the birth of a baby. Any major life-altering event can be stressful, whether it be positive or negative… 


…It’s a reality of the world in which we live that at least a smattering of stress in our day to day lives is expected. It’s basically a fact of life to a certain extent. There are times though when so much happens almost simultaneously that it can be overwhelming if you allow it to be. That’s the kind of stress I’m talking about. How you react to a giant ass-kicking batch of stress can make all of the difference in the world. Not necessarily a difference in the outcome of the situation per se, but a difference in how you feel about it, and in turn how you feel about life in general.

It used to be that I reacted like a total spaz when too much big and ugly hit me at one time. I’d freak out, have zero ability to focus on a way around the situation and basically morph into Britney Spears circa 2007. No, not the cute hot Britney; 2007 was the head shaving beating a car with an umbrella Britney…ya, I would turn into that one. Not pretty.

Over the years I’ve developed the ability to talk myself down. And if for some reason I can’t, my husband steps in and does it for me. I actually probably should have included that in the job description when he married me. I’m not saying that I still don’t every once in awhile turn into something akin to a chihuahua on crack, I am saying that I now know how to put that chihuahua in a crate and settle its ass down.

I really believe that super mega-stress is something that maybe we need from time to time. I know, perhaps you’re thinking I’ve lost my mind, but hear me out. The nugget of wisdom I want to share with you is this…a big batch of stress is the one thing that will shine a spotlight on the things that are truly important in life if you allow it to. If you take a deep breath and look around at all of the good that you have in your life, look at all of things that are really and truly important then the stress kind of pales in comparison. Does it go away? No. But can you get through it? Yes. That’s another thing I’ve learned; there is no way around a challenging situation. There is only through it. Hold your head high, gut punch it and get on with the business of living.


The moon graphic tee…quite the hit on Instagram I tell ya. And actually I’ve been keeping my eye out for it for quite awhile. I saw this graphic a year or so ago on a tank, but it was sold out. So when my daughter spotted this moon graphic tee at Target when we were school shopping I was…over the moon…sorry that one was too easy. She grabbed one as well so now we can twin if the mood strikes us. Some women might be mortified that they have the same taste as their twelve year old, but you know my motto…personal style is a matter of taste not age.

Now on to the important part…the glasses. When I got my new prescription a few months ago, I knew right away I would be getting a second pair from Firmoo. Since I had collaborated with them twice in the past, first when I got my larger tortoise frames and then again when I picked up the black frames, I knew I wanted to work with them again. Not only did I receive these fabulous black frames care of Firmoo, I also purchased the prescription sunglasses I’m wearing here. The prices are insanely reasonable, seriously, you can’t go wrong if you’re looking for a second or third pair of glasses or a pair of prescription sunglasses. It’s always good to have options….especially if it’s something you have to wear every day.

And this time I had the opportunity to see how the company responds if there is an issue with your glasses. Every other pair I had received from Firmoo was spot on in regard to the prescription. I wear bifocals so it can be a little more challenging to order frames online if the frame varies much in size from your current pair. Segment height is the spot on your bifocals where the close/far distance changes. With this pair it was off enough that I was getting a stabbing headache from wearing them.

Fortunately, I can tell you that the return process was a breeze. I contacted them, they made a new pair with an adjustment to the segment height and I received them within two weeks which is typically how long my glasses take from my optometrist. If you’re hesitant about ordering glasses online, I know I was initially, don’t be. The process couldn’t be easier. Pick the frames (and you can upload your own photo for virtual try-ons), enter your prescription from your eye doctor and order. That’s it. Easy. And as a special gift for my readers, Firmoo is offering a voucher code (STINEDURFDL) which covers a free, yes free, pair of glasses (frames and standard lenses) for first time Firmoo customers from this page. The code is valid through September 8, 2016 and shipping/handling is extra. You can’t beat free, so if you’re considering picking up an extra pair of glasses now’s the time.


I always say it’s a good idea to have back-ups of things that you love whether it be your favorite shoes, jeans or eye glasses. I can’t tell you how many things I own that I have multiples of. Glasses are no exception, and quite honestly, I’d be bored out of my mind wearing the same pair every day.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

moon graphic tee, denim skirt, Converse, Firmoo glasses moon graphic tee, denim skirt, Converse, Firmoo glassesmoon graphic tee, denim skirt, Converse, Firmoo glasses moon graphic tee, denim skirt, Converse, Firmoo glassesmoon graphic tee, denim skirt, Converse, Firmoo glasses moon graphic tee, denim skirt, Converse, Firmoo glasses moon graphic tee, denim skirt, Converse, Firmoo glasses

Tee: Target;  Skirt: Similar;  Shoes: Nordstrom;  Necklace: Forever 21 (Similar)

**Glasses provided c/o Firmoo. As always, all opinions expressed are my own. Sunglasses were purchased from Firmoo.

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Darlene Fadem
8 years ago

Love ALL your glasses! Unfortunately for me, my eyes are so bad that Firmoo couldn’t fill my script. 🙁
They ARE a great company though!
Cute tee and necklace too!

8 years ago

The glasses look amazing on you, and that tee is the cutest!

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Really, free? I’m in!!

8 years ago

Love this casual look Deb, cute tee and with the denim skirt, love! I am looking for a denim midi for fall myself. I struggle with anxiety a bit, so stress doesnt help. I know what you are saying though. Great glasses! I am doing a post soon on choosing glasses for ones face, and also buy online. I love that glasses also show your personality and style
Enjoy the weekend!
jess xx

8 years ago

I love the LoL graphic line at Target, but it’s always picked over by the time I get there .. 😛

I’m in the market for a few new graphic tees, but really trying to avoid gray .. since I have a ton of gray shirts in the closet.


8 years ago

I hate stress, grr!!

Love your t-shirt Debbie, great look. I have these Converse and just washed them to get them nice and white again 🙂

Lovely glasses. Thanks for linking up 🙂

8 years ago

Love the denim skirt! Hope you have a great, stress free weekend <3

8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

So I tried to use your code for my free pair of glasses and it said “Sorry, the product of your choice does not support this discount coupons” and I used your link to the page of frames? Is it buy one get one free?
Sorry to buy you!

8 years ago

You have the best outlook – what a great way to put everything into perspective! Your moon tee is so fun and I love those glasses on you!

Doused In Pink

Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

Great look, I love your necklace!

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

I am really loving the black frames! So adorable!

Thanks so much for linking up On the Edge of the Week! I hope to see you again this week.


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