Brickyard Buffalo / burgundy ankle boots / floral bomber jacket / Old Navy / plaid pants / target / Uncategorized

Floral Bomber Jacket & Plaid Pants: Moving Day




Today is the big day!…


…Fashion Fairy Dust is all grown up and moved from Blogger to self-hosted. The new address is just so ya all know where to find me. This is both exciting and scary. Exciting because, well, hey…I have my own web address and I own my content. Scary because I don’t know a thing about WordPress and so it’s like starting all over again. When I first opened up my dashboard to do this post I just about had a freakin’ panic attack. I know I’ll figure it all out in time, but until then bear with me.


Apparently unbeknownst to my conscious mind I’m on a print mixing binge. Today I paired my favorite plaid pants with this super cute floral bomber jacket I picked up a few months back. The key to any effective print mix, at least in my opinion, is to keep your prints in the same color family. You also need to keep in mind the scale of the prints. One can be a bit more bold as long as the other (or others) are low key. As a side note, both the turtleneck (which is another of the batch I scored at Old Navy) as well as the print in the jacket are burgundy although they photographed more on the brick red side.


Linking up with: Confident Twosday, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Tremendous Tuesday, Trend Spin Link Up, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Random Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said So, Style Me Wednesday, I Feel Pretty, Wednesday Blog Hop.

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10 years ago

Hi Debbie, good look with the move 🙂 I would be afraid of WordPress, only because I would have to learn it all again, lol..Love your jacket…hoping over from Tremendous Tuesday 🙂

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Congratulations on your new address! I’ll be curious to hear what you think of the changes! Plaids with floral … so cute!
Dawn Lucy

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

congrats on the big move. T=You are braver than I, I switched to my own domain name but still with Blogger ( wordpress scares me) I almost wore my plaids today, love the floral and plaid together. ( and love the outdoor shoots)

Tina Bradley
10 years ago

Looking fab in this great outfit! Congrats on your big move. It’s one of my goals to get a website (someday), too! T.

10 years ago

I love the floral jacket! And that necklace is gorgeous too. The move wasn’t so bad, was it? 😉 You’ll get used to WP in no time! xo

10 years ago

Congrats on the transition. Print-mixing is an advanced talent I admire but haven’t learned yet. It takes intuition you obviously have.

10 years ago

Congrats on your new home Debbie. You know I love every time you wear these gorgeous plaid pants. Love them with the floral bomber. I featured this outfit on my blog also. Come take a peek. =)

10 years ago

Congrats on the switch-over! Looks like everything is in place. Did you move your Bloglovin’ followers over from your old address? They will do it for you. Just write the people at Bloglovin.

LOVE the colour mix here.


lorna mai
10 years ago

I’m also on wordpress and teaching myself, they keep updating it which can be so frustrating. Love the floral bomber Debbie, you look fab!

Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

Congrats on the switch over! Did you do it yourself? I am considering it but not sure it’s worth the investment.


Monika Faulkner
10 years ago

Congratulations on the move to WordPress, dearest Debbie…it looks good on you!! 😉 And speaking of looking good, this plaid trouser and floral jacket combo is, quite literally, “the bomb!!” Pattern mixing can be a little scary, but the payoffs are definitely worth it…so chic!! Plus, those booties are TOTALLY my speed!! XOXO

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