Boho / boho outfit / casual / casual outfit / casual style / Forever 21 / GAP / Spring outfit / style tips / target

Multicolor Kimono & Birkenstocks: Bulldogs And Flashlights

Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans.

Since I had my surgery, my fur babies have been absolute angels…


…I’m assuming they sense that with my bum foot I’m in a rather awkward and uncoordinated fragile state. It might have something to do with the fact that I haven’t gotten the hang of this boot yet and walk like I’ve had one too many shots of tequila, staggering and veering erratically off course. Therefore, maybe it’s just self-preservation for them; they don’t want mama to crush their little paws with her giant robot foot.

In any case, they have been very gentle and sweet; no jumping, mauling and acting like rabid hooligans as they normally do. Today the bulldog decided that enough was enough. He could no longer maintain his faux angelic persona. What did he do? He decided to eat (and I mean literally eat) a flashlight. I mean, the boy had utterly destroyed the flashlight before bringing it to proudly show off what he had killed. While mama is utterly unable to chase him down. Or wrestle him to get said flashlight out of his mouth. Or crawl around on the floor looking for all of the dangerous parts that were missing when I caught him…you know, the lens, the batteries, the on/off button.

Fortunately, since it is a holiday, my mini was home (said holiday aside, my husband had to go back to work). She assisted with all of the aforementioned work. Thankfully we found all (at least most) of the missing pieces thus avoiding a holiday call to the emergency vet. I then proceeded to give him a stern talking to. Those of you with furry children know what I’m talking about; those talks where you are certain that they understand 100% of what you’re saying simply because you are so emphatic about it.

It went something like, “Robert Pawl! Do you realize that you could have killed yourself? Then what would mommy do? Huh? What would she do Robert? How can you be so stupid? You have a f**king bone…why would you chew a flashlight??” Ya, he totally got it. He comprehended every syllable that left my mouth. I’m sure it will never happen again.


If you’re thinking, “Um, that top is really wrinkled,” you would be correct. Here’s the thing, oftentimes what I’m wearing here on the blog is wrinkled because I’ve actually worn it all day long. I simply do not have the time, nor inclination to stage outfits. Although there’s not a thing wrong with that if that’s your vibe.

This is the outfit that I wore on the day I did the photo shoot for Boutique 16063. While the boutique is fairly close to home, it is a 40 minute drive so that was 40 minutes of the top being scrunched up under a seat belt. Plus, it laid in a pile in the dressing room while I was modeling things for the photo shoot.

In any case, it’s one of my favorite summer tops and it’s paired with my favorite boyfriend jeans. Together the two were a cute basic outfit, but I tossed the kimono over top to add some pizzazz. I know Birks aren’t everyone’s cup of tee, but I got bit by the Birk bug a summer or two ago. I only had my one pair, but decided I needed at least one more pair to wear with my super cool surgical boot. When I’m making an investment in footwear I tend to stay with safe neutral colors, but I was really jonesing for something pretty and different. This brownish mauve color definitely fit both criteria; it’s neutral yet different.

While on the prowl for the perfect pair I came upon some very dangerous information. A friend of mine told me about a shoe store not to far from my house that carried an insane variety of Birkenstocks. I was aware of the store; it’s a small mom and pop operation called Vince’s Family Shoes that specialized in orthopedic footwear. When my son was learning to walk he needed specially made shoes because he had a foot that turned wonky when he walked. I didn’t realize they were still in business, let alone the fact they had branched out and indeed carry an insane selection of Birks. A short 20 minute drive from my house. More Birks than you could dream of. Super friendly personalized service. And a store dog that hangs out with you. Like I said, very dangerous information.


A kimono can be your outfit’s BFF. Adding a kimono over top of just about anything gives it a hit of extra prettiness and visual interest.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans. Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans.Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans. Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans.Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans. Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans.Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans. Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans. Multicolor kimono, Birkenstocks and distressed boyfriend jeans.

Kimono: Forever 21 (Similar);  Top: Target (Similar);  Jeans: GAP (Similar);  Birkenstocks: Similar

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7 years ago

I’m not usually a fan of Birkenstocks, but these are very cute! I love the fact that you don’t stage your outfits … I like to see what you’re really wearing. Hope you’re not in too much pain with your foot!

7 years ago

I’m chuckling because I always shoot my pictures at the end of the day too and sometimes (often) my clothes are wrinkled too! But I am usually so tired I don’t care and it’s just real life. Wrinkles happen. On clothes and on skin and I’m not doing anything about either,lol!
Hope your foot heels quickly. I’ve worn the dreaded boot before so I can empathize. Ugh.

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

Very cute outfit. I love the kimono and the top (wrinkles and all)! Hope you are improving every day and that you had a nice weekend. – Amy

Suzy Turner
7 years ago

I have the same Birkenstocks, only mine are a different shade of brown. I bought them because they helped ‘hide’ my bunion! I do love them though – super comfortable. I did laugh when you said you discovered some dangerous information lol!
Suzy xx

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Oy—those silly pets!! I just don’t understand how a flashlight can taste good? Or feel good in his mouth?? There must be a screw loose..haha!!
And this kimono?? Takes all the attention away from anything wrinkled, I think!! The colors are so gorgeous!!

7 years ago

Sometimes you just gotta eat a flashlight 🙂 I had three dogs at one time, and I could trade stories with you on all the crazy things they managed to ingest. Suffice it to say we were in the ER a lot 🙂

Loving your kimono, Deb! Beautiful colors! Those jeans are pretty cool, too! The Birks add the perfect finishing touch to a great look!


7 years ago

I guess I should be thankful that my dog only gets into the garbage! Your kimono is so pretty! Love the colors and those Birks!

Doused In Pink

7 years ago

Great look. The colors of the kimono are so you! Cute sandals. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

jess jannenga
7 years ago

Aww. the puppies are sensitive to our emotions! I know. 🙂 Love the kimono such beautiful colors , espcially with your hair. I love olive and have been looking for a pretty olive blouse, its always been one of my favorite colors. I have a khaki shirtdress from HM that wrinkles at the drop of a hat soon as you sit in it. I couldnt keep up with keeping it from wrinkling,
Thanks for linking!
jess xx

Emma Peach
7 years ago

I used to have a labrador and he would anything…and I mean anything (I won’t go into detail because it’s too gross!). I really like the color of the Birkenstocks. I usually wear FitFlops when my bunions are hurting but I may have to get a pair of these. I love the kimono, the colour mix is beautiful. Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

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