boyfriend jeans / Ebay / JCPenney / Levis / military jacket / Nordstrom / olive green anorak military jacket / plaid blanket scarf / plaid scarf / striped sweatshirt

October Faves Plus Where’s Waldo: Striped Sweatshirt, Plaid Blanket Scarf And Converse

     How is it November already? Was there some sort of rip in the time/space continuum that caused us to skip from May to November? If there was, shouldn’t that have been on CNN or something? At least then I wouldn’t be so confused and maybe would have seen it coming. Not only did I not see November creepin’ up on me like some sort of unwanted stalker, but I swear to you that on Friday it was still Fall, but when I got up Saturday morning it was Winter. Straight up freezing I tell ya. While I was loading groceries into my car I sprouted icicles on my fingers. Okay, maybe it wasn’t quite that cold, but I did feel kind of bitch slapped by Winter.
     I love this sweatshirt, it’s actually one of my favorites. But every time I wear it I feel like Waldo. I’m not sure why. I have other striped tops, but only this one makes me feel like people are looking for me. I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Layering and mixed prints all in one sweet little outfit. I thought the plaid and stripes played well together so I went for it. Speaking of the plaid, I almost didn’t get the scarf because it’s so uber-trendy and everywhere at the moment. The problem is, I have wanted one for a reeaallly long time. So I decided this was one of those instances where I shouldn’t not get something simply because it was trendy. It’s sort of the opposite of wearing things because I love them even when they aren’t “in”.

Linking up with: Creative Monday’s Blog Hop and Style To Inspire.

Here’s a little round-up of my favorite looks from the month of October.

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Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Ahhh I love how you styled the super-coveted blankes scarf. I need one of those scarves and your awesome utility jacket. Not at all like Waldo lol. I am wearing my own utility jacket and some plaid and sneakers, today, also.

You had a great October. The Middle and Right Top Outfits and the Left and Middle Bottom Outfits were favorites of mine as well.

Happy 1st Monday of November, Debbie!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Thank you Ada! My fave is the top right.

10 years ago

That scarf looks so cute with stripes!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Taramixandmatch
10 years ago

Thanks Tara!

Coombe Mill
10 years ago

These are great outfits, they all look really autumnal and perfect as the chill is starting to set in. Popping by from Creative Mondays.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Coombe Mill
10 years ago

Thank you!

Doused In Pink
10 years ago

Love your plaid scarf! It’s perfect with the striped top! Great roundup of October outfits!


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Doused In Pink
10 years ago

Thanks so much Jill!

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I love that big scarf! Where did you get it from?

We narrowly escaped getting hit with lots of snow here. We did get about .5 cm which of course didn’t last…but just the thought of it was enough to spoil my weekend. I guess I’d better really enjoy the next couple of days while we are still in the double digits.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I actually found it on Ebay. Word on the street is Target now has one as well.
Winter sucks my friend. Since this year is supposed to be as ignorant as last year we’ll have to bitch to each other for the next 6 months. 🙂

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

It probably will not surprise you that the plaid suit was my fav look ( LOL ) and I hear ya on the trends, I almost did not buy the buffalo plaid dress at Old navy because it was everywhere, but I am a plaid gal and I am so happy that i broke down and got it.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

Nuh uh!! Seriously?! Sometimes I have to remind myself that it’s irrelevant if everyone is wearing something…if I love it, I love it. And that plaid Old Navy dress is fab.

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Waldo really has ruined the red and white striped shirt, hasn’t he? I have a red and white striped dress even that some of my students teased me about looking like Waldo in. Ah, juvenile humor!

So I must be out if it because I’ve not been shopping; blanket scarves are in? I’m still trying to process the Aztec print cardi and whether I want one or not. Sigh. I can never keep up.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Yes, yes he has…the little creep. Yes, blanket scarves are kind of a thing. But based on my love of both plaid and being warm when the polar vortex returns I had to have one.

Anna Baun
10 years ago

I’ve been wearing my plaid blanket scarf just about everywhere I go – and I mean that quite literally. You loook fantastic! I love it paired with stripes! XO


Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Great outfits Debbie and I love your scarf 🙂

Thanks for linking up..

Clairejustine oxox
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Love this look Debbie, pinned and featured this week at the hop..

10 years ago

I loooooove that scarf with your Waldo shirt!!! I also love that we both posted Waldo outfits this week. Of course mine was all out Waldo. :o)


Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Hey, Did you get that Where’s Waldo idea from Modern Family? hmmmm, just wondering. LOL Great look. I am really loving the big sloppy scarf look. Right down my alley.

10 years ago

I have the stupidest question ever: How do you get that tie done on your shoes? I have grey converse and don’t want them in a boring bow, but just can’t seem to figure it out on my own….so lame. Love some insight and help.

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