How is it November already? Was there some sort of rip in the time/space continuum that caused us to skip from May to November? If there was, shouldn’t that have been on CNN or something? At least then I wouldn’t be so confused and maybe would have seen it coming. Not only did I not see November creepin’ up on me like some sort of unwanted stalker, but I swear to you that on Friday it was still Fall, but when I got up Saturday morning it was Winter. Straight up freezing I tell ya. While I was loading groceries into my car I sprouted icicles on my fingers. Okay, maybe it wasn’t quite that cold, but I did feel kind of bitch slapped by Winter.
I love this sweatshirt, it’s actually one of my favorites. But every time I wear it I feel like Waldo. I’m not sure why. I have other striped tops, but only this one makes me feel like people are looking for me. I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Layering and mixed prints all in one sweet little outfit. I thought the plaid and stripes played well together so I went for it. Speaking of the plaid, I almost didn’t get the scarf because it’s so uber-trendy and everywhere at the moment. The problem is, I have wanted one for a reeaallly long time. So I decided this was one of those instances where I shouldn’t not get something simply because it was trendy. It’s sort of the opposite of wearing things because I love them even when they aren’t “in”.
Linking up with: Creative Monday’s Blog Hop and Style To Inspire.