I think my most favorite thing about Spring and warm weather is flowers. I keep cut flowers in the house all year, but it’s just not quite the same as flowers blooming outside in the sunshine. And one of my favorite flowers is the pansy. They don’t have a fragrance, but something about the delicateness and the bright contrasting colors just attracts me. I plant them every year without fail.
They also remind of our first dog, Annie. About a hundred years ago when we first bought our home I started planting my pansies and every year I fought a losing battle with Annie. She’d either be walking through them looking over her shoulder at me or lying contently in the middle of them chewing their little heads off. Sometimes I think she did it simply because it amused her to watch her human come screaming out the back door like a crazed lunatic.
Because life isn’t fair and dogs leave us well before we’re ready to say goodbye, Annie was gone. But I found a stepping stone with pansies on it which I hand painted in her memory and it now sits among my pansies every year to remind me of why I really love pansies more than any of the other flowers.
That being said, you have to forgive my weakness for buying another kimono! The day I ran in to JC Penney for the pink plaid shirt it drew me in like it had a tracking beam on it. Floral prints are a dime a dozen, but pansies?! Seriously, how often do you see a pansy floral print? Not very often my friends, and so it was a done deal. I guess we can call this my “Annie” kimono.
The pink shoes and necklace are my tribute to Renae who is having her first chemo treatment today. I’m wishing you well and sending you lots of hugs and hand holding my friend.
Linking up with: Fashion Item Friday, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Passion For Fashion Link Up, Share-In-Style and Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites.