Seeing me in actual dress pants is much the same as unicorns and the Loch Ness monster. People claim to have seen them, but there isn’t really any proof that it happened. I so rarely wear dress pants that no one can be sure they ever actually saw it. I mean actual dress pants, not colored khakis or printed joggers. I’m not sure why that is. It’s not like I’ve had some dress pants related psychological trauma.
I picked this pair up during the Nordstrom sale a couple months ago. I figured it was just plain silly to not have a pair of black dress pants that was under ten years old. They have a really pretty but subtle textured polka dot print to them that didn’t come out in the photos at all. Trust me, it’s there though. Black dress pants are one of those staple items that every girl should have. They are kind of the universal go-to of the pants world. That’s what attracted me to the textured print; it made standard issue black dress pants a little more special.
The white button down was an easy pairing. The shoes and necklace are the real outfit makers here. The bright pink of the shoes and the ginormous neck bling take the outfit from boring and uninteresting to something even middle school girls think is cool. And believe me, there’s very little that middle school girls find to be cool.
Linking up with: Tres-chic Fashion Link Up, Summer Style Weekly Link Up, Throwback Thursday Link Up. and Spotlight Weekly Link Up.