casual / casual outfit / fall style / JCPenney / Nordstrom / Shein / style tips

Olive Long Vest & Adidas Superstars: Black And White

Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration.

I’ve discovered over the years that life isn’t simply black and white. The varying shades of gray are often endless dependent upon the situation, and this realization often serves to make life easier. We don’t stress so much about the little things…


…Gray areas allow for differing opinions and ideas. Gray areas give us the opportunity to see things through the eyes of others. Thus allowing us to develop empathy and understanding for those with life experiences and feelings outside of our realm of knowledge. Gray areas allow us to learn.

I have this personality trait though that could be viewed as a positive or a negative depending on your point of view. Some situations just flip a switch in my brain, and there is no gray area. It is black and white; an absolute undeniable contrast between right and wrong, plain and simple. Perhaps this quirk comes from my dark and shady childhood. So much was inherently wrong that I developed a very astute sense at an early age of what right and wrong truly was. I saw the unfairness of wrong in stark detail, and felt the helplessness of being unable to make it right.

Hence, as an adult, if something strikes me as wrong, if it goes (at least in my mind) entirely against my principles of fairness I cannot let it go. I have to make it right. If I compromise on what I believe to be right, it will eat at me. It’s almost as if my soul withers away a bit. And sometimes, not surprisingly, when one holds fast to one’s principles people get angry with you. You see, when the gray areas are gone and all that’s left is black and white, empathy becomes a difficult proposition.

Those of you who have been reading the blog for any period of time know through both my style choices and my attitude that I really don’t lose much sleep over what people think of me. But here’s the exception to that rule; it is important to me if the person in question is someone that is relevant to me in some way. Whether it be someone that I love, someone that I like, or simply someone that I respect, their opinions do matter. Unfortunately though, sometimes life is messy. And sometimes those black and white situations arise unexpectedly in relationships that do matter. In that case the temptation can be strong to compromise those deeply ingrained principles of right and wrong.

Here’s the thing though, if we don’t have the tenacity to stand by those things that we truly believe in, even if it’s difficult, even if people that matter get angry with us, then I feel we lose a little piece of ourselves. And at the end of the day who is it that you have to look at in the mirror? I don’t know about you, but when I look in the mirror I want to see me. All of me. So if weathering some anger and perhaps disappointment from others means that I come out of it whole on the other side, then so be it.


Ahhh…my love of all things drapey and flowy and soft is never ending. And this olive long vest I received c/o Shein is perfection on all three counts. And it’s olive. And has pockets. Seriously, it doesn’t get better than that. Now, fashion “rules” dictate that if you’re going flowy and loose on top then you go streamlined on the bottom and vice versa. Being the fan of rules that I am, I did the opposite. Flowy paired with flowy. Loose and flowy olive long vest on top and loose and flowy black pants on the bottom. I kept the necklaces and tee lightweight as well to echo the lightness of the rest of the look. Ground it all with a fine pair of sneaks and you’ve got a perfect combo of comfy and cool.


You can pair two loose fitting pieces if you do it right. The key is in the weight of the material. Bulky + bulky = well, bulky. But keep the material lightweight on both counts (or at least one of the pieces) and you get comfort without taking on the appearance of a refrigerator.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration. Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration. Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration.Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration. Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration. Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration. Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration. Long olive vest, Adidas Superstars and black slouchy pants. Casual outfit inspiration.

Vest: c/o Shein;  Pants: JCPenney (Similar);  Shoes: Nordstrom

**This post was sponsored by Shein, but as always, all opinions are my own.

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7 years ago

Such a great relaxed look Debbie. I like the waterfall vest, especially how you have layered it with other items x

7 years ago

This vest is the perfect layering piece, I love how it drapes!

7 years ago

This is such a cool look! Love your olive vest!’

Doused In Pink

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

It’s true—we should stand up for what we believe in, but I’ll play devil’s advocate, and say there are probably some issues that you have to consider the consequences. Is it worth causing a ruckus? Kinda like war—is the issue worth so many lives?
But really it all depends on the situation, right?
As for the outfit—I just got a long vest like this recently—in gold!! I kinda felt a little overwhelmed in it, but I’m glad you’re wearing it here, so I can get some ideas!!
Happy Thursday, Debbie!

7 years ago

I have this inner turmoil myself. I have strong convictions and beliefs but I also like to make peace and often find myself turning the other cheek in order to do so. Great post.
I am loving this look on you! Your pants are perfect!

xx, Elise

7 years ago

I’m still loving those tennis shoes .. lol. I love how they are a bit old school, but somehow have a modern look.

Maybe it’s that ‘everything old is new again’ theory 😉


Andrea Nine
Andrea Nine
7 years ago

I love drapey and flowy too!! This is beyond gorgeous and oh so fun!! Olive suits you so well!

Bettye Rainwater
7 years ago

Yeah, all that grey, man. It can be tough to maneuver in the real world. Good for you for standing up for what YOU believe. It can be hard, I know, when you’re concerned with the feelings/actions of the other person.

Adulting is hard.

But you LOOK great! I have a very similar olive drapey vest from Target that I haven’t worn yet. You’ve inspired me 🙂


7 years ago

I love your vest – great color & drape! And it works really well with the lightweight flowy pants! Great look! Oh, and each time I see your sneakers I think a bit more that I need some just like them…

And, yes, there are things I also feel I have to stand up for, even if it causes some uncomfortable situations, etc.

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Cool look!

Sheela Goh
7 years ago

This is a tough one. I don’t know. Do the end results justify my sticking to black and white? Or does moving into the grey zone mark more of a truce, a compromise, rather than conceding and going against my principles? I feel that there is no one size fits all here, and would probably let my heart (and not my conscience) lead the way xoxo

Dawn Lucy
7 years ago

I can definitely see you as someone who fights for what they believe in. Good for you! And your look stunning doing it too!

Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!


Dawn Lucy

Linda Cassidy
7 years ago

great outfit Debbie, love the vest on you. I am loving the flashback adidas everywhere too, haven’t gotten mine yet, may soon

7 years ago

Such a lovely combination!

7 years ago

Great post, you put into words what so many of us feel: whether relationships trump ideals. I have to play this one as it goes, while remaining true to myself. It’s tricky, and I do for example, gloss over a lot with my 83 year old mother. That balance of courage and kindness. xox


7 years ago

Very true Deb. I think my hubby sees me as being a more black and white kind of girl, and less grey, but that has changed some over the years. I try and look at things without such restrictions, If you normaly think this way, it has to be a conscious effort!
Your outfit is lovely, i do love the flowy drape of your olive cardigan, and those sneakers look so fun! I need to try and wear my slip ons a bit more for some casual looks.
Have a great week!
jess xx

Anna Parkes
7 years ago

I love this floaty look on you Debbi. The whole outfit is beautifully put together and you wear it with such confidence – you can tell it all feels good.
I’m with you on your comments on standing by your princilples. We have to be able to look ourselves in the eye and know that honesty is our guide. It’s worth it in the long run.

7 years ago

This long, draped olive vest looks as though it was made for your wardrobe. It suits you wonderfully, Debbie. I really like it styled with your tee, joggers and sneaks. Thanks so much for linking up with Fabulous Friday!
A Pocketful of Polka Dots

Michelle Orsi
7 years ago

What a fun outfit! loooove the duster vest – need it in my closet

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