Menu / burgundy ankle boots / chambray shirt / gray jeans / gray t-shirt / JCPenney / JustFab / pink cardigan / Shamelessly Sparkly / statement necklace

On Wednesdays We Wear Pink: Pink Chunky Cardigan, Gray Skinny Jeans And Burgundy Ankle Booties

     It’s Red Ribbon Week (anti-drugs) at school and each day there is a theme. Monday was pajama day and Tuesday was mismatched day, but in light of the fact I had parent conferences I couldn’t play along. It’s kinda hard to be taken seriously when you’re wearing fleece pj’s with bunnies on them…know what I’m sayin’? In all honesty I don’t normally play along anyways unless it’s something that involves relatively normal clothing. Today was pink day so I thought it was time to bust out this fabulous pink cardigan.
     I picked it up on clearance at over the summer for about $15. You can’t beat a chunky knit cardi for $15. And the pink made it perfect because I was wanting to incorporate more pastels into my fall/winter wardrobe. I decided to go with layers so I threw in the chambray over the tee to add another layer of texture. I kept the foundation neutral with the gray jeans and tee and finished it all off with my burgundy booties to pick up the pink in the cardi…and voila…an outfit.

Linking up with:  Whatcha Wearing WednedsdayTres Chic Fashion Link UpWhat I Wore To WorkThrowback Thursday Link UpWorking Girl With StyleSpotlight Weekly Link Up and Thursday Favorites Link Up.

Cardigan: (similar);  Jeans: JCPenney (Old);  Booties: JustFab

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10 years ago

Your cardi is the perfect shade of pink, love it!

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Very cute and love the booties!
Dawn Lucy

Good Girl Gone Glam
10 years ago

I love that cardigan! It’s the perfect shade of pink! Such a fun look!

Dana Jo
10 years ago

Great color combo!! Your cadigen is gorgeous! Fits perfect to denim and looks beautiful with your hair color!
Love your boots!!! 🙂

have a wonderful day dear friend

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

I am in love with the necklace/necklaces?? The pink card is perfect and what a great fall out. Loving your picture on the bench. To bad about the fuzzy PJ’s I would have looked forward to that fashion post LOL. Have a great Day

Aurora Berill
10 years ago
Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

I could really do pajama day! I would love that one. I love the mix of pink, grey and those fabulous burgundy booties!!

from the link up,
please stop by, jess

Stephanie Kastelan
10 years ago

The pink looks so pretty on you. Love the boots and necklace!

Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Great layering Debbie. I love your cozy pink cardigan and beautiful necklace also. I am also wearing Pink today. All your Pink is great for Breast Cancer month, also.

Lorna mai ltd
10 years ago

This is such a stylish and interesting layered look. Your necklace is stunning and I love your booties!

Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

I love all the layers going on Debbie!! Those burgundy boots are gorgeous!!

Thank you so much for linking up to TBT Fashion link up – enjoy your weekend!


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