booties / denim shorts / JCPenney / Levis / target / TJ Maxx / white top

Open Back Booties & Leopard Clutch: Jeans For Genes

open back booties, black blazer, leopard clutch

Today I’m honored to be part of a group of bloggers that Allison of Sydney Fashion Hunter has brought together in support of “Jeans For Genes”. I’m going to keep my commentary short today and let Allison do most of the talking. In a nutshell, the first Friday of August, citizens all over Australia sport their denim and donate funds to Jeans For Genes to raise funding for the Children’s Medical Research Institute, an organization that works towards finding cures for a multitude of childhood diseases. This year Allison decided to take the effort global and has coordinated a group of bloggers from all over the world to take part in bringing awareness to this fine cause.

Before I turn things over to Allison, I have to point out these open back booties. I’ve only worn them twice, but I’m really loving them. I’m not sure if it’s the design or the solidness of the heel, but I’m predicting they’re going to be on heavy rotation once school starts back up in a few weeks. The first time I wore them was also with shorts, but they are going to work super well with skirts and dresses once I start wearing grown up clothes again; believe it or not, work kind of frowns upon shredded denim shorts and black bras under sheer white tops…crazy, right?

I know many of you were on the hunt for a leopard clutch similar to mine. I believe Townhouse Boutique currently has them via their Facebook page so if you’re interested, you might want to check it out. Hey, I’m always lookin’ out for you my friends.

Linking up with: Fun Fashion Friday, Fashion Friday At Mummy’s Got Style, Passion For Fashion, Favorite Fashion Friday, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Charming Friday, Friday Finds, Style Saturday, Link Party With Osy.

open back booties, leopard clutch, black blazer open back booties, leopard clutch, black blazer leopard clutch, layered necklaces open back booties, leopard clutch, black blazer open back booties, leopard clutch, black blazer

Booties: JCPenney (Similar);  Clutch: Similar;  Blazer: Target (Similar);  Shorts: Levis (Similar)

And now I’ll turn it over to Allison:


Sydney Fashion Hunter - Fashion Bloggers For Jeans For Genes

Did you know that globally 1 in 20 kids are born with a birth defect or genetic disease? And that 160,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year? Or that retinal eye disease affects 1 in every 3,000? These are terrifying statistics but there is hope. The Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) is working hard to find real answers to create a healthier future for all children. The first Friday in August is Jeans For Genes day, the major fundraising campaign for CMRI. Today Australians across the country will slip on their favourite jeans and dig deep in their hip pockets in support of this fantastic cause. Every cent counts so please donate whatever you can hereAs a Mum I have been a long time supporter. I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to watch your child suffer a serious illness. Jeans For Genes may be an Australian event but I have decided to step it up a notch and go global! I’ve invited my favourite fashion bloggers from all corners of the Earth to show off their favourite denim to raise awareness and the response has been phenomenal. I know you can’t wait to check them out so read on for all the details …

Please head over to Sydney Fashion Hunter to read more and check out all of the fabulous ladies taking part in this great cause…

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9 years ago

Great look for a great cause. I love how you added a little edgy look with the booties and blazer. And yes, a leoaprd clutch is a must have for everyone! Susan

9 years ago

Very stylish shoes and clutch. And the charity sounds worthy.

Sydney Fashion Hunter
9 years ago

Thanks so much for joining in Debbie … And you looked awesome in your jeans 🙂

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Perfect look and love that clutch! What a good cause too. Thanks for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday!

Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

That clutch is fabulous! Such a great chic look!
Stylin In St. Louis

Tina Bradley
9 years ago

What a fabulous look, Debbie! I adore that leo print clutch and the black blazer. This is a worthy cause. One I also support wholeheartedly! T.

9 years ago

Love that clutch, soooooo cute!!!!

Megan Ballard
9 years ago

Great style for a great cause. I love the bag and you look great in this outfit. Thanks for linking up for Style Saturday. xo~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

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