casual style / Random Musings

Overcoming The Overwhelm + Floral Tie Front Shirt & Denim Shorts

floral tie front top_denim cut offs

When it originally became apparent that the world as we knew it had changed forever, I really struggled with it…


…I had always been very much a creature of habit who craved routine & predictability & all of that was gone in what felt like an instant. I fought it, I tried ignoring it, I obsessed, I worried, I cried. However, it didn’t take too long to realize that the changes were going to happen…with or without me.

I’ve spent the months since then working on myself. I mean really working on myself. I realized that first & foremost I needed to change my mindset; I needed a growth mindset, meaning the belief that I have infinite potential to grow & change & learn if I was open to it. Learning to have a growth mindset leads to all kinds of motivation, creativity & personal growth; and the good news is, it can be learned.

Over time I changed my perceptions & long held beliefs. I let go of negativity & fear. I soul searched. I rewrote my mental mixtape with my own words & in my own voice. I rediscovered the magic in the moments, became more comfortable with uncertainty & change. My confidence grew. I became a different person, a better person.

floral tie front top_denim cut offs

Like all of us, I’m not perfect though. In the last few weeks I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed again. Between the terror of possibly returning to a room packed full of kids, the uncertainty of ever changing school reopening plans & the imminent arrival of weather that will no longer allow me to be outside every spare minute, I’ve felt myself occasionally defaulting to my old ways of thinking. And that simply will not do.

I’ve worked too hard & come too far. I was strong enough to handle it in March so it sure as hell isn’t taking me down now. I’m more aware of my thoughts now than I used to be, so it’s easier to catch myself. Obsessing over the future is a pointless endeavor. All that really matters is the here & now so when I feel myself falling into the abyss I stop and literally redirect myself to anything that anchors me to the now. Whether it be watching my dogs chase butterflies in the yard, writing, going for a walk, yoga, reading a good book…whatever it takes to pull me back in the moment. I’ve again seriously curtailed my reading of the news, and avoid anything that puts me in a negative frame of mind. I focus on me & what brings me joy.

I’ll leave you with this reminder just in case you too find yourself occasionally struggling…

“Instead of focusing on the unknown…Stop. Breathe. Be where you are. All that matters is the now. And remember, no matter what the future throws at you, you’ll handle it like the badass that you are…”

floral tie front top_denim cut offs


I realize this is definitely not the most exciting nor sartorially creative outfit ever, but in the interest of keeping it real I still wanted to share it since I actually wore it & the floral print tie front top is pretty damn cute…it also has a cute criss-crossy back detail that I somehow didn’t include a photo of…guess you’ll have to trust me on that. I acquired it at Walmart a few weeks back. The color, print & ruffles lured me in & the under $10 price sealed the deal.

floral tie front top_denim cut offs floral tie front top_denim cut offs


This particular tip has nothing to do with the outfit or styling per se. This tip is in regard to the Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale. Personally I feel like every year that sale is so over-hyped & over-talked about…by the time it rolls around you’re kinda sick of hearing about it. However, with that being said the NSale does typically provide the perfect opportunity to stock up on pieces that are missing from your wardrobe and/or basics; on many of the items the prices can’t be beat.

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is rewards cardholders (they offer both a store credit and debit card) with early access starting today. The sale opens to the general public on August 19th. I ain’t gonna lie, this year’s sale is pretty lackluster in my opinion. For me, there were exactly zero pieces that I thought “Omg…I’m in love…must have!”

I so always take advantage & stock up on my favorite Natori Feathers bra, which I did this year as well, since they’re close to half off. I can’t recommend this bra highly enough! It’s super comfortable & offers excellent support to bigger busted girls without the added bulk & discomfort. I also picked up a pair of cubic zirconia studs for everyday to wear in my second piercing alongside my diamond studs, as well as a cubic zirconia solitaire necklace in rose gold as it’s the perfect necklace layering basic & will work with most all of my other necklaces. The one “unnecessary” piece that I purchased was this super pretty space dyed stripe sweater for my daughter & I to share.

I’m including the pieces that I purchased as well as a few other things that if I were in need right now, I also would have purchased. If you’re on the market for a nice moto jacket, I highly recommend BlankNYC brand; I’ve linked one below. Almost all of my moto jackets are BlankNYC. They’re high quality and feel & look like real leather. Do keep in mind they run small, so I always size up.

**The prices showing are the original prices since the general public sale doesn’t start until the 19th. If you have a Nordstrom debit or credit card, you have access to the sale prices now & that will be reflected on the Nordstrom site.

floral tie front top_denim cut offs floral tie front top_denim cut offs


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

floral tie front top_denim cut offs floral tie front top_denim cut offs

Top: Walmart;  Shorts: American Eagle (Similar);  Sandals: Payless (Similar)

**This post contains affiliate links. Clicks/purchases made may result in a commission for FFD.

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

You always have such good points Debbie. It is pointless to worry about the future if there’s nothing you can do. What we can do is be better people and help others.

4 years ago

Sometimes I’m thinking about the world as it is now and can get really scared. Is it ever going to be,, normall,,? I don’t know, but like you said, we have no powers over it, so have to make the best. And follow the rules! At least I do….

Lucy Bertoldi
4 years ago

YOu are so on point my friend. Absolutely not worth fretting over the future- or the past…we all have to live in the Now (sometimes easier said than done). Have a wonderful weekend my friend xx

Katherine Keller
Katherine Keller
4 years ago

“Instead of focusing on the unknown…Stop. Breathe. Be where you are. All that matters is the now. And remember, no matter what the future throws at you, you’ll handle it like the badass that you are…”

Love you, dear friend.

4 years ago

debbie, for some reason why do I remember some post you wrote about not teaching anymore?
i always love your posts, they resonate always some way with me…
xo eva

4 years ago

Trying to take it one week at a time here. The last two have been busy with family visiting then getting things ready for school to start. With the boys going 2 days a week starting next week, I am looking forward to establishing a routine: so much laying around and not enough structure in the last 5 months.

Marsha Banks
4 years ago

Back in March, I thought, “I certainly can’t do this, that, or the other thing.” Today, I know there are some things I certainly can do. Most importantly, I’ve learned the value of just being. I am a reformed shopaholic, I guess you’d say. Now, instead of just ordering and thinking of easy returns, I’m being thoughtful about purchases. I’d begun this switch in mindset before the Rona, but I’ve learned I am more than my OOTD. I am a 62 year old woman who wishes she’d waited to retire, a granny to three exceptional young people, and mom to… Read more »

Marsha Banks
Reply to  debbies
4 years ago

Debbie, two of my grandkids went back to school three weeks ago; the other is e-learning. I honestly don’t think schools should reopen. I know they need the structure, the interaction, and, damn, some of them need the food. But, I hate that our kids and teachers are being the guinea pigs in all of this. My youngest son works with little ones with autism. They reopened in May. The kids don’t wear masks, obviously, but the therapists and support staff do. He wasn’t happy about it, but so far, they’ve been ok. If only that abomination in the WH… Read more »

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Such a great message, my friend! I have to constantly redirect myself back to the here and now or I get so lost in my head that I can’t get out! That’s not so good. I am getting better and better each day, however, with facing my fears and moving forward into life instead of trying to hide away. I am loving this cute summer outfit on you, too, my friend. You are like a beautiful, bright, bold, badass butterfly! Love you!


4 years ago

Great post Debbie! Love your outfit, you look totally gorgeous!


4 years ago

What a fun floral top! it looks so cute with the distressed shorts! I hope that things get easier for you soon – you’re right we can’t do much by worrying about the future, we need to take action and focus on what we can change. Right now while there are new restrictions here that came in this weekend we can still visit friends and family so there are a lot of positives! And we will just roll with whatever else happens! Thank you for joining the #weekdaywearlinkup! Hope that you had a lovely weekend 🙂 We managed to attend… Read more »

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