Chadwick's / JCPenney / Old Navy / PacSun / sequin joggers / sequin pants

Party Pants: Sequin Joggers, Gray Sweater And Black Ankle Booties

     Let me start by saying this is a morning post. A five in the morning post. What that means is the witty lobe of my brain is not yet fully functional so how about we just focus on my party pants, shall we?
     I finally decided I needed (okay, who really needs sequin pants?) a pair of sequin pants, preferably joggers. I found a gorgeous pair of navy blue pants via Instagram which I ordered even though they weren’t joggers. Two days after I ordered them, I stumbled upon this pair at JCPenney of all places. I don’t know about the JCP where you live, but ours is about the size of a mini mart, and they keep the approximately twelve really cool items they have tucked away around the corner behind the shoe department. That’s where this little bundle of sparkly fabulosity was hiding. So now I’ll have two pairs of sequin pants. Don’t judge. It’s always good to have options, right?

Linking up with: Random Wednesday At Because Shanna Said SoStyle Me WednesdayWednesday Blog HopBeautiful You Link UpThrowback ThursdayWhat I Wore To WorkSpotlight Weekly Link UpThursday Favorites.

Pants: JCPenney;  Sweater: Old Navy;  Boots: PacSun (Old);  Coat: Chadwick’s (Old)

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9 years ago

OMG, those pants are amazing! And your hair looks fab!

Elegance and Mommyhood
9 years ago

OMG, your hair is absolutely awesome. Love the darker red. And thanks for reminding me that I own pretty much identical pants purchased in Spring and never worn. Shame on me. I need to find them and wear them. Thanks for inspiring me to, Debbie.

Irene Papadopoulou
9 years ago

love the trousers!


Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

WOW! You’re knocking it out of the park, Girlfriend! Those pants are so cool! You totally pull them off! And your hair looks amazing too!
Dawn Lucy

Tiina L
9 years ago

New Hair!!! You look so rock and roll.

9 years ago

I need to go to my local JCP and try a pair of those awesome things on!!! Well, assuming they have a pair in the store here. I am so curious to see how they feel on my legs. You styled these pants sooooo perfectly…can’t wait to see how else you wear them. :o)


Tiffany Ima
9 years ago

What a fun look! Love those pants and the coat

Thanks for linking to Beautiful You!

Tiffany Ima
Style Honestly

Clairejustine oxox
9 years ago

Oh wow, love your party pants Debbie 🙂

Thanks for linking up …

Idu Emeziem
9 years ago

Those pants are stunning Debbie. I love this whole look so much.

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

Wow those are some great pants Debbie!! I wished I had the courage to rock them, I still struggle with sequin tops even though I have a couple of them.


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