How’s this for something out of the ordinary? Me, dressed all professional-like…
…yes, I’m mixing prints and wearing a bright pink blazer, but still, professional nonetheless. What prompted this unexpected turn of events? Midlife crisis? Menopause induced dementia? No. That would be having to do a presentation about my program to a team of auditors from the Pennsylvania Department of Special Education, our entire special education department and our district administrators. Honestly, it was because of the auditors because after all of these years my coworkers are used to my uh, shall we say, unconventional fashion choices.
I stressed over it for days. Public speaking is one of those things that while I’m certainly capable, it’s not at the top of my list of things that makes me giddy with joy. It probably falls somewhere between a root canal and a head cold as far as enjoyment goes. Originally I jotted down some notes, but in reality I’m more of an off the cuff sort of girl so I decided to just wing it. When I got there I saw that one of the other teachers had a stack of note cards. Color coded cards. My principal, who was also speaking had a beautiful handout with pictures. And guess who was third in line to speak? Um, can you say “self-doubt”?
But much like a roller coaster, once you’re strapped in and creeping slowly up that first gargantuan hill, there ain’t no gettin’ off the ride. So I did it. Completely off the top of my head. And you know what? I could have probably talked for another hour 10 minutes. The thing is, I really truly love what I do. Perhaps it’s not cool to say that, but I don’t care. And trust me, I could talk about it ad nauseum. That’s why I boldly walked into that room with no notes. I knew if I tried to follow something even remotely scripted it would confine me and take the passion out of what I had to say.
Much like not wanting to restrict my words, I just couldn’t allow a more professional look to totally take over my “me-ness”. Originally I had a perfectly nice burgundy sheath dress with a black blazer, thin layered gold necklaces and black pumps picked out. Yes, it was pretty, but it was super seriously professional. And super seriously not me. I would have felt uncomfortable and not like myself which would have in turn thrown me off my game. While it’s true that sometimes you need to dress for the occasion, it’s equally important to not lose yourself in the outfit. So I kept the same basic structure to the outfit, but added subtle print mixing, bold color through the pink blazer and a statement necklace.
Simple, but important changes; the look remained perfectly acceptable for public speaking, but still retained some of the basic elements of my personal style.
While we are often required to dress according to certain societal standards for specific situations, it’s so important to find a way to retain your individuality. Even if it’s something as simple as jewelry or a pair of shoes, make sure you add something that speaks to who you are.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Blazer: JCPenney; Dress: Poppy & Dot (Similar, Similar); Shoes: Target (No longer available)
Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card or Cash (via Paypal) – winner’s choice
Co-hosts: It’s Kristin / Film+Fashion+Fun / A Noted Life / SWEET HAUTE / Lawyer Lookbook / Silicon Valley Lodge / Peyton’s Penny Pinching Momma / Jenns Blah Blah Blog / Not a Trophy Wife / Stylish Adventures with AL / With A City Dream / La Joie de Vivre / TonieGirl / High Latitude Style / Foxy’s Domestic Side / Six One Six / Well Put Together Blog / Maple and Mint / Girl Meets Bow / Tabler Party Of Two / Feline Creatures /Fashion Fairy Dust / Taffeta & Tulips
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 11/27 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.
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