brown ankle boots / brown dress pants / Charlotte Russe / GAP / Headline Boutique / JCPenney / layered necklaces

Pink Moto Jacket & Baseball Tee: “Those” Pants

I’m pretty sure most of us have them. You know, “those” pants? The pair that is actually too big to wear but you keep ’em around for the days when you’re feeling a little less than sleek. Well, these are “those” pants for me. Actually when I’m at my normal weight they are too big to wear at all; even with a belt they look simply too big. Sadly enough right now they fit perfectly. Um ya, that’s not a good thing. No, this isn’t a woe is me rant about how ginormous I am when in reality I know I’m not. But what I am is not the weight I feel and look best at. Therefore, I will fix it. I always do; it’s not uncommon for my weight to fluctuate because all I need to do is look at a cupcake and my ass takes that as a signal to squirrel away fat cells like a grizzly getting ready to hibernate. And after years of training for bodybuilding I know a thing or two about food manipulation so it’s an easy enough remedy. These pants fitting well was as motivational as an infomercial at 1 a.m.

With that being said, I was going to go the professional route and pair them with a white button down and cardigan, you know,  just to confuse you guys. But I just couldn’t do it. Hence the baseball tee and pink moto jacket. Ya, that’s the ticket. Keepin’ it real my friends, keepin’ it real. I haven’t worn this particular pair of boots in literally years, so I decided to give them a run before they go back to their summer home in the attic. As much as I love my big obnoxious statement necklaces, lately I’ve been feeling serious love for the delicate layered look. I picked this necklace up last month at Headline Boutique and it’s that perfect jumble of delicate eclectic awesomeness. How was that for a mouth full of adjectives?

Linking up with:  Turning Heads Tuesday, Confident Twosday, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Tremendous Tuesday, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me, Random Wednesdays.

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Baseball Tee: JCPenney (Old);  Pants: GAP (Old);  Moto Jacket: Charlotte Russe (Old);  Necklace: Headline Boutique

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9 years ago

love the baseball tee! casual and chic!


9 years ago

Great jacket and tee. It’s funny how different the standards for size and fit are between the sexes. Most men would say these pants fit you perfectly because this is how loose men wear their pants normally. Only women wear them tighter.

9 years ago

Cute combination! I’m feeling you on the pant fit thing. I am trying to get myself motivated to move now that it’s warmer again and I actually feel like doing more than sit on the sofa and snuggle in. 🙁 I am also loving delicate layered necklaces at the moment and this one is fabulous!

9 years ago

It would have been strange to see you in a white button down, lol – this look is so you! I love that moto jacket – and we all fluctuate our weight – especially during the winter! Once the weather warms up and I can be more active outside I find the winter weight wanders off.
All that said – you look great at any size!

9 years ago

When you and I show up in white button downs we know we need to get to the hospital STAT.

I wish I could deal with extra pounds that creep back on so efficiently.

I actually really like those pants.


Linda A Cassidy
9 years ago

great look and man do I feel your pain, not ginormous but feeling that way, so I am now on the shed the winter layers not just in clothes mode. I have Florida in 5 weeks so hopefully that is my motivation ( and the fact that my fav things are not feeling very comfortable)

9 years ago

Hi Deb!
I really like the pants on you, and I think it is so neat that you were into bodybuilding. Before my illness, I was biking and training for a triathalon. Cant do it now. On to your clothes, I love the pink on you, and the moto jacket is so pretty!! ( poshmark? lol) I just bought a pink faux leather from their myself. You look great

Thank you for being a part of Turning Heads Tuesday!

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