The official Webster’s definition of school is “an institution for the teaching of children”. That’s sounds like a big bag of fun doesn’t it? And it’s no secret that unfortunately school is currently all about teaching children to pass a government mandated test; which sounds about as exciting as dry toast and water for breakfast every day for the rest of your life…
…So many aspects of the way the world operates nowadays sucks much of the joy out of childhood. The constant school testing, the banishment of birthday treats and holiday candy from classrooms, active shooter drills, online/social media bullying, the push to grow up too fast; it’s all just so much. Sometimes we need to remember to simply allow them to be kids…to goof off, to have fun, simply to laugh, to enjoy being a child if only for a moment.
Yesterday of course, was Halloween and that in and of itself is a big deal. The kids are permitted to wear their costumes all day and the vast majority of them go all out. At the end of the day there is a big costume contest which they love, and yesterday we added a pumpkin smashing competition where kids entered their names in a drawing and if they were picked they got the chance to compete against the teacher of their choice as well as the principal and the superintendent. All of that was a blast for the kids, but the real magic? That happened at lunch.
What’s so special about lunch on Halloween? Well, yesterday the principal decided to have music, loud danceable music, played over the speakers in the cafeteria. Since I have lunch duty I was lucky enough to witness it from beginning to end. As they came pouring into the cafeteria and heard the music their faces just lit up, they bopped through the line to get their food and were dancing in their seats while they ate.
The noise level was off the hook, but you know what? It was good noise. Happy noise. The kind of noise that does the heart good to hear once in awhile. As soon as they finished eating the dancing commenced; line dances, general flailing about like only twelve year old boys who think they have rhythm can do, and a giant conga line even snaked through the cafeteria. The cafeteria ladies even joined in on the fun…and any of you who work in a public school know what a coup that was.
Something that one little sixth grade boy said to the principal summed it all up. Yesterday was his very first day at our school as he had just moved to the district. He came up to her during the lunch dance party and said, “I was really nervous to come here, but you know what? I’m not scared anymore.” That my friends is what it’s all about. School needs to be more than a place where we educate children. It’s needs to be a place where they aren’t scared, where they can be happy, and where, if only for a moment…or a lunch period…they can be free to be a child.
You guys know what day it is…okay, maybe you don’t…it’s the first Tuesday of the month so that means it’s time for the November edition of the Ageless Style Link Up. This month’s theme is all about “Comfortable Holiday Shopping Outfits”. Now, if I’m shopping strictly for myself I’ll typically wear something that is easy to try clothes on over top of i.e. a cami or tank top, leggings and slip on shoes. Yes, I’m that lazy. If I can avoid the fitting room, I do.
But since holiday shopping is about shopping for everyone else (and it’s often a marathon), comfort is key. There’s nothing I hate more than lugging around a heavy winter coat while in the mall so lighter layers are essential. The pink moto jacket, and lightweight scarf and sweater are perfect choices. There’s enough layering for warmth when dashing from the car to the doors, but not so much as to weigh me down while trawling the stores for the perfect gifts.
And since I’ve been sorta, kinda, a little bit obsessing over wearing pastels in the Fall and upcoming Winter, the pink moto jacket and pastel hued scarf were right on the money. A low heeled boot or sneaker are also required for miles of indoor walking. The Vince Camuto gray ankle boots that I scored during the Nordstrom sale are just right for cardio shopping. Loose fitting boyfriend jeans are the final piece in the shopping comfort puzzle.
Today is a two-fer. First of all, light layers are key to comfortable holiday shopping. You’ll be warm enough to brave the parking lot wind tunnel, but not uncomfortably hot while surrounded by frenzied holiday shoppers all while still looking stylish and pulled together. Second, let’s start a color revolution…pastels are seasonless. Say it. Mean it. Believe it.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Jacket: Charlotte Russe (Similar); Sweater: Walmart (Similar); Boots: Nordstrom; Jeans: GAP (Similar)
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