Century 21 / GAP / jeans / Lulu's / necklace / shirt / style tips / vest

Pink Moto Vest & Floral Shirt: April Showers

pink moto vest, floral shirt, boyfriend jeans

If you happen to follow me on Instagram and/or know of my obsession with the weather then today’s topic should be easy to guess…


…No guess? Okay, the photo above was taken on Friday, April 8th in the afternoon. It wasn’t a balmy afternoon, but it was warm enough that I wasn’t chilled to the bone taking the photos. Now take a gander at this shot taken Saturday, April 9th in the morning:

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Yes, it is a rather fabulous manicure if I do say so myself, but that’s not why we’re here. Look past the nails my friends. Do you see that?? Your eyes are not deceiving you. Nor is this an example of the artistry of Photoshop. That is indeed a winter coat and snow boots that you cannot see because they are buried in about 7 inches of snow. Seven. Inches. Of snow. In April, the day after the other shots in this post were taken. I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be April showers, not April blizzards. This is Pennsylvania and we certainly aren’t strangers to chilly days in April. It’s to be expected. But a boatload of snow? Ya, that’s not the norm. Especially not when the day before the leaves were green, the birds were singing, and a jacket sufficed as outerwear. I’m not a fan of Winter by any stretch of the imagination, but snow would have been nice in  say, December. You know, at Christmas time when it was about 50 degrees outside. Tragically, my daffodils, tulips and hyacinths were all casualties of the freak snowstorm. My hyacinths aren’t even visible; they are completely buried. The crazy thing is, tomorrow it’s supposed to be in the 50’s, and by the end of the week, sunny and the mid to upper 60’s. I know this phrase is played out, but for real…go home Mother Nature, you’re drunk.


At first glance you might not notice, but this outfit is eclectic dressing at it’s finest. I combined country with biker chick and a dash of boho thrown in for good measure. I don’t know about you, but when I’m getting dressed I don’t put a whole lot of thought into whether or not the pieces “go together”. I think more along the lines of whether or not they “work together”. In this instance I chose a very country-esque shirt (trust me, the details make it “girls day out at the rodeo” appropriate) and paired it with this pink moto vest which would normally be more on the edgy side, but the blush color softens it up. The ankle boots and lariat necklace finish it off with a touch of boho.


When blending elements with different vibes you want to be sure they work together cohesively. In this case, I used color (pink, brown/tan) to tie everything together into one specially blended outfit.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

pink moto vest, floral shirt, boyfriend jeans pink moto vest, floral shirt, boyfriend jeans pink moto vest, floral shirt, boyfriend jeans pink moto vest, floral shirt, boyfriend jeans pink moto vest, floral shirt, boyfriend jeans pink moto vest, floral shirt, boyfriend jeans pink moto vest, floral shirt, boyfriend jeans

Vest: Century 21;  Shirt: Rue 21 (Similar);  Jeans: GAP (Similar);  Boots: Lulu’s


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Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card

Co-hosts: Avec Amber // Coupons and Freebies Mom // Stylish Adventures with AL //  Jenns Blah Blah Blog // The Mommyhood Mentor® // Dorky’s Deals // Lauryncakes // TheBoxQueen // A Labour of Life // Fashion Fairy Dust

Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!

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8 years ago

It snowed by me too this weekend, though not 7 inches….I can’t get over the crazy weather we are having! You look like spring perfection though!

8 years ago

Oh, love it – biker chic and boho, and those fab socks/boots. Awesome manicure too! thanks for linking, xo


8 years ago

I feel ya. This spring sucks. Big time. We got a little bit of snow yesterday and it was cold all weekend. Today it is warmer and raining, but still this isn’t spring!

I love this soft pink on you.


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

I’ve been describing the weather as bipolar lately when it does this!! It adds a nice variety (sarcasm intended) but since we have no control over it—might as well play along, right?
I love the addition of socks with this look–I pretty much got rid of all of mine in the last years, so I might need to go shopping!!

8 years ago

Great look Debbie, you take the most beautiful pictures too. Love your nails!! Hope the snow didn’t last long!? I am looking forward to sunshine and warm weather 🙂

Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

8 years ago

Very comfy look! simply beautiful!

8 years ago

Wow good luck with the weather Deb but this is the perfect look to bridge the seasons – Have a lovely Tuesday!


Megan Ballard
8 years ago

Love the moto vest and floral mix. Super cute. xo~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

8 years ago

We got snow over the weekend too. Love the pretty floral styled with the edgy vest! You look fab!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

Love the blush pink vest with the bit of rugged boots, love the whole look on you. Snow begone! I know I am ready for warm temps too already. My hubby’s parentslive near Philly and yes, snow in April.
Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday
jess xx

8 years ago

Loving this vest – such a cool piece

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