Century 21 / clutch / GAP / pumps / scarf / style tips / tee / tee shirt / vest

Pink Moto Vest & Nude Pumps: With A Capital “B”


pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch

Have you ever given much thought about what other people think of you? I don’t necessarily mean whether or not they like you or if they approve of what you do or don’t  do…


…I mean their actual perception of who you are; your “persona” if you will. Over the years at work I’ve developed a reputation for being someone who takes no shit. Not from anyone. Not any day of the week. The funny thing is, I am by nature a non-confrontational person. Seriously. If there is any way I can avoid a confrontation I will. Like the plague; or wearing tights.

Typically, as in 99.9% of the time, if I’m worked up enough over a situation to open my mouth, it’s because I view something as being inherently wrong. It’s something that needs defended or addressed. And I have a zero tolerance policy for BS. I don’t go off all willy-nilly and half-cocked just to piss people off. My intention is never to make someone feel badly or to be a bitch simply for the sport of it. There has to be a solid reason. Otherwise I just keep to myself and do my own thing. I also don’t necessarily go out looking for confrontation. Most days the farthest I venture from my room is across the hall to use the restroom. Sometimes, for reasons beyond my comprehension, people will simply bring it to me. I could be irritated about something, but have absolutely no intention of doing anything about it. But if it is brought directly into my world, then well, don’t go off pouting with your tail between your legs after I speak my mind.

The crux of the situation is that while it is a good thing (in my opinion) to be viewed as someone who speaks their mind when it’s necessary, we all know what the flip side of that is; especially if you’re a woman. You are a bitch. With a capital “B”. No. No one has actually ever said that to me directly. But I’m not naive, I’m pretty cognizant of how the world works. At the end of the day does it really matter? Not so much. I know who I am, and if I can look myself in the eye in the mirror and be proud of what I see, then that’s all that truly matters. But it is unfair and an entirely inaccurate assessment. By labeling and thus judging someone based solely on one aspect of their personality you miss out on all of the other good stuff. And wouldn’t another view of someone who has no qualms about voicing their opinion be a person who is passionate and dedicated to their beliefs? That’s a positive in my book. But hey, that’s just me, voicing my opinion.


Even though I love the look of layered outerwear, I mean for crying out loud, I did an entire post about it I still often forget to do it. After the fact, I think “Crap…I should have layered that jacket!” This was one of those days where it occurred to me ahead of time. I absolutely adore this blush pink moto vest and it adds so much to the denim jacket when they are layered together. I’m also a slacker in the denim on denim department. It’s not that I don’t like it, I just don’t do it very often. It definitely works as long as the denim is two different shades. And the floaty piece of delightfulness around my neck? Believe it or not, I found it at our local tiny family owned pharmacy…who knew? The sweet little rose gold sequin clutch? A local craft store for $5 thank you very much. Sometimes you find the coolest stuff in the strangest places.


Layer your outerwear whenever the opportunity presents itself. It adds a whole other dimension to your outfit. To avoid bulk, make sure that either both layers are lightweight and/or one of the layers is a vest of some sort.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch

pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch

pink moto vest, nude pumps, sequin clutch

Vest: Century 21 (Similar);  Jacket: Express (Similar);  Pumps: Amazon (Similar);  Clutch: Similar;  Jeans: GAP via Poshmark (Similar)

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8 years ago

It’s a shame that we get a bad rap for standing up for ourselves sometimes and you’re right, when people judge, they miss out on the good stuff! Love your blush vest and pretty scarf! This is such a cool look!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

You’re right that sexism colors this subject because being strong and assertive, like you, is not always encouraged in girls and women. I’m glad you overcome that and are yourself.

Me? Well… most people who get to know me personally like me (often, a lot) but a few people who pre-judge me because of who they guess I am (wrongly) sometimes reject me. Maybe you know what I’m talking about…

8 years ago

If you were a man you’d just be considered strong and focused.


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

I agree with Suzanne —especially when I was a boss—I’m sure that “b” word was used many a times!!
But hey….we should be ourselves—label or no label!
ps…love this vest!

Erin Haight
8 years ago

Truth is we all can be a bitch……but why does being someone who takes no shit have to be labeled anything other than assertive?! I dig it. Good for you…..I love you as is lady! (ps cute shoes!!) Erin

8 years ago

I am so not one to care what opinions of me are especially in the workplace. I do me period. Not sure if it’s a good or bad thing but it works, works for me. But gosh, I adore how you infuse the prettiest colors into your looks. Amazing!!!!

8 years ago

i think it is just confidence and believing in ones beliefs! I love the blush vest..i think all things blush! A great color for all skin tones. Lovely colored scarf and I dig those shoes Deb😀

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Oh the double standards between the sexes really annoys me. A man would be called assertive, yet we’re labelled bitches when we voice our opinion, express confidence and live our lives without taking any BS. Oh well, I’d rather be true to myself than a wallflower.
I love everything about this outfit from top to toe especially the softness of the scarf against the denim and the moto. And isn’t it great when you find items in the most unusual places? That always gives me a kick.

8 years ago

This vest is such a cool piece! Love the combo of hard and soft with the moto details but soft color!

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