JCPenney / off the shoulder top / sandals / shorts / style tips / target / TJ Maxx

Pink Off The Shoulder Top & Cargo Shorts: Not Your Usual #NSale Post

pink off the shoulder top, cargo shorts, turquoise sandals

I know, I know…it seems like everywhere you go in the blogosphere at the moment all that you see is #NSale…


…or in layman’s terms, the annual Nordstrom Anniversary sale. Now, I’m not going to lie to you; I’m just as obsessed as the next fashion lover. For real, some of the deals just cannot be beat. As soon as the early access was available, I was on it my friends. I literally spent hours, spread out over the course of a day or so, not at one stretch, going through and thinning the herd until I had it narrowed down to my favorites. Actually, last week while I was cruising around reading your blogs, commenting and linking up, I had a window open to the Nordstrom sale and I kept flipping back and forth. Obsess much? Anyway, the way I operate is I go through everything and when an item lights up the part of my brain that says, “You need that in order to live” I toss it in my cart. Once I’m all done sorting through everything, I go to my cart and narrow it down to what I really must have in order to continue functioning in the world. Anything that doesn’t make the final cut goes to my “Save For Later”section. Now I’m no newbie to the Nordstrom website. I know that you need to be signed in to your account to both have early access to the sale as well as to save items for later. I do that a lot. I’ll see things I love, but don’t necessarily need and I’ll save them for later just in case I change my mind or they go on crazy sale.

I decided to be conservative for my first go ’round this year and I purchased only one thing. Crazy, right? Ahhh…but that one thing…absolute heaven I tell ya. It’s the BLANKNYC Easy Rider Faux Leather Moto Jacket. This is no Forever 21 faux leather moto. Oh, no…this is delicious, like butter faux leather. You could leave out the “faux” and most people wouldn’t know the difference. It’s as nice as my real moto jacket, but without the bulk and weight. Absolutely yummy. And my mini will benefit because I shall now bequeath to her my Forever 21 jacket which will cause her to bust out in a happy dance. But alas, I digress from my original story…

I returned to the Nordstrom site yesterday (and today in the hopes I was imagining things), and oh the horror, it wasn’t my imagination…my Saved For Later list was nonexistent. Gone. Vanished. No, it’s not because the items sold out; even when things sell out they remain on the list until you remove them. All that effort for naught…#firstworldproblems. I realize there are far bigger issues in the world, hell, there are far bigger issues in my life. But sometimes it’s just a great distraction to bitch about meaningless frivolities don’t you think? And while it is indeed a meaningless frivolity that my Nordstrom Saved For Later List went MIA, it is no less irritating that I put so much time and actual thought into it only for it to succumb to some glitch in the Nordstrom site. That moto jacket sure did cheer me up though…


You guys…cargo shorts! Not denim boyfriend shorts. Actual cargo shorts made of a fabric other than denim. With no rips or frays. Can you seriously believe it? I happened upon them at, where else? JCPenney. It’s not so much JCP is my favorite; it just so happens to be the only reasonably acceptable store within 15 minutes of my house. Hence, my overabundance of JCPenney merchandise. These shorts are actually St. John’s Bay which is a brand that typically skews…ahem…older. Here’s the thing though. I’m an equal opportunity shopper. I own things from the men’s department, boy’s, girl’s, and junior’s departments as well as cardigans from the geriatric section at Walmart. It’s not necessarily where you buy it, it’s how you style it. Hey, that’s a pretty good catchphrase; I’m going to have to start using it on a regular basis.

What can I say about this blush pink off the shoulder top? I am having an ongoing love affair with all things blush pink that started last winter, and off the shoulder tops are on the top of my list this summer. So a blush pink off the shoulder top? Yes, please. I’ve worn this a bunch of times this summer, but somehow this is it’s first blog appearance. The blue version made it back when I had styled it for work in May. The pops of turquoise I threw in just for fun. Yep, I’m wild like that.


It’s not necessarily where you buy it, it’s how you style it. See how I did that? I took that nifty little catchphrase and turned it into a tip. And a pretty damn good one in my opinion.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

pink off the shoulder top, cargo shorts, turquoise sandals pink off the shoulder top, cargo shorts, turquoise sandalspink off the shoulder top, cargo shorts, turquoise sandals pink off the shoulder top, cargo shorts, turquoise sandalspink off the shoulder top, cargo shorts, turquoise sandals pink off the shoulder top, cargo shorts, turquoise sandals pink off the shoulder top, cargo shorts, turquoise sandals

Top: TJ Maxx (Similar);  Shorts: JCPenney;  Sandals: Target (Similar)

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8 years ago

Love how you mixed that soft top with a tough bottom!

The 2nd installment of my festival style campaign with UK brand BOOHOO is now live at the blog – come check it out and lemme know what you think!

Happy Wednesday!


Erin Haight
8 years ago

I kinda really think I need those shorts!!! OMG love the feminine touch with the flowey top…so much goodness

8 years ago

Oooh! Sweet jacket! I’m like you, I spent the same amount of time and was sucked into the ModCloth 40% off sale items event. I spent far too much time online putting things in my cart, taking them out, adding them to my “save for later” list etc. I kept trying to talk myself out of all of it, hoping somehow they would be sold out when I went to pay. It didn’t happen . My twitching “I MUST have it!” blogger finger snapped up those 80% off items. Now I’m holding my breath hoping I don’t regret it all… Read more »

8 years ago

Great top. Love the color and off-shoulder style.

8 years ago

Such a pretty top Debbie. Love that style 🙂

Thanks for linking up..

8 years ago

“Not where you buy it but how you style it “is such a great catchphrase. . .and you are living proof.. You look so girly and cute here and I love your outfit. Enjoy!

8 years ago

Your faux leather jacket find sounds absolutely perfect & high quality. Now that’s a good mix. :]

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

You hit the nail on the head Debbie—of course it doesn’t matter where you buy it (or what size the darn thing is)—but how you make it speak on your body is the language of clothes!! I love the addition of a turquoise blue in this outfit–and I’m a huge cold shoulder top lover! I just want you to know that you’ve been my inspiration for wearing these spaghetti strapped ones—I wouldn’t have considered it before. But why not? Thanks for being such a great role model!! As for shopping and sales—I’m done with reading about the sale—show me the… Read more »

8 years ago

What a nice jacket you scored and this outfit is just too cute on you Debbie.
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo

8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

8 years ago

LOVE your top! The color is beautiful! Great look!

xx, Elise

8 years ago

Thank you, Debbie, for the upgrade to my faux leather moto jacket! I just purchased the one you mentioned in this post. The one I already have has big shoulders even though I took out the shoulder pads. If anyone wants it in size medium, let me know! Lol

Monica P
8 years ago

You know, I looked at the Nordstrom sale and .. didn’t find clothing/shoes that I HAD to have, but you did get me curious about that moto jacket .. may have to try that baby on !!


Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

Great shorts. Great top. Great sandals. Great jewelry. Great tip,. Great post. Need I say more?

Thanks for linking up with me On the Edge of the Week. I hope you will join me again this week!


Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

I went a bit overboard and ordered a bunch of stuff from the NSale. Now I have to figure out what to keep. Love the OTS with the cargo shorts.

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


8 years ago

I Love these colors together! Your top looks great on you and is unexpected with the cargo shorts, but works so well. And the new moto jacket is amazing. Great piece to select from the sale. I feel like I am the only blogger to not post anything about the #NSale… Haha! Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday, Debbie! Hope to see you back this week.

Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots

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