boots / Lulu's / shirt / skirt / statement necklace / style tips / tulle skirt / vest

Pink Tulle Skirt & Floral Ankle Boots: Wild Audacity

pink tulle skirt, floral print ankle boots, chambray shirt

While some things become more difficult as we get older, there are a few things that become easier…


…and one of those things is speaking your mind. You know those incredibly fabulous older ladies that just fearlessly share their thoughts with the world, loud and proud? Those older ladies that when you’re within earshot, you think, “Wow! Did she just say that out loud?” I’m pleased to say that I’m slowly but surely morphing into one. When I was younger, I always admired that sort of wild audacity that some older women had to say what was right even when other people didn’t particularly like it. I was too afraid to do it for myself though; I learned young and hard that the best way to stay safe was to keep your mouth shut. The older I’ve gotten though, I’ve discovered that in some cases safety is overrated. Assertively stating what you believe in your heart to be right is, at least for me, the only way to stay true to yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t just spout off all willy-nilly with no good reason just to get a rise out of people. I’m talking about opening your mouth when it really matters. For example when something is diametrically opposed to your core beliefs; or when something is so wrong it makes your heart heart; or when someone who can’t protect themselves needs protecting. These are the times that I cannot keep my mouth shut. By “cannot” I mean my mouth has a mind of it’s own. It’s in charge and I’m just along for the ride. And you know what? There’s something incredibly freeing about getting to that place in life; that place where you know that even though it may seem risky, it’s kind of fabulous being that wildly audacious older woman.


Pink tulle over 50? Um, ya. Why the hell not? It’s floofy, it’s pretty and it looks like cotton candy, so why shouldn’t I wear it. I apologize for doing the “been there, done that” pairing of tulle and chambray. But seriously, there’s a reason that every blogger and her 2nd cousin have paired tulle and chambray; because they just work together that’s why.  Now, can we talk about these boots? I know that I often think something I’ve gotten is the best thing ever, but I swear to you, I can’t imagine there ever coming a day when these are not the best ankle boots ever to grace my closet. I mean c’mon, they’re leather (super soft leather I might add), they have a perfect low walkable heel, and hello….they’re floral print! And not just any floral print, a beautiful soft muted pastel floral print. Absolute heaven in boot form my friends.


Yes, yes, yes. You can wear tulle over 40, over 50, or over whatever milestone birthday with a “0” in it that you might be. Even pink tulle; don’t fear the pink tulle. It’s simply too beautiful to ignore. Unless of course your opposed to pink, in which case you can feel free to ignore it. The key is in the styling. Since a tulle skirt is uber-girly just by definition alone, you need to be careful when pairing it with other ultra-feminine pieces. Whenever I wear one of my tulle skirts, I always pair it with something that is either edgy and kind of badass, like a moto jacket (here) or tomboy-ish like Converse (here). I got away with the floral print in my footwear because the print happens to be on a pair of non-girly ankle boots. Combine too many feminine pieces with tulle and you risk venturing into territory where only 1-7 year olds can tread.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…


pink tulle skirt, chambray shirt, floral print ankle boots floral necklace pink tulle skirt, chambray shirt, floral print ankle boots pink tulle skirt, chambray shirt, floral print ankle boots pink tulle skirt, chambray shirt, floral print ankle boots pink tulle skirt, chambray shirt, floral print ankle boots pink tulle skirt, chambray shirt, floral print ankle boots pink tulle skirt, chambray shirt, floral print ankle boots pink tulle skirt, chambray shirt, floral print ankle boots

Skirt: Amazon (Similar);  Boots: Lulu’s;  Shirt: JCPenney (Similar)

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Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

LOVE pink tulle and denim. Love ANY tulle and denim. Love tulle. Love denim. Ha.

I feel as I’ve hit fifty-mumblemumble-something my ACTIONS are more “audacious,” but I still find it hard to get words out of my mouth. I hope I live long enough to reach the point where I can say whatever’s on my mind without the anxiety I have now of sounding stupid or foolish or whatever.

I love that bracelet you wear with the heavy links and the blue stone.


8 years ago

Love tulle, and i REALLY love the ankle boots!
I have 3 tulle skirts (ballet pink, navy and black), and need to get past the feeling of playing dress up when I put them on.
Every time you style one, I get braver. I loved the blue one you styled recently as well.
Please continue to inspire us!
Thank you.

Reply to  LaureyG
8 years ago

OK, so you are the ONLY blogger that actually gets me to buy things…
Scored the boots on Amazon for $42 (in beige, not quite as pink), and picked up a cream, and a khaki tulle skirt for under $20 each, also on Amazon.
Unbelievable how inspirational you are for me. Now if it would just stop snowing, i could wear them comfortably. There is always Easter!

8 years ago

I agree that you can wear tulle at any age as long as it is done right. Beautiful boots. Thanks for stopping by the Linkup, have a great weekend!

xo Sheree
IG: @poshclassymom

Dawn Lucy
8 years ago

Fairy princess! Styled perfectly! Thanks so much for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday & have a great weekend!

Dawn Lucy

8 years ago

this pink tulle skirt is so pretty on you and glad to see you proving that you can wear it at any age! perfect with the chambray!

cute & little

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

You know me, Debbie, the words “no” and “inappropriate” do not even exist in my vocabulary let alone my sartorial sensibilities so I say hells yeah to tulle. To bling. To animal print. To anything we damn please 🙂


8 years ago

Okay…you have convinced me that I need some tulle in my life.
Tulle and denim!
Those boots….ahhh, LOVE.
And, that gorgeous necklace.
Great look!

8 years ago

Love the tulle with the denim. Tulle skirts are my favourite, I’ve not worn mine in a while. You look fab! xx/Madison
Spring Style

8 years ago

Finally loaded, yay! I love ‘The Story’. I tend to hold back when it’s not my business but will not hesitate to load it on when it’s needed. Way to be, I love it. Age is just a number and we are as old as we feel. Is that even how that saying goes. Throwing my hands up. But I’m a huge fan of tulle and pink like you said is too pretty to ignore. I never quite put it that way but that’s the reason I love all things pink and purple. While chambray and tulle may be so… Read more »

8 years ago

Love your skirt Debbie >I want<!!

Haha, I have just started to say to people what I think when maybe I shouldn't!! Don't it make you feel good!?

Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop…

Liz @ Downtown Demure
8 years ago

Love it! I’m not apart of your target audience, but that’s exactly how I wear my pink tulle (minus the cute booties because I don’t own any). Lovely look, dear!

Liz @ Downtown Demure

Suzy Turner
8 years ago

OMG I totally LOVE this look and you’re ROCKIN it!! Absolutely gorgeous!!
Suzy x

8 years ago

It’s quite the edgy look especially with the rose print booties which I love. In fact even if it’s been done before, I think the chambray and pink tulle go well together and never get boring. I’m working on my own DIY version that’s been years in the making but now that I see your photos, maybe it’s time I pick it back up and finish it 😉

8 years ago

oh my god, this skirt is freakin’ amazing Debbie! absolutely love how you styled it xx

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