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Pink Wide Leg Pants & Chambray Shirt: Fashion As Therapy

Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots.

I apologize for the sudden and unannounced radio silence. I don’t think that I’ve gone two weeks without posting since I started blogging 5 years ago. I want to thank those of you who contacted me; your kindness means more to me than I could ever tell you…


…I experienced a major unexpected loss which led to an equally unexpected implosion of my entire identity. While that may sound hyperbolic, believe me, it isn’t. I am going through some shit right now; both mentally and emotionally. I’m not trying to be all cryptic and secretive, I’m simply not ready to write about any of it yet, although I did want to give you all a reason for my sudden absence. I definitely will write about it in time, as there will be much learned about myself and about life that I will want to share. Which leads me to today’s story. Why do I write the things that I do?

When I first started blogging, I simply wanted to share outfits and styling ideas because I have loved fashion since I was a little girl. Another thing that I’ve loved since I was quite young is writing, and over time as I got more comfortable with blogging I decided that the blog could serve a dual purpose. Writing has always been a safe way for me to share my feelings, thoughts and ideas. In the world that I was raised sharing those things verbally was not only frowned upon, it could be downright dangerous. To this day, I keep my feelings pretty close to the vest and will often write letters to express difficult feelings. I realize that may sound ridiculous, but some life lessons ingrained in you from an early age are difficult to overcome. In any case, over time, the blog became an outlet for the writing itch that never went away.

I write my little stories not only for myself, but for anyone who finds them worth reading. If something that I’ve written gives someone a giggle, or leads them to look at an issue from a different perspective, or allows someone to feel less alone then I’ve accomplished what I set out to do. Occasionally something that I write angers people, both online and in real life. That’s okay too. Everyone is entitled to their feelings just as I am entitled to mine. That’s the true beauty of the written word. If done right, it inspires feelings whether they be joy, relief, self-reflection, anger or a connection with someone else in the world.

There have been times that I’ve considered a separate blog for my ramblings. Sometimes the story and the fashion seem to be in disharmony. For example, if I’m writing about something painful or dark, it seems almost trite to then discuss an outfit. Here’s the realization that I’ve come to though…at least for me, my outfits and my feelings are intertwined. What I choose to wear is yet another way to express who I am and what I’m feeling. Sharing an outfit is also a very visual way to remind myself that no matter what is going on in my world, life does go on. Even when I’m feeling broken-hearted and lost, I still have to get dressed in the morning. Putting together an outfit provides at least a temporary respite from all of it. So to me it makes sense to combine the two; fashion as a form of therapy…now there’s an idea I can get behind.


I’m not going to even pretend that I hit “transitional dressing” right with this one; pictures don’t lie my friends. I swear when I left the house in the morning it was in the 50’s. Obviously by the time that I left work that was not the case…so there I was in my very Spring outfit standing in a mini-blizzard. Fortunately though, it appears that at the time I’m writing this Winter has headed back to wherever it is that she spends the Summer months.

I fell in love with these pants from Free People the second that I saw them last year. They are so loose and flowy that they are almost skirt-like. They’re also super lightweight which makes them perfect for warmer temperatures. Mini blizzards? Not so much.

They’re perfect with a cute tank top in the Summer, but since it isn’t Summer yet, I topped them with a chambray shirt. Chambray shirts are like the denim jacket of the shirt world; they work with the majority of the pieces in your closet. I finished the look with my tan ankle boots and a buttery soft leather western belt to add a bit more interest to the look.


Never underestimate the power of a chambray shirt. They work as a top or a light jacket, and they pair perfectly with just about anything.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots.Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots. Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots.Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots. Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots.Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots. Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots.Pink wide leg pants, chambray shirt and ankle boots.

Pants: Free People (Similar);  Shirt: JCPenney (Similar);  Boots: Aldo (Similar);  Belt: Amazon (Similar)

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6 years ago

I have been thinking about you Debbie, and still sending many hugs and love!
If I didn’t know better, I’d think you lived here in Denver…that’s the kind of bipolar weather we get in this season!

Sheela Goh
6 years ago

As superficial as it may seem to those who have not experienced it, getting dress is therapy. It was the only thing that kept me going 3 years ago. So I understand your words, Debbie, and will be there to listen if you ever have need of another pair of ears. Much love.

6 years ago

So sorry for your loss Debbie:(

I do adore this outfit and absolutely understand having 2 (or sometimes 3, lol) seasons in the same day! As much as I am over winter – these pictures honestly turned out GORGEOUS!!! Love this entire look!

Black Coffee Beautiful

Julie D Harbour
6 years ago

Praying that things turn around. I love your blog, Debbie.
i’m tagging you in a blog post. hope you will join!

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

Been thinking of you friend, glad to see you again! I agree wholeheartedly; writing is therapeutic and you do it so well. I enjoy writing too and am starting to become more comfortable writing more and sharing more on my blog. You always inspire me to think a little deeper, feel a little more, so yes, you are accomplishing your mission! The snow is definitely working for you here my friend – these photos are gorgeous! And I can’t help but see the irony here – you dress for the day and it’s spring-like outside and then bam! A mini… Read more »

6 years ago

So sorry you’ve been dealt a blow, dear friend. I am sending healing thoughts to you. Remember that old 70’s song, “I never promised you a rose garden”? It sounds snarky, but there’s truth in it – we have to face a lot of shit in our lives, and not give up hope. Just sorry you had to face a storm, in your life and in your pic. You look wonderful as per always. Let’s go for a coffee now, xox


Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear you’ve have a rough time of it. I love the you share you share your inner feelings along with your style. I feel as if I’m getting to know a friend as the months roll on. I hope you are doing a little better – sending you hugs Debbie xxx

6 years ago

That look is so cute!! I love it.

6 years ago

Absolutely love this look my friend! You are gorgeous! I think the snow has a lesson for us all. There are times when our life seems Rosy but then the unexpected smacks us in the face. Snow can be cold and down right painful when not prepared. It can also represent a pure blanket of beauty when admired from our place of comfort. It is important to not overlook the beauty even when it’s hard to see through the pain. It is also important to know that your friends love you very much and I am here to love you… Read more »

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

So glad to see you back. I hope each day brings more sun to your life. Love you to my friend. BTW, of course I love your outfit too! And the snowy pics….my kinda of pics for sure! I love the outdoors and all that it brings! xo, Cindy

Emma Peach
6 years ago

So sorry to hear you’re having a difficult time Debbie. I hope you’re ok. Sending you hugs. Beautiful photos.

Emma xxx

6 years ago

I am so sorry that all is not going well in your life. Don’t know what else to say, only then that I feel for you.

6 years ago

Sending you hugs and best wishes, horrible to have things happen to us like this and I’m so sorry to hear it.
I do love your outfit and the snow seems in the distant past. Please do stop by and join my #giveaway and #chicnadstylish #linkup Jacqui Mummabstylish

6 years ago

I am so sorry to hear of your situation and whatever is going on. Blogging and writing is so therapeutic even if you do it in a journal. I love these pictures and how whimsical they are!

Claire Justice
6 years ago

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Debbie. I can not imagine what you are going through 🙁 xx

I always love to stop by and see what you are wearing and also read your stories, I think your outfits and stories combined make you unique and stand out more as a blogger for me. I am always looking forward to reading what you write about next.

Beautiful photos.

6 years ago

I feel ya, sister. Take your time getting yourself sorted out. We’ll still be here.



Yvadney @ Mums That Slay
6 years ago

I’m sorry for your loss! Nothing can prepare you for the feelings you experience in that process.

Secondly, we have been experiencing bizarre weather like that in the UK, you rock that outfit well. I’m in love with those trousers.

Yvadney x

Nicole at High Latitude Style
6 years ago

You look stunning in this outfit. It looks like where you live spring isn’t sure either whether or not to show up. That’s quite a snow storm.

Jessica A Jannenga
6 years ago

Beautiful pictures Debbie, I like the pink cast they have. I am sorry to hear of your loss and troubles. I understand what you are saying about blogging, as I too, have always liked writing . I used to write short stories when I was younger, and I do devote one day of the week on the blog to something other than fashion.. ie deeper topics. I think both are a means of self-expression/creativity.
Hugs to you!
jess xx

6 years ago

The photos look absolutely dreamy! I hope you will be well again…

6 years ago

Debbie, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and the trials you’ve been undergoing. I know you wrote this post awhile ago, but I’m sure that things are all rosy at this point as all difficult things take time to process and heal…sometimes a lifetime, right? And I know what you mean about writing, I’m not the best but boy do I love to pour out feelings in words. And I think you do a great job at that! I’ve always been drawn to your style and when time permits I enjoy reading about your life happenings. Also, it’s… Read more »

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