Boohoo / booties / cardigan / duster / JCPenney / leggings / Nordstrom / Pink Blush Boutique / style tips / tee / tee shirt

Plaid Duster & Faux Leather Leggings: Voices

Plaid duster collage2

Have you ever given any thought to the origin of the voices in your head…


…really, that’s a totally serious question. I don’t mean the ones that tell you to do insanely wild things that you’d never actually do in real life (although I sometimes think it might be kinda fun to listen to those voices once in awhile), I mean the voices that oftentimes dictate what we do and how we feel about ourselves and the world.

I’ve always fancied myself to be somewhat of an armchair psychologist. The why’s and how’s of the mind have always fascinated me. Actually, there was a point in time that I truly wanted to go to college and medical school to become a psychiatrist. Do you know why I didn’t? My high school guidance counselor told me that I wasn’t smart enough for college and medical school; nor did I even have what it took to be a teacher. No, I’m not making that up. Give that guy an educator of the year award, am I right? How’s that for a voice in your head? I had a pretty heinous childhood and came from the wrong side of the tracks (both literally and figuratively) and coming from a small town, people had no qualms about letting me know that all that was expected of me was to spend my life in the trailer park producing numerous babies and living off the system. Add to that a significant family member who always made sure that I knew that no matter what I did I was never enough (good enough, smart enough, pretty enough…you get the idea) and you have a recipe for disaster, right? In this case no.

As epically awful as all of that was, those voices actually served me well. They made me who I am today. That rebel voice that tells me I can wear ripped boyfriend jeans over 50? Ya, that’s the very same voice that told me I was better than everything they said I was. That voice told me that living in the trailer park barely getting by on minimum wage wasn’t good enough for me. Those awful nasty voices gave birth to the voice that told me that come hell or high water, I would put myself through college and become everything they said I couldn’t. And you know what? I did.

No, those voices aren’t gone. I don’t think they ever truly go away. But over the years I’ve learned how to ignore them and on the days that they are hard to ignore, I find ways to work around them. Yes, I have days where something happens or someone is cruel to me, and in my head I’m again that young girl who was never good enough, but now I’m wise enough to step away for awhile and get my head back on right. And whenever possible, I entirely avoid situations or people who make me feel that way. The reason I have worked so hard to get to the place in my life, that for the most part, I honestly don’t care what other people think of me is that you cannot ever let other people define who you are. Do not ever give someone else that power. You define who you are. The only voice that really matters is your own.


Enough serious stuff. Let’s get to the style. Dusters, in particular plaid dusters, are one of my go-to items. While I’m crazy about them I can see how what amounts to an uber-long plaid shirt might be overwhelming to style for the less adventurous amongst us. Don’t fear the duster…I have some ideas for you to make it less intimidating.

Although this plaid duster is probably the trickiest one to style in my collection due to the long sleeves, it’s the one I’ve gotten the most mileage out of. It’s a lightweight sheer fabric so that makes the sleeves easier to layer under other things like the white cardigan I’m wearing with it in today’s post. I loosely tied it with the belt that came with it so that the white tee and faux leather leggings would be visible. Last summer I wore it loose and entirely open over a striped tank dress. Not only did it add a fun hit of print mix, but it also provided a light layer when I hit the air conditioning inside. Finally, last winter I styled it as a full-on dress. I simply layered it over a turtleneck and leggings for warmth and coverage, added a few strategic pins to secure it and cinched it with a belt…like magic, it’s a dress. See, nothing to fear here.


If you don’t already own one, give a duster a try. And if you do own one, look at it as more than a long shirt. Try layering it both over and under other things in your closet. Belt it, don’t belt it. Add a scarf or a statement necklace to change things up. The possibilities are endless. Okay, maybe not endless, but there are a lot of options for styling it.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Plaid duster collage

Striped tank dress original post, Duster as dress original post

plaid duster, faux leather leggings, long cardigan plaid duster, faux leather leggings, long cardigan statement necklace plaid duster, faux leather leggings, long cardigan plaid duster, faux leather leggings, long cardigan plaid duster, faux leather leggings, long cardigan plaid duster, faux leather leggings, long cardigan plaid duster, faux leather leggings, long cardigan plaid duster, faux leather leggings, long cardigan

Plaid duster: Boohoo (Similar);  Cardigan: JCPenney;  Leggings: Nordstrom;  Boots: Pink Blush (Same)

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9 years ago

Great post.


Jodie filogomo
9 years ago

Love seeing one item a couple ways! It really makes you feel creative! Heck…I think you should try wearing a black leather skirt over it especially if the hem hangs out under it! jodie

9 years ago

A super versatile piece! Plus it’s nice that a duster is in a plaid material as they are usually in a sweater material 🙂

Nice to see something different.


Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Amen, Sister! Thank God you rebelled against those evil voices with your own true strong, bright and beautiful voice! I also have a bit of that “not good enough” nonsense in my head so I get that totally.

And of course you know I love this plaid duster!

Thanks so much for coming to the Fun Fashion Friday party & hope your weekend is wonderful!

Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

I have followed your blog for a long time, but have never commented. Tonight, I just have to say a couple of things. First, as a former special educator (retired in Indiana), I love the passion you have for your kids. Some of mine have now made me a grandteacher (you know…they’re your kids forever and then they have kids so that makes you their grandteacher). Secondly, I am also vertically challenged so I enjoy seeing your ootds. Finally, although I didn’t grow up on the wrong side of the tracks and I had only a few hags in my… Read more »

Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
9 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Great styling tips! You rock!

9 years ago

Great photos!!! Love your style!

Darlene Fadem
9 years ago

Love all three ways you styled it! BTW, I’m linking back to an old post of yours on Monday…involving that embroidered camo jacket we both own. 😉

9 years ago

Debbie, that Duster with the striped dress is driving me a little crazy!
I love that clash of patterns. Punchy yet still elegant.
It is making me long for a little heat in the Scottish air.
Luckily your layered up look is also fabulous, especially with that cheeky peep of leather.
Cold weather has it’s positives too!

Jaymie Ashcraft
9 years ago

I need a duster!!

Anna Parkes
9 years ago

Debbie I think you’re brave to open up and share all as you have today. I echo your sentiments and think you have a lot to be proud of. My upbringing was tough too, but I maintain that it’s what gave me the drive and determination to be who I am now. You with have more empathy because of your journey and that’s so good for all who encounter you, particularly the youngsters you educate. You clearly love your job, and do it well, so what on earth did that careers guy know way back then? I’ve never come across… Read more »

9 years ago

Thanks for sharing such a personal story with us, Debbie. I am so glad those voices spurred you on to become the person you are today.

I really like the different ways you have styled your plaid duster and will be taking some notes! A few months ago I bought a blue and white plaid duster and had you in mind when I saw it. 🙂

Amy Ann
Amy Ann
9 years ago

Glad you didn’t listen to those voices! Love seeing the three totally different and awesome ways you styled this outfit.

Amy Ann
Straight A Style

Suzy Turner
9 years ago

If I saw that duster in a shop, I’d probably walk right past it and not give it the time of day but seeing it on you, well, it looks amazing! I’ll be more attentive next time lol
As for the voices in your head, I’m so glad that something so downright awful ultimately had a positive effect on you.
Suzy x

9 years ago

Great duster. I love styling items more than one way. You look GREAT!


9 years ago

So cool to see the different ways you’ve worn this duster! I loved it with the striped dress

9 years ago

So glad you’re able to get your head back. Gosh peeps are so harsh with words. Glad you rose above it all to become who you are today. A beautiful strong woman. An educator that moulds lives. So proud of you Debbie. Ok, that duster is every darn thang! I’m in love. You look amazing darling.

9 years ago

I’m sorry you had to endure hearing such obscene things from someone we were taught to look up to and take their opinion seriously. Seriously…I can’t believe he actually said that to you. But if you have a knack for these things, just like fashion, who needs a degree unless it was to prescribe meds…I bet you would be really awesome at it. I also love the plaid with the stripes, it’s really emerging now the pattern mix.

9 years ago

I love the post, and the alternatives that you propose. The dress is beautiful, and looks have prepared are fantastic.

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