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Plaid Slip Dress & Striped Top: My Style Soul Sister

Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas.

Last week I talked about old friends…


…This week I’m turning the topic to a relatively new breed of friend; those we discover online. Whether it be via blogging or Instagram or some other form of social media, technology has opened up the world for us, and in essence made it a much smaller place. At the touch of a keystroke we’re now able to find kindred spirits whom we otherwise wouldn’t have known existed.

In the four years that I have been blogging, I have been fortunate to “meet” so many excellent human beings. Some of those women are acquaintances, some are buddies, but a few are truly my friends and in some cases, long lost style sisters. The lovely Ann at is definitely one of my style soul sisters. She’s quirky, she’s fun and she is hands down, one of the most creative geniuses at putting together a look that I’ve ever seen. Since we are literally worlds apart, she’s in Hong Kong and I’m in Pennsylvania, we would have never ever met had it not been for technology and blogging.

Ann and I really have a similar aesthetic when it comes to putting together an outfit. We often see one another’s outfits and think, “Damn girl, I must copy that look!” So when Ann messaged me a few months ago with the idea to collaborate I was all for it. We set a budget and then each of us shopped around for pieces that we thought we both would love. The idea was, once we found a piece that we could agree on, we would both purchase it and style it without consulting one another on how we were styling it. Our looks would be a surprise to one another. Which brings us to today. Here we both are, in all of our sartorial glory, to share with you how we individually styled the same top on opposite sides of the world.


This plaid slip dress really gets a lot of play. Typically I style it during the colder months (here and here); something about the red plaid just says cold weather to me. Even so, the fact that it’s a slip dress and it’s lightweight allow it to translate well to any season.

When Ann and I set out to find a piece that we both loved, we truly thought this top was a hands-down winner. The thing is though, sometimes when you’re shopping online, how a piece looks on your monitor and how it translates into real life are not the same thing. Sadly that was the case with this top. Neither one of us were really loving it. The problem? The cute little peplum is cut way up high on the sides which makes it blouse out in a really unflattering manner. Now you all know that I don’t get too caught up in how flattering something is if I truly love it. But this top? Um, no.

Initially I had it layered over the dress. Yuck. I tried a plethora of different belts to try to rein in the wild erstwhile peplum, but to no avail. Finally, I resigned myself to leaving it unbelted. About midway through the morning at work, I simply couldn’t take it anymore. I thought, “Hey…why not layer the dress over the top instead of the other way around?” Fortunately, that was much better than the top over the dress even though the peplum caused the slip dress to pouf out a bit.

Ann chose to pair the top with a fabulous little leather mini and crazy cute bag. Somehow she managed to make the peplum behave itself. Maybe it was her mad styling skills or maybe some superhuman posing abilities…perhaps we’ll never know. In any case, doesn’t she look outstanding?

Definitely take a moment and stop by to find out the details on how Ann styled the top. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed and I have no doubt you’ll become a repeat visitor.


If you own a piece of clothing that you don’t quite love, try styling it in an unconventional way. This top is an example. The peplum was too flouncy for my liking so I disguised it under the dress. One might not think to do that simply because the point of the peplum is for it to be seen. Sometimes you just need to think outside of the box to make something work for you.

 **Don’t forget to enter the JORD Wood Watch Giveaway!! It’s easy to enter…details and entry link below!**


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas. Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas.Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas. Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas.Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas. Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas.Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas. Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas.Plaid slip dress, striped top and Adidas.

Dress: Target (Similar);  Top: Shein;  Jacket: Similar;  Adidas: Nordstrom


**Jord Wood Watch Contest**

What could possibly be better than a wood watch? How about $100 towards a Jord Wood Watch of your own! Simply click the link, enter your name and email address and you’ll be entered to win $100 towards the watch of your choice. One lucky person will win, but everyone who enters receives a code worth $25 once the contest ends!!

The giveaway will close June 25, 2017 at 11:59pm. Both the $100 and the $25 codes will expire on September 30, 2017.

Enter the giveaway here!

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Nancy Baten
7 years ago

Isn t it fabulous how you find great Friends through blogging! Did you ever meet in real life?

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Now that’s totally being creative, Debbie!! It’s funny how sometimes the items don’t behave like you think they should!!
But you showed it who’s boss!! Nicely done!!
And isn’t Ann fabulous?? I love how she DIYs too!!

Melanie Sunukjian
7 years ago

I found you through another fashion blogger’s link up and as a 43 year old mama and business woman, I totally appreciate your boldness about looking great at any age! I wonder if you have heard of Trades of HOPE for all your Fair Trade accessory needs? We empower women around the world out of poverty and sex-trafficking by bringing their beautiful jewelry, scarves, bags, gifts, and decor to market here in the US. Win-win! We are always looking for more fashionable, passionate and savvy women to join our world changing sisterhood and become Compassionate Entrepreneurs to advocate for the… Read more »

7 years ago

I love the stripes with the plaid. The way Ann styled it makes it look like a completely different top! Love it.

7 years ago

Debbie, I had a lot of fun with this. Are you up for it for July!?

I love this dress–you already know that. Did you choose it intentionally because you knew that or was it subconscious by chance?

Yep, gotta think out of the box sometimes. You nailed it with this one. For me, I posed with my elbows holding it in. My sister (she used to be a photographer) gave me that posing trick!

Let’s do it again, k?! I love shopping with my style sister!!

Love, Ann

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

Debbie! You both nailed this top! I love the print mixing you did and the slip dress over the top is perfect to reign in all that flouncy material. You look adorable! And Ann looks so chic with the mini skirt option. I think having the narrow skirt made the top more doable. Too much material on the bottom would have made everything look to poofy! Excellent job ladies. I love both your styles and your outfits. – Amy

7 years ago

You look stunning. You prove that plaid works also in summer. Great look. Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party.

Suzy Turner
7 years ago

You both rock that top beautifully! I love reading both yours and Ann’s blogs – you both have rocking style!
Suzy xx

7 years ago

Oh, how I loved seeing you and Ann collaborating together! She is the sweetest and I can totally see the two of you as style soul sisters. 🙂 I do really like the top you selected, it is unfortunate the peplum was hard to tame. The sleeves and back details are wonderful.

7 years ago

I agree, sometimes we buy a certain piece to pair it with something and then it doesn’t work out and we tend to give up. But try it with something you never thought always works for me. Both of you girls look great!
Thank you for linking up with Weekend Wear


Cheryl Tucker
7 years ago

Oh wow! How fun is this post. I didn’t at first notice that you were both wearing the same top. You both styled it wonderfully! It is a very cute top for sure. Peace!
Cheryl Tucker

jess jannenga
7 years ago

Great idea Debbie,! I like how different each of your styling is! The stripes with the plaid looks so interesting, love it! The addition of the embroidered jean jacket gives it another fun and interesting layer and I love those sneakers! I have been wearing mine alot.. off the blog!
Thanks for linking!
jess xx

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